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Finland: Clarifying the Truth of the Persecution at the Chinese Embassy in Finland
2002-10-31Last week, during Jiang Zemins visit to the United States and Mexico, practitioners in Helsinki, Finland gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy every day to Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation - send forth righteous thoughts. This can be understood as a type of meditation.] and clarify the truth to passers by.
France: Activities Outside the Chinese Embassy in France
2002-10-31 -
Ireland: Photo Report of Activities Outside the Chinese Embassy in Dublin
2002-10-31From the 26th to the 28th, Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland went to the Chinese Embassy in Dublin to appeal against the persecution andto Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation - Send Righteous Thoughts. This can be understood as a type of meditation].
Belgium: European Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify Truth in Brussels
2002-10-31In order to support the recent truth clarification activities in the US, European practitioners promoted Dafa and clarified the truth in Brussels, Belgium.
French Radio Station Report: 64 US House Representatives Co-signed a letter to President Bush urging him to raise Falun Gong Issues When Meeting with the Head of PRC.
2002-10-31[The website] indicated that Falun Gong practitioner Mei Yu-lan was tortured to death by stuffing food through her mouth in No. 607 ward in Chao-Yang Detention Centre after she had been on a hunger strike [to protest her illegal detention].
Daily Times: Letters to the Editor - Don't forget China as threat to U.S.
2002-10-31"Ever since Falun Gong has become popular in the U.S. for its positive effects to health and well being, there has been detailed documentation about how Jiang has interfered with all levels of government, through the long arm of his embassies and consulates. Defamatory letters and phone calls have been placed, or personal visits have been made, incorporating vicious propaganda. Scare tactics have implied diplomatic and economic pressure."
Fort Wayne News Sentinel: Protest greets Chinese leader in stopover
2002-10-31"About 100 people, mostly followers of the spiritual movement Falun Gong, protested at the airport with banners appealing for the government to end persecution of its followers..Followers of the spiritual movement participated in meditative exercises at the airport and in front of the consulate building in a show of solidarity."
UK: M.P. Writes to Hong Kong Government to Express His Concerns over the Consultation of Article 23
2002-10-30It is of particular concern to me when states respond to threats, whether perceived or real, without due process. When states use their power to oppress and persecute in this way, it becomes almost impossible for individuals to protect themselves and for independent observers to get to the truth of the matter.
Germany: Report regarding peaceful sit-in protest as a reaction to passage of Article 23 of Hong Kongs Basic Law
2002-10-30As a reaction to the latest developments in Hong Kong, Frankfurt practitioners staged a sit-in protest last week in front of various offices representing Hong Kong interests, to point out the endangering passage of Article 23, an addition to Hong Kongs Basic Law...[see main text]
Washington Post: China Walls Out the News
2002-10-30"It's a fundamentally lopsided arrangement that denies the Chinese people access to news and views from the outside world -- which they want and which Americans need them to hear. We can't allow the world's most populous nation to be kept in the dark about who we are, what we stand for, and why they should be on our side in the fight against terror."
Radio France International:700 Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Demonstration in Front of Chinas Consulate in Chicago
2002-10-30On Oct. 22, 2002, Radio France International reported in its Chinese broadcasting program, which was aired to Mainland China and Paris Metropolitan area, that according to a report from AFP, there were more than seven hundred Falun Gong practitioners holding a demonstration in front of the Chinese consulate in Chicago against the persecution of Faun Gong by [Jiangs] government.
Switzerland: Using Information Booths to inform Burghers about the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2002-10-29Those people who hear about the persecution for the first time compare it to the Holocaust during the reign of Hitler. They ask themselves, and us, how civilized governments the world over can allow something like this to happen and why there is no public outcry for sanctions against China.
Poland: Experiences During Activities in Poland
2002-10-29A reporter for Xinhua [Chinese State-run media] came out of the embassy to talk to us...He said that he supported freedom to practice Falun Gong, but had been misled by some of the propaganda in China. We explained the facts to him...When he left, he promised a few times that he would not write anything bad about Falun Gong.
Switzerland: Clarifying the Truth at the Global Peace Initiative of Women Spiritual and Religious Leaders Summit
2002-10-29...a lady opposite to me started to talk to me...She was interested in Falun Gong, and asked me many questions. She was shocked to hear about Falun Gong practitioners situation in China. She told me that she has engaged in a research on religion, and that she felt Falun Gong is good and that a Master who teaches a practice for free must be an extraordinary figure.
Radio Free Asia Report: Scholars and Professors Write to Jiang and Protest Hong Kong Basic Law No. 23
2002-10-29Radio Free Asia reported that 44 internationally renowned scholars and professors signed a joint letter to Jiang in which they protested the establishment of Hong Kong Basic Law No. 23. In the letter, the scholars stated that this decree would harm the freedom of the people of Hong Kong.