Worldwide News
CIPFG: Countdown - Persecution or Olympic Games?
2007-06-25On May 30th, the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) held a press conference at the Canadian Parliament Hill. In a statement issued at the press conference, CIPFG stated that the Olympics and crimes against humanity cannot coexist in China. CIPFG also made three requests. They said, if satisfactory responses to their requests are not received on or before August 8th, 2007, CIFPG will join all supporters from around the globe to boycott the Olympics.
United States: Introducing Falun Dafa at Yaoshi Temple
2007-06-25On June 3rd, 2007, the Los Angeles dance team was invited to Yaoshi Temple to perform two dances, "Pure Lotus" and "The Buddha-light Shines Everywhere."
Taiwan: Rally Held in Puli, Nantou to Support 23 Million Withdrawals from the CCP and Affiliated Organisations
2007-06-24Professor Liu Chengyi from Chunghsing University spoke at the rally. He condemned the CCP for ruining moral standards, traditional culture and the environment in China. He expressed that 23 million withdrawals from the CCP foretells the inevitable fall of the CCP.
Peru: Practitioners Expose CCP Atrocities, People Support Falun Gong
2007-06-24Since the exposure of the CCP's atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in March 2006, practitioners in Peru have continued to distribute flyers and literature informing people about the outrage.
Central News Agency: Torch Replay Calls Attention to Human Rights in China
2007-06-23On June 14th, Central News Agency (CNA) reported that the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) is launching a new effort to call for public attention to the human rights atrocities happening in China.
Canada: Mayor Harvey Rosen of the City of Kingston Proclaims May 2007 as Falun Dafa Month Honouring Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance
2007-06-23I, Mayor Harvey Rosen, hereby proclaim May 2007 to be Falun Dafa Month, Honouring Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
WOIPFG: Investigation into Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. Controlling CSSA's to Export the CCP's Human Rights Violations
2007-06-22Chinese consuls are listed as part of the advisory board on many universities' CSSA websites. For example, two of the three members on the Advisory Board of the CSSA in Columbia University are from the Chinese Consulate General in New York: they are Fanglin Ai, the consul in charge of educational affairs, and Da Yao, the educational consul assigned to NYC and Long Island.
Japan: CIPFG Japan Branch Demands CCP to Release Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-06-22The open letter stressed that safeguarding human rights is a mission of the Olympics. If it does not stop the persecution of Falun Gong, China is not qualified to host the Olympic Games. If the Chinese Communist regime does not respond before August 8th of this year, a "Global Human Rights Torch Relay" across dozens of countries in Europe and Asia will be held in protest.
Branches of CIPFG in Asia Announce a "Human Rights Torch Relay" and Denounce the "Bloody Harvest Games"
2007-06-21After the CIPFG branch in North America held a press conference on May 30th, the other branches issued a joint statement: "The Olympics and Crimes Against Humanity Cannot Coexist In China," in which they demanded that the CCP stop the persecution of Falun Gong immediately.
Canada: Mayor Wayne Emmerson Proclaims May 2007 As Falun Dafa Month in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
2007-06-21 -
Canada: Teachers from Minghui School Awarded Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism
2007-06-20On June 14th, 2007, the Ontario Provincial Government issued awards in Mississauga to organisations and individuals who have made lasting and meaningful contributions to communities. Five teachers from the Toronto Minghui School won awards.
Indonesia: Concerned about the Chinese Embassy's Interference with Falun Gong Activities, the Foreign Affairs Ministry Holds a Hearing
2007-06-20Accompanied by the Jakarta Legal Aid Organisation, Indonesia Falun Gong practitioners attended a hearing held by the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry on June 15th, 2007. The hearing was related to the Chinese Embassy's recent interference with some activities of Falun Gong practitioners in Indonesia.
Japan: Rally and Parade Held in Nagano to Spread Dafa and Expose the Persecution in China
2007-06-19On June 16th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners held a rally and parade in Nagano, Japan to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. This was the first parade with this theme in Nagano.
Malaysian Human Rights Lawyer: Human Rights Torch Relay Is to Save Lives
2007-06-19He emphasised that western governments took little action even though they knew a genocide was happening in Nazi concentration camps, and history seems to be repeating as many governments are again playing political games to avoid confronting the Chinese government. He said that this must be stopped; otherwise the values advocated by these countries will be hollow.
Taiwan: Practitioners Perform at Police Day Celebration
2007-06-18In the afternoon of June 14th, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the 29th Police Day Celebration held by Pingtong Country Police Department. The celebration started with Tianwei Tang Drum Troupe performing the song "Falun Dafa is Good."