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Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Appeal In front of the Chinese Embassy in Gothenburg
2003-01-15 -
Falun Gong Practitioners Initiated Worldwide 3-Day Appeal to Stop the Killing in China of Innocent Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-01-15In response to escalating reports of death by persecution in China (news), practitioners and supporters of Falun Gong around the world will hold public activities during a three-day, worldwide appeal, calling for an end to the killing. The activities include peaceful appeals in front of Chinese embassies and consulates, candlelight vigils, and press conferences.
UK: Spreading Falun Dafa in the Capital of Wales
2003-01-14Many people spent a long time reading the display boards and expressed their dismay and shock after learning of the Jiang regimes suppression of those who merely want to practise meditative exercises and be good people. After they spoke with practitioners, they were eager to sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution.
A Letter of Response from Specially Appointed Members of a Human Rights Committee in Russia
2003-01-14"After reading these materials, I think Falun Gong practitioners are walking a road to return to their original, true self."
Germany: Practitioners in Hamburg Join Worldwide Appeal to Stop the Killing
2003-01-14 -
EFIC: Falun Gong Practitioners Initiate Worldwide 3-Day Appeal to Stop the Killing in China
2003-01-13Since November 2002, the EFIC has received 43 individual reports of practitioners of Falun Gong being beaten, tortured, and killed by authorities in China. 22 of the deaths reported actually occurred after November 1, while the remaining cases occurred prior to November.
UK: Appeal Begins Outside Chinese Embassy and Consulate to Stop the Killing in China
2003-01-13This evening, practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Embassy in London, to call for an end to the killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Despite the cold weather, and very short notice, practitioners from different parts of the country came to protest at the alarming number of recent death cases of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and to demand an end to the Jiang regimes three year long campaign of terror against innocent and kind-hearted people.
Denmark: Practitioners Join Worldwide Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy in Copenhagen
2003-01-13 -
Poland: Three Falun Gong Seminars at the University of Lodz
2003-01-13Some time ago, some practitioners revealed the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong to the editor of a student magazine. Because the editor-in-chief was so touched by the details given, practitioners were given two full pages to write an article, and also were permitted to use a picture of a practitioner doing the sitting meditation
Russia: Human Rights Protection Centre expresses Respect for Practitioners who follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance
2003-01-13Even though the members of our Centre are not Falun Gong practitioners, we would like to express our deep respects toward practitioners who follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.
Finnish President Halonen Admits making a Mistake in Statement on China
2003-01-13My mistake was, and I say it here publicly, that I didnt include in my statement that there is, of course, much to correct [in China]
The First Italian Dafa Practitioners Experience Sharing Meeting
2003-01-13Practitioners shared their experiences with open hearts. Anything unclear was discussed and understandings were shared. Teacher Li had emphasized several times in the recent articles on the compassion between practitioners, so we all realized it was the problem that we should pay more attention to. Any misunderstandings between practitioners in the past also disappeared because of the kindness everyone had towards one another.
Ukraine: Social Orientation and Prospect Research Centre Confirm Falun Gong is Good for Society
2003-01-12We think that Falun Gong is a method of personal cultivation that is beneficial to society. It can improve peoples health and upgrade their moral standards. This practice can beautify peoples hearts, improve interpersonal relationships, eliminate various habits that are harmful to the mind and body, and rectify the adverse effects of certain quasi-religious practices have had on the modern society (especially on young people).
Sweden: Young Practitioners Tell of the Courageous Story of Xu Song
2003-01-12As they revealed the story of brutality and torture to the weekend shoppers in Gothenburg, many stopped to talk with these two young men, to give some words of encouragement and/or sign their petition addressed to the UN. A couple who had just signed the petition were asked, What do you think about what the boys are doing? Without hesitation, they said; Great! What they are doing is good. This concerns us too. We know about what is happening.
Amnesty International in Germany: Economic reform cant guarantee the improvement of human rights
2003-01-12Amnesty International had appealed for the Prime Minister of the Federation to express his stance during his visit to China from December 29 to 31: anti-terrorism cannot be used as an excuse to harm internationally recognised human rights. Mr. Pleiter warned, Silence will be thought of as acceptance of the Chinese leaders behaviour.