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WSJ: Hackers May Get U.S. Funds To Fight China's Web Curbs [Excerpt]
2002-11-07According to a recent study by the Rand Corp. think tank, China has about 46 million Internet users, while at least 25 people have been arrested in the past two years for online activities. And after a deadly fire in an Internet cafe in Beijing earlier this year, the authorities closed thousands of Internet cafes and demanded that those allowed to reopen install surveillance and firewall software to block [...] Web sites [that Jiangs regime dislikes].
Switzerland: Falun Dafa Information Booth in Berne Telling People the Facts about the Persecution in China
2002-11-06It really was a wonderful day, considering the good weather, which made the location of the booth even more pleasant and ideal. We were not assigned a place, as we usually were, in the shopping centre, but at the hub of the bus and tram stations. That way, many people saw us performing the exercises and readily accepted a flyer.
Russia: Activities During Chinese Dictator's visit to the US
2002-11-06From October 20 to 28 during Jiang's visit to the US, practitioners from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States did Fa Zheng Nian [Using powerful pure thoughts to purify the surrounding environment.] at each top of the hour.
FDI: Husband of New York City Resident Sentenced to Ten Years in Chinese Prison for Authoring Pro-Falun Gong Articles
2002-11-06Ms. Wang says that recent news from Mr. Zhang's lawyer, however, confirms that Mr. Zhang had actually been secretly sentenced to ten years in prison...[and] that he has been suffering "long term torture" that she says their lawyer describes as "beyond imagination."
Reuters: CHINA: Key facts about China
2002-11-06"These are key facts about China, set for a sweeping leadership change during its 16th Communist Party Congress that opens on November 8."
AWSJ (The Asian Wall Street Journal): Notable & Quotable
2002-11-06Related anti-subversion laws under Article 23 directly affect the freedom of expression and civil liberties of those who live in, work in or visit Hong Kong. They also risk permanently undermining confidence in the place, say critics [of the law].
Austria: Practitioners Meet Chancellor during Election Campaign and Tell Him About Falun Gong
2002-11-05Spontaneously, the Chancellor walked towards a practitioner, shook her hand and inquired about the Falun Gong information materials folder that she had previously been holding. His assistant informed him that he is already in possession of the folder. The Chancellor smiled.
Germany: Falun Dafa Parade Through the City of Goslar
2002-11-05 -
Netherlands: Teaching Falun Gong at a Large Student workshop
2002-11-05While a practitioner demonstrated and explained the exercises, another practitioner corrected the movements of the students. Afterwards, the practitioners received a lot of positive reactions. All the students found it to be a very special experience and a good workshop.
A Swedish Practitioner Speaks at a City Councillor meeting in Houston After the Chinese Dictator's Visit
2002-11-05After hearing the speech, the Houston city councillors announced that in the next week they would issue a proclamation of their support of Falun Gong, calling for an end of the persecution in China. The city secretary said that Houston is proud of being the first city where Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, held a lecture on Falun Gong in America.
- President Bush's Bipolar Human Rights Policy (Extract)
2002-11-05"Jiang is also an enthusiastic persecutor of religious and spiritual groups, especially the meditation movement Falun Gong. Banned [ ] in July 1999, over 500 Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death and tens of thousands sent to labor camps and mental institutions."
Geneva Family Information Newspaper: Geneva Parliament Members Condemn Chinas Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-11-05According to a report in the Geneva Family Information Newspaper, the Falun Gong practitioners living in China are suffering. Not only have some practitioners been tortured and beaten to death, but there are also more than five thousand practitioners being detained in mental hospitals.
Scotland: Clarifying the Truth to Teachers in Glasgow
2002-11-04many of the teachers were teaching the persecution of Falun Gong as part of China studies included in the Modern Studies curriculum at Higher level (equivalent to A level). The teachers were extremely happy that there was information for them to take away with them, and one said, youve saved our lives!"
Israel: Practitioners Appeal for the Release of Xiong Wei
2002-11-04Xiong Wei is a female Falun Gong practitioner and former student of the Technical University of Berlin. She is currently being held against her will in Xinan womens labour camp of Daxing on the outskirts of Beijing, China.
New York Times: Plan to Crack Down on Dissent Stirs Debate in Hong Kong
2002-11-04China's deputy prime minister, Qian Qichen, fanned the dispute when he said in a recent television interview that opponents of the new rules must have something to hide. The opponents must have "devils in their hearts," he warned...