Worldwide News
Taiwan: Legislative Council Member Condemns the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong
2007-06-03On May 31st, 2007, the Falun Dafa Association in Taiwan and the Legislative Council Member Ms. Tian Chiu-Jin held a press conference, condemning the CCP's actions to intensify the persecution of Falun Gong before July 1st.
Australia: CIPFG Delegation Issues Statement: Olympics and Crimes Against Humanity Cannot Coexist In China
2007-06-02The Falun Gong genocide is undoubtedly the worst human rights disaster in current day China. If this genocide does not stop, claims by the government that it is making improvements are only window dressing gestures aimed at manipulating international communities. If this genocide does not stop, China is not fit to host the 2008 Olympics. The Olympics and crimes against humanity cannot coexist!
United States: Spreading the Fa at the Scandinavian Heritage Festival in Utah
2007-06-02On May 25th-26th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Utah attended the Scandinavian Heritage Festival. They introduced Falun Gong to the public and exposed the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
United States: International "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition Opens in New York, People Are Impressed
2007-06-01On May 28th, the renowned International Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition came to New York City. In a busy central part of Manhattan,16 canvases and two Chinese paintings were displayed. "The Statue of Buddha" was featured in the centre of the hall.
Taiwan: Practitioners Hold Lantern Show at Four Universities
2007-06-01Beginning from May 14th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan held a month-long lantern show at four universities in Hsinchu. Four giant lanterns were displayed, labelled "Falun," Lunyu, "Fairy Maiden," and "Humans and the Cosmos Joined Together."
Canada: Bo Xilai Served With Lawsuit in Ottawa
2007-05-31Chinese Commerce Minister Bo Xilai was invited to visit the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade on Monday, May 28th, 2007. At about 2:30 p.m., a Falun Gong practitioner served Bo Xilai with a lawsuit, issued by Ontario Superior Court, for torture. Bo Xilai must respond to the lawsuit within 20 days or he will be faced with a default trial.
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Win President's Award Three Times for Participating in New Westminster Hyack Festival International Parade in Vancouver
2007-05-31The spectators gave them warm applauses and the organiser of the parade issued the President's Award, the highest award of the festival parade, to the Falun Gong contingent. This was the third time Falun Gong practitioners won the President's Award.
Canada: Practitioners in Vancouver Call for Denial of Entry to Human Rights Criminal
2007-05-30On the afternoon of May 25th, Vancouver Falun Gong practitioners delivered a letter of appeal to Minister of Industry David Emerson, requesting the Minister not to invite human rights criminal Bo Xilai to visit Canada.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners in Houston Meet With Official at Russian Consulate Regarding the Illegal Deportation of Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-05-30On March 28th, 2007, Ma Hui, a Falun Gong practitioner and United Nations refugee, and her daughter were abducted and deported back to China by the Russian government. On May 13th, 2007, the same thing happened to Gao Chunman, another Falun Gong practitioner who is a United Nations refugee. The Russian government's actions are not in compliance with international laws, which is designed to protect refugees.
Mexico: Practitioners Clarify the Facts to the Public on World Falun Dafa Day
2007-05-30On May 13th, practitioners in Mexico City held an activity in Chapultepec Park to clarify the facts of Falun Gong to the public. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, and many tourists were attracted to the activity.
United States: Washington DC Practitioners Protest Visit of Human Rights Scoundrel Bo Xilai
2007-05-29A Chinese trade delegation recently visited Washington DC, and one of the delegates was Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai, a notorious human rights scoundrel who is responsible for persecuting Falun Gong in Liaoning Province. Practitioners organised a protest against the visit, calling on the US government to deport Bo Xilai.
Malaysia: The Divine Land Marching Band Brings Joy to Malacca and Keeps Tourists Enthralled
2007-05-29The Divine Land Marching Band from Taiwan performed at tourist spots in Kuala Lumpur and caused a sensation. The marching band then came to Malacca on May 20th, 2007, and wherever they went, they were warmly received and appreciated. The people were moved and amazed by their performances.
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Condemn the Persecution and its Extension to Hong Kong
2007-05-28Mr. Kan said: "The CCP has extended the persecution to Hong Kong. Their spies take videos of our activities. We call upon the Hong Kong government to pay more attention to this and not allow the CCP's spies to interfere with citizens' activities."
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference in Ottawa, Urge the Government to Not Allow Bo Xilai to Enter Canada
2007-05-28Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai, who was actively involved in the persecution of Falun Gong when he was the mayor of Dalian City and the governor of Liaoning Province, plans to visit Canada on Monday, May 28th, 2007. Falun Gong practitioners in Canada are urging the Canadian government to not allow Bo Xilai to enter the country.
Amnesty International Report Criticises the State of China's Human Rights
2007-05-27The report states: "The government continued to crack down on religious observance outside officially sanctioned channels. Thousands of members of underground protestant "house churches" and unofficial Catholic churches were detained, many of whom were ill-treated or tortured in detention. Members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement were detained and assigned to administrative detention for their beliefs, and continued to be at high risk of torture or ill-treatment.