Worldwide News
Australia: Practitioners Gather in Front of the Chinese Consulate to Protest the Murder of Gao Rongrong
2005-06-25The news of Gao Rongrong's disfigurment and death has shocked the world. On the evening of June 21st, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne, Australia gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to hold a candlelight vigil, to strongly condemn the CCP's brutality and atrocities, and to demand punishment for Gao Rongrong's murderers.
(FDI): High-profile Torture Victim Dies Surrounded by Chinese Security Agents
2005-06-25NEW YORK (FDI) – The grossly disfigured face of 37-year-old Ms. Gao Rongrong (photos) – the result of torture by Chinese authorities – was publicized around the world to the alarm of many. But it wasn’t enough, sources revealed yesterday, to save Gao from being tortured to death by Chinese Communist Party officials.
Canada: Victims Recount Harassment, Threats in Press Conference Attended by Major Media
2005-06-24On June 17th, the President of the Canada Falun Dafa Association, Mr. Li Xun, and seven practitioners held a press conference on Parliament Hill. They explicitly recounted the harassments, threats, surveillance and discrimination they have experienced on Canadian soil at the hands of spies from the Chinese Communist regime.
Japan: Practitioners Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy, Call for Severe Punishment of the Murderers of Gao Rongrong
2005-06-24Falun Gong practitioners in Japan were shocked to learn that Ms. Gao Rongrong had been tortured to death. They went to the Chinese Embassy on the morning of June 21, 2005 to strongly protest the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong, and appeal for severe punishment for her murderers.
Australian TV: Chen Yonglin Reveals that Chinese 610 Official Went to Chinese Embassy in Australia to Inspect Their Work in Suppressing Falun Gong [Excerpt]
2005-06-24"TONY JONES: So let me get this straight: You were told by a senior official of the 6-10 Office in Sydney that you should go eyeball to eyeball with Falun Gong members and be more aggressive in the way you approached your surveillance of them, is that right? CHEN YONGLIN: Right. TONY JONES: Did you actually do that? CHEN YONGLIN: No. That's why they are quite displeased."
United States: After Learning of the Death of Gao Rongrong, Practitioners Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC
2005-06-23On June 20th, 2005, Dafa practitioners were shocked to learn that Gao Rongrong, who had suffered tremendously from torture and abuse, had died from persecution three days earlier in China. Falun Gong practitioners in Washington DC hurriedly went to the Chinese Embassy to hold an urgent press conference.
Toronto Star Editorial (Canada): China's odious spies
2005-06-23"One document supplied by Hao names Jillian Ye, a Toronto Falun Gong adherent, as the subject of a 2004 report to top officials in Beijing. Hao says Chinese spies keep tabs on practitioners, tap phones and threaten and harass them. Other Falun Gong practitioners confirm they have been harassed. (Prime MInister Paul) Martin should let Beijing know that if proof surfaces that China is targeting Canadian citizens, the impact on relations will be serious, swift and negative."
Canadian Officials Express Concern over Citizens' Privacy Being Violated by Chinese Spies
2005-06-22Recently, former Chinese police officer Hao Fengjun defected to Australia with some smuggled secret documents. The files indicate that Chinese communist regime operates espionage network to spy on Falun Gong practitioners outside China. After media revealed these documents, high-ranking officials of the Canadian government have expressed their concerns.
Indonesia: Practitioners Hold Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta
2005-06-22Several reporters said that they then understood the situation: the Indonesian police acted on the attitude of the Chinese Embassy. The embassy wanted them to arrest practitioners, and the police acted accordingly. Several reporters also asked why the Chinese Embassy was so nervous when practitioners held such relatively small-scale protests.
Serious Measures Will be Taken to Deal with Chinese Spies in Canada
2005-06-21Hao Fengjun, a former officer of China's 610 Office revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has infiltrated Canada with about 1,000 spies. The Canadian government voiced its concern to deal with the CCP network of spies in Canada and will take serious measures if necessary. Various members of parliament demanded that the government stop the CCP spies from harassing Falun Gong in Canada.
Canada: The Power of the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition in Vancouver Transcends Cultural and Racial Boundaries
2005-06-21One man wrote in the reception book, "Thank you all so much for bringing this beautiful art exhibition to our campus. In this world, people sometimes forget the existence of human rights violations. However, no one should be persecuted for believing in 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.'"
Indonesia: Practitioners Hold Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta
2005-06-20Because practitioners displayed banners with the words, "Respect Human Rights," and sat close to the embassy to hold a peaceful sit-in protest, twelve practitioners were detained by the Indonesian police on April 25th, and six were detained on May 6th. The unreasonable police action resulted from pressure from the Chinese embassy.
The Epoch Times: Chinese Spies Targeted Toronto Woman
2005-06-20TORONTO - As Jillian Ye braced herself to hear the contents of a secret document recently smuggled from China's state security agency, she might have guessed she'd be listening to private information. What surprised her is that it was her own."My goodness," said Ye, a successful database consultant living in Toronto's east end community of Scarborough."They [the spies] are so rampant in Canada... I don't know what to say."
Indonesia: Falun Dafa Becomes Focus at Tangerang's First Carnival
2005-06-19In order to advance tourism and industry, the Tangerang City government in Indonesia held a carnival from June 11th to June 12th, 2005, inviting Chinese community groups, including Falun Gong practitioners, to participate. There was a series of activities, including a dragon boat contest and a parade.
United States: Long Island Residents Sign their Names to Oppose the Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-06-19The town of Smithtown on Long Island, New York celebrated its "Smithtown Annual Festival Day" on June 12, 2005. Over 400 companies and individual business people from Long Island set up their stalls in the early morning. The atmosphere was warm and lively. Falun Gong practitioners on Long Island also came to the festival.