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  • Estonia: Falun Gong at the Mother Earth Fair in Tallinn

    Many wanted to talk with practitioners, wanted to have more materials and were also interested in reading the book Falun Gong, the introductory text of Falun Gong. People from the adjoining stalls came to thank practitioners and told them that they were very moved by seeing the exercises.
  • Sweden: Collecting Signatures and Clarifying the Facts in Gothenburg.

    To appeal for the release of Ms. Pirjo Svennson, a Swedish practitioner detained in Thailand, Falun Gong practitioners collected signatures in Gothenburg for her release. Many people signed the petition after learning about her arrest and detention and also when they learned that the government of Thailand has still not given a reason for her arrest.
  • Finland: Letter from the Finnish Falun Dafa Association to the Prime Minister of Thailand

    For the past four years under Jiang Zemin, the Chinese regime has used every possible means to ‘eliminate’ Falun Gong both inside and outside China and has then proceeded to cover up the situation with fabricated stories. Jiang and other top officials in China are now facing lawsuits in the US and Europe for committing crimes against humanity, genocide and torture. It is not good for the future of any country to succumb to pressure from a government whose top leaders are committing genocide against their own people.
  • Press Release from International Association for Human Rights: Thailand holds Swedish Falun Gong Practitioner Prisoner

    “We are quite worried that so far, Mrs. Svensson is being held without having been formally charged. No charge has been brought against this Swedish citizen. She did, however, receive a covert signal that an unobtrusive leave from Thailand could be arranged. Mrs. Svensson has visited Thailand regularly for the past 3 years and had spent much time there, but never in those 3 years, during her previous Thai visits nor during her visit in April of this year has she ever been in conflict with the law. Now, she wants public acknowledgement of her innocence.”
  • Sweden: Practitioners Clarify the Facts about Dafa at a Chinese Public Speaking Contest

    After hearing their speeches, many of their classmates praised their courage. The Chinese Embassy officials seemed surprised at Dafa’s popularity in Sweden. It was unexpected for two Falun Gong practitioners, among the more than twenty students, to say that Dafa is good and to appeal to stop the persecution. They brought a sense of goodness to the contest. The speeches made people wonder: what brings so many people around the worldto practice Falun Gong?
  • English Petition to release Ms. Pirjo Svennson from Detention in Thailand Available

    Mrs. Svensson from Sweden doing the Falun Gong exercises at Suan Pluh Immigration Detention Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. She has now been detained for more than three weeks, without being given a reason for her detention.
  • FDI: Help Can Go a Long Way…Even as Far as Beijing

    “I would to take this opportunity to appeal to all the kind hearted Pittsburgh people to help me further, to get her here to reunite us,” says Mr. Xu. “It is powerful if everyone speaks up for justice.”
  • Press Statement from the Swedish Falun Gong Information Centre

    "After three and a half weeks, Pirjo Svensson it still being unlawfully detained, without any official explanation. This is even the case after the Swedish Ambassador in Bangkok, Jan Norlander, has repeatedly contacted the Thai government, and has also filed an official Swedish protest to the Thai government, with the request that Pirjo should be released immediately. In spite of this, the Thai government has still not given any explanation for Pirjo’s detention or the cancellation of her Visa."
  • At International Meeting of Psychiatrists, UK Researcher Exposes Jiang's Use of Psychiatric Hospitals to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    "Many reports provide evidence that detained Falun Gong practitioners are forcibly locked in mental hospitals. They are obviously mentally healthy but are forced to receive psychiatric treatments and are mistreated or beaten. None of this is treatment; it is persecution. It is very clear that over the past nearly three years, there have been a few hundred of these kinds of cases, each of which has reliable evidence."
  • Swedish Government Shows Concern over Ms Pirjo Svensson and Negotiates with Thai authorities for her Release

    In an effort to obtain “an immediate explanation” for her arrested and the cancellation of her Visa, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sweden and the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok have formally contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand. TV, radio and some major newspapers in Sweden have also reported the incident, and have emphasized that Ms Svensson is innocent. At present, the Swedish government is actively negotiating with the Thai government to help Ms Svensson regain her freedom.
  • Letter from a Swedish citizen to the Prime Minister of Thailand regarding the detention of Mrs. Pirjo Svennson

    "We all know that Thailand is a beautiful country with wonderful people. I have also experienced this. Please correct this mistake and let the world know that Thailand is a country with human rights. Don’t be fooled by the Chinese propaganda about Falun Gong. Falun Gong is appreciated and supported in more than 50 countries all over the world and don’t let the Chinese regime put pressure on Thai authorities to commit crimes against humanity."
  • Baltimore Sun: China recovers from SARS via media's patriotic song

    "For years, daring newspapers have tested the limits to see how much they can get away with, but state news media operate under the constant threat of censorship, discipline, suspension or being shut down if their coverage goes too far. A Guangdong-based weekly, 21st Century World Herald, was ordered to suspend publication in March after printing a signed commentary that advocated political reform and criticized former paramount leader Deng Xiaoping. It has yet to resume publishing. Top editors at two other publications, Beijing's China News Weekly and Guangdong-based Southern Weekend, were reassigned this year after offending top officials with their political coverage."
  • Austrian Foreign Ministry Writes to the French Falun Gong Association about Human Rights of Practitioners in China

    "The Austrian Foreign Ministry is very clear about the seriousness of the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and we share your concern on this matter."
  • Sweden: Press Conference Held in Gothenburg to Highlight the Detention of Mrs. Pirjo Svensson

    Among those present were journalists from the biggest newspaper in Gothenburg, and TV station Västnytt. The Chairman of Sweden’s Association for Human Rights was also at the press conference and showed great enthusiasm. He asked several questions and revealed that he hopes to begin working together with Falun Gong practitioners to end the persecution in China.
  • Radio France Internationale Interviews Falun Gong Practitioner Regarding World Falun Dafa Day and the Trial of Jiang Zemin

    "When Jiang visited the US, Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit in the US District Court of the Northern District of Illinois. Jiang was charged with committing three crimes. The first one was crimes against humanity by brutally persecuting Falun Gong. The other two are torture and genocide. We practitioners sued Jiang because he intends to eradicate millions of Falun Gong practitioners by any possible means, including lies and violence."