Worldwide News
Japan: Practitioners Clarify the Truth in a Famous Commercial Area in Yokohama City
2006-11-03Minato Mirai is a famous cultural and commercial area in Yokohama, Japan. When holidays come, there is always a steady flow of people sightseeing and shopping. On October 28th-29th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held a truth clarification activity in the square near Sakuragicho Station in Minato Mirai.
Israel: Israeli Falun Gong Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference held successfully in Jerusalem
2006-11-02The 4th Israeli Falun Gong cultivation experience sharing conference was held in Jerusalem on the 21st October 2006. Practitioners from Israel, United State, Germany, and France attended this conference, practitioners from other countries such as Switzerland and Syria also sent their experience sharing papers to the conference.
United States: Organ harvesting appeal from Falun Gong practitioners on Venice boardwalk in California
2006-11-02Ever since the crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners were publicised, several activities have been held on Venice boardwalk to bring these brutal crimes against humanity to light. Some of them were held at the same time as Wenyi Wang made her appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong at the White House.
Australia: Divine Land Marching Band Receives Warm Welcome at Granny Smith Festival
2006-11-01After the parade ended, a local city council member and a radio station host told practitioners that Falun Gong's procession was magnificent and that the new Divine Land Marching Band was very good.
Taiwan: Elementary School Welcomes Falun Gong Performance
2006-11-01Schoolteacher Li said: "I didn’t really know what Falun Gong was, although I knew a little about the persecution of the practice in Mainland China from media reports. After seeing their performance, I feel that the practice is so peaceful and special and their performance presented a picture of such great harmony between humans and nature. I am so touched."
Taiwan: Practitioners Participate in Kaohsiung Cultural Fair
2006-10-31Mituo Township of Kaohsiung County, Taiwan is well known for its high quality milk-fish, bamboo hats and other traditional arts and culture. This year the "Milk-fish Cultural Fair" drew tens of thousands of people to the annual event. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the fair and demonstrate the five harmonious exercises onstage.
Australia: Clarifying the Truth at Canberra's Floriade
2006-10-31The "Floriade" festival is the important festival in Canberra, the capital of Australia. The festival features a spectacular flower exhibition during the spring. It attracts tens of thousands of tourists from across Australia each year, and it is a good opportunity for local practitioners to raise awareness about Falun Gong and the persecution against it.
Taiwan: Eye-catching Falun Gong Performance at Senior Citizens' Sports Meet
2006-10-30On October 21st, 2006, the third Senior Citizens' Sports Meet was held in Taipei. The Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan was invited to participate at the games and was awarded a certificate of appreciation.
Langley Times (Canada): Falun Gong Issues Raised
2006-10-30After a presentation from a follower of Falun Gong, Township council is being urged to ask the federal government to investigate allegations that China is harvesting the organs of practitioners.
Malaysia: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held Successfully in Johor
2006-10-29The 2006 Malaysia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at the Zon Regency Hotel, in Johor, Bahru, Malaysia on October 22nd, 2006. Practitioners from Malaysia and nearby countries including Singapore and Indonesia participated in this conference.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Show the Beauty of Falun Dafa at NPO Festival
2006-10-29 -
Canada: Canadian Government Takes Action against Organ Harvesting Atrocities, New Democratic Party Leader Shows Concern
2006-10-28New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton was interviewed by a reporter from The Epoch Times on the evening of October 23rd, 2006. The article stated that during the interview he said that he was concerned about organ harvesting in China, in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
United States: Report on the Movie Sandstorm in The Tartan Online, Carnegie Mellon University's Student Newspaper
2006-10-28Annie Gui Qing, a student at Pitt, said, "I can't describe the feelings of injustice that filled me during the film. I want more people to see this movie; I want more people to care about the not-so-beautiful things in our world."
Australia: Community Representative Sister Jane Keogh: Continue to Work for Justice
2006-10-27"I had the honor to be able to meet David Kilgour and Edward McMillan-Scott when they came to Canberra recently. I believe that the research they have provided and the report they have provided is overwhelmingly convincing. I know the struggle of your group and all of us to provide direct proof is the struggle that is going to face us in the ensuing months."
United States (Sakonnet Times): She Teaches Inner Peace
2006-10-27Tan Wong, 51, of Portsmouth, starts every morning with the gentle movements of Falun Dafa, an ancient Chinese practice of exercises and meditation to centre the mind and body. She discovered the tradition when a friend told her about a class in Boston's Chinatown, and has been practising and learning the philosophy for 10 years.