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NPR News: Rising popularity of Falun Gong exercises in the West
2002-08-22 -
France: Survivors of the Massacre during the Cambodian Revolution Clarify the Truth to Cambodian Employees of French International Radio Station
2002-08-22The employees told the practitioners that they understand and are aware of the Falun Gong practitioners being sent back to China and had reported on it one week ago. They said that the Cambodian people know that Falun Gong is good and that the actions against the Falun Gong practitioners who were taking refuge in Cambodia is not fair.
Ireland: British Embassy in Dublin Replies to Letter from Irish Falun Dafa Association
2002-08-22"We do have serious concerns about human rights abuses against Falun Gong adherents in China. We have made it clear to the Chinese that their actions contravene the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which China has signed but not yet ratified."
Germany: Goettingen Practitioners Hold Series of Activities, Calling For an End to the Persecution that is Extending to Other Countries and Territories
2002-08-22In order to clarify the truth, expose the slander and gain more support from society to end the persecution, practitioners invited the Green Party, Amnesty International, the "For Threatened Nationalities" Association and other organizations to attend the "Together, End the Persecution Against Falun Gong" activities.
Italy: Appeal of Falun Gong Practitioners to Stop the Unjust Trial in Hong Kong
2002-08-22On August 12th and 14th, Italian Falun Gong practitioners went to the Chinese Consulate in Milan, to reveal Jiang Zemins cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and appeal to stop the sham trial in Hong Kong.
Russia: Spreading Falun Dafa at the Crimean Peninsula (photos)
2002-08-22We went to the Crimean Peninsula to clarify the truth to the people of Crimea. On the first day, a lady came to our display and looked over the pictures. When she saw our Falun Gong exercises, she felt that it was what she had long been searching for.
EFIC Press Release: UN Refugees in Cambodia Forced into Hiding after Chinese Embassy Instigate Deportation of Refugee Couple to China
2002-08-21 -
UNHCR Statement: Cambodia: UNHCR protest on deportations and disappearance
2002-08-21 -
Letter to the Cambodian Prime Minister from Swedish practitioners
2002-08-21"We learned that the Cambodian police, under pressure from the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh, have on the 9th of August deported a Chinese couple who were Falun Gong practitioners and living and working in Phnom Penh with U.N. Refugee Certificates. We are certain that, upon knowing the truth and facts of the persecution, you will do everything possible in this matter and do all that you can to safeguard the rights of those holding UN refugee status."
Short Report by Russian Media: The Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Moscow
2002-08-21 -
South China Morning Post: Falun Gong arrests `within days'
2002-08-21 -
AP: As Hong Kong court prepares arrest warrants, convicted Falun Gong followers say someone stepped in to pay their fines
2002-08-21 -
National Review: The China factor in an Iraq war
2002-08-21"When 18 women were stripped of their clothes and thrown into a male criminal cell to force them to give up Falun Gong, the guards responsible were asked to travel to other labor camps to share this idea. 300 deaths ranging from eight-month-olds to senior citizens have been reported. Sources in the Chinese government admit the true number is over 1000."
AP: Senior Chinese official says tougher measures needed to keep Falun Gong off TV and the Internet
2002-08-21 -
UK: A Practitioner Exposes the Sham Hong Kong Trial in a Radio Interview
2002-08-20The presenter of the programme took great pains to get her facts right regarding the case, talked to me at length before we went on air and was very sympathetic and aware of the negative effects of this trial for Hong Kong and her citizens.