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Member of European Parliament Writes Letter of Support for Rights of Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-03"I indeed support your cause on behalf of the Falun Gong and do not believe any regime should be allowed to get away with using bullying tactics, particularly to the extent that the Chinese regime has done in this case."
Sweden: Practitioners Promote Dafa Despite a Heavy Snowfall
2002-11-02Despite the heavy snow, people were attracted to the energy field of Dafa practitioners. They read every display board thoroughly. A lady learned the exercises on the spot with great interest, even though the weather was very cold.
Letter from UK MEP Caroline Jackson to Hong Kong Chief Executive
2002-11-02"I very much hope that you will use your powers to ensure that there is no repeat of the most regrettable incidents in the spring of this year when Falun Gong practitioners were treated very badly by police who seem to have been out of control. If Hong Kong wants to be a part of the modern world, it needs to leave behind the kind of mindset that has produced the proposal for its 'subversion' law."
Financial Times: Hong Kong's plans for sedition laws cause alarm
2002-11-02The likely effect of the new laws is to raise growing levels of self-censorship in Hong Kong on issues sensitive to China such as Taiwan and Tibet and the Falun Gong, a spiritual group banned in China but legal in Hong Kong.
Forbes: Subverting Hong Kong's Markets
2002-11-02"Five years after Britain handed Hong Kong over to China, the Hong Kong government says it will enact a law prohibiting acts of treason, secession, sedition and subversion against the Chinese government. The business community--particularly the foreign business community--worries that China's definition of these crimes will be far stricter than that of most liberal democracies."
FDI: Husband Disappears in China after Wife Files Lawsuit with UN against Jiang Zemin
2002-11-02Mrs. Zeng said: "Given that my husband is not a Falun Gong practitioner, I can imagine no other reason for his arrest except for the purpose to keep him as a hostage to threaten me. I would like to ask: if this is not terrorism, what is?"
AFP: Falun Gong member says husband taken hostage by China
2002-11-02A Falun Gong practitioner claims that her husband has been taken hostage by Beijing police after she filed a lawsuit against China's leadership for human rights abuses..."I can't imagine any other reason for his arrest except to keep him as a hostage to threaten me," she said.
EU Foreign Ministry: We are monitoring the developments in Hong Kong closely
2002-11-01The Office of Chris Patten, the EU Commissioner for External Affairs, wrote to a Falun Gong practitioner in September. The letter stated: "Concerning the development in Hong Kong, our delegation is monitoring them closely".
French Presidential Office Express Concern over the Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-11-01France and her European partners have been attentively following [details of the persecution of Falun Gong] since 1999..France seizes each high-level bilateral meeting to address the issue of human rights, as during the recent visit to France by the Chinese Prime Minister, Mr. Zhu Rongji
Eloy News (US): Open-Web policy for China
2002-11-01"Contrary to the drumbeat sounded in recent years by some advocates of engagement, China's willingness to engage in the world economy has not translated into evolution toward democracy, nor an improvement in religious, human, or worker rights.Indeed, the government of China remains in many respects the enemy of its own people, imprisoning dissidents and clamping down on nearly all forms of free expression."
Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) : Counters to Chinese Checkers
2002-11-01"The Communist Party has always seen the media's primary role as rallying public support for the party and its policies. So when the Internet came along, it was no surprise that the party wanted to control it, too, even as it recognized the Net's economic and educational benefits. The party's biggest concern is that the Internet could be used by foreign or indigenous organizations, such as the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement."
BusinessWeek: In Hong Kong, Security or Suffocation?
2002-11-01"It's almost as if officials are deliberately setting out to subvert Hong Kong's international image. Why does the government want to accelerate the process if, as it professes, the proposed new laws will be rarely utilized, and there's no immediate plan to use them? It's almost as if Ip and her crowd are trying to scare investors away from Hong Kong."
AFP: China arrests husband of Falungong [practitioner] who sued Jiang
2002-11-01"Given that my husband is not a Falungong practitioner, I can imagine no other reason for his arrest except for the purpose to keep him as a hostage to threaten me. I would like to ask: If this is not terrorism, what is?" Zeng said
SCMP: Japanese demands China free wife held as Falun Gong devotee
2002-11-01"Kaneko said he visited his wife, Yoko, in August in a Chinese labour camp where she is serving an 18-month term. "Not only has she lost weight, but I could see she was suffering mentally," he said..."She was slow and quiet, not even able to fix her eyes on me," Kaneko said. "I could not help wondering if she could survive the 18 months' labour camp life and come back to Japan alive.""
Czech Republic: Practitioners introduce Falun Gong at an Esoteric Health Festival
2002-10-31There were many people who had already learnt about Falun Dafa either from the TV or while we were practising the exercises in different Czech cities. Some were very happy when they heard that they could learn the exercises at a seminar that was to take place on the afternoon of the same day.