Worldwide News
Australia: Attendees of the APEC's Health Ministers Conference Are Concerned about the CCP's Organ Harvesting
2007-06-10The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation held the Health Ministers Conference on June 6th in Sydney, Australia. Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference outside the conference hall to expose the CCP's harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
United States: Clarifying the Truth at the Olathe Americana Jubilee in Kansas
2007-06-10On June 3rd, Falun Gong participated in the 2nd Americana Jubilee, a multi-cultural festival in Olathe, Kansas. The practitioners answered questions from the visitors and told them how the CCP cruelly persecutes kind and honest Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Canada: Spreading the Fa at the World's Longest Street Festival in Toronto
2007-06-09On June 3rd, 2007, the "World's Longest Street Festival on the World's Longest Street" was held on Yonge Street in Aurora, a suburb of Toronto, Canada. Falun Gong attracted a lot of attention during this festival.
United States: Falun Gong Is Welcomed in the Old Shawnee Day Parade in Kansas
2007-06-09On June 3rd, 2007, the 40th "Old Shawnee Day" festival was held in Kansas City. Falun Gong practitioners' gentle exercise demonstration, beautiful music and bright coloured float attracted a lot of attention. Many people asked for Falun Gong materials.
Taiwan: Parade in Eastern Taiwan Held to Support the Movement to Quit the CCP - Attracts Much Media Coverage
2007-06-08On June 3rd, people from three counties in eastern Taiwan including Ilan, Hualien and Taitung came together to hold a parade of motorcycles and cars in Hualien City. The theme of the parade was to support the 22 million brave people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations.
United States: Practitioners Invited to Clarify the Truth to Council Members of University Christian Church in San Diego
2007-06-08Two practitioners were invited to make a presentation to the church council on May 16th. The council members wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa and the cause of the persecution. They also inquired about links to truth-clarifying materials, articles and websites, so that they could obtain more information and spread to other church organisations.
Taiwan: Eastern Counties Support 22 Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-06-07The mayor of Hualien, Mr. Cai Chita, gave a speech to support the activity. He expressed that he admires the courage of the withdrawals. He said that the CCP is about to crash and he hoped that the Chinese people would have a correct understanding of the situation and contribute to peace by condemning the violence of the regime.
Australia: "Courage Great Wall" Supporting the Withdrawals from the CCP
2007-06-07By the end of May 2007, more than 22 million Chinese people had quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations. To support the withdrawals and call upon more people to quit the CCP, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in Queensland, Australia held an activity titled "Courage Great Wall" at Chinatown in Brisbane. Falun Gong practitioners from Brisbane attended the activity, and exposed the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and the harvesting of organs from living practitioners in China.
Japan: Parade and Rally Held in Hokkaido to Promote Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Expose the Persecution
2007-06-06When an older woman, who lived in Shenyang China for ten years when she was young, saw the parade procession, she kept praising it; "Wonderful, Marvelous." She also excitedly greeted practitioners in Chinese and felt quite sad after listening to practitioners talk about the persecution of Falun Gong.
Australia: Rally in Melbourne Calls for Chinese people to Quit the Party
2007-06-06Many Chinese people came to watch the parade when it proceeded through the Chinatown. Some accepted truth-clarifying materials. The speakers gave their speeches again in Chinatown, calling upon the Chinese to recognise the evil nature of the CCP. Many Chinese people listened to the speeches.
United States: Reception for the Truth-Compassion-Tolerance Paintings Exhibition Held in New York, Artists Call for an End to the Persecution
2007-06-05Artist Fan Hong narrated her experience in China, describing how she was imprisoned for practising Falun Gong, forced to attend brainwashing session, detained in a mental hospital, and tortured by brutal forced-feeding. In 2001, she came to America. She called on all those guests who viewed the paintings to offer help to end the inhuman persecution as early as possible.
Canada: Mayor Alan Lowe of the City of Victoria Proclaims May 2007 as Falun Dafa Month Honouring Truth-Compassion-Tolerance
2007-06-05On May 24th, 2007, Alan Lowe, Mayor of the City of Victoria proclaimed May 2007 as Falun Dafa Month Honouring Truth-Compassion-Tolerance in the City of Victoria, Capital City of the Province of British Columbia, Canada.
CIPFG: Boycotting the Olympic Games 2008 for Human Rights Is Not Politics
2007-06-04Canadian Parliament Member Borys Wrzesnewskyj, said on May 30th, "I am a supporter of this particular initiative (boycotting the Olympic Games) and I encourage all MPs and in fact parliamentarians around the world to take part in this alternative torch run."
United States: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa in Bellingham
2007-06-04Practitioners performed lion dancing to music of their own composition. Their group was very welcomed by the spectators. Many people waved, smiled and even bowed to the practitioners.
South Korea: Grand Rally and Parade Support the 22 Million People That Have Quit the Communist Party
2007-06-03Mr. Kim Sung-man said; "The Chinese Communist Party will collapse. It can't last long because it denies the existence of God. The more it suppresses its people, the less it can maintain its authority. I have heard that more than 22 million Chinese have quit the Party already and found real freedom and happiness..."