Worldwide News
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners from East Taiwan Study the Fa and Share Cultivation Experiences
2006-06-23On June 18th Falun Gong practitioners from three counties in the East Taiwan area, Yilan, Hualien and Taitung, assembed in Hualien to have a group Fa-study and experience sharing. Practitioners shared their understanding of Master's teaching at the Fa-conference in Canada and looked for their own shortcomings.
New Zealand: Practitioners Support Withdrawals from CCP and Expose the Persecution
2006-06-22On June 17th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners and supporters in New Zealand held a rally and parade in downtown Hamilton to support the eleven million withdrawals from the CCP. They also exposed the live organ harvesting atrocities. Many passers-by stopped to watch and said that the persecution is too brutal.
Taiwan: "Validating the Fa Photo Exhibition" Held in Shih Hsin University
2006-06-22The artworks only display a few examples of practitioners' validating the Fa in the last several years. They are collected from photos taken by practitioners during truth clarification and they show practitioners' solid spirit and belief in the universe's principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance".
Durango Herald (United States): Chinese group cites abuse
2006-06-21Joyce Li of Colorado Springs, right, and Joy Zhao of Aspen demonstrate the Falun Standing Stance, a Falun Gong position, outside Durango City Hall during a car tour Thursday. The exercise, "cultivates your mind," said Li, who is originally from Changchun, China. "That's what Communist parties don't like, they don't want you to think freely."
North Shore News (Canada): See no evil (Opinion Column)
2006-06-21And the Falun Gong protest, with its rickety structure and unsightly posters, is an uncomfortable reminder of what we are ignoring about our new friend. By effectively shutting the protest down, we are allowing ourselves to hide from an unpleasant truth: when we have nothing invested in another nation, we quite happily call out its every misstep, but when a nation is closely tied to our own economic well-being, we are much more hesitant to criticize.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition Moves Students and Teachers of Tunghwa University
2006-06-20The photo exhibition helped more students and teachers of Tunghwa University know the truth of Falun Dafa and recognise the brutal nature of the Chinese Communist Party. The Falun Gong practitioners believe that when more people choose to side with righteousness, the evil will soon perish.
Radio Free Asia: Canadian Investigation Team Will Go to China to Collect Evidence on Organ Harvesting Incidents
2006-06-20Radio Free Asia reported on June 15th, 2006, an independent investigation team from Canada recently brought to the Chinese Embassy in Canada a request to go to Mainland China to investigate and collect evidence on allegations that the Chinese Communist Party is harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in forced labour camps, and then killing the practitioners.
Canada: MP Expresses Concern Over the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-06-20Recently, in the County Office I have received a delegation of four Falun Gong practitioners. This is a spiritual movement that encourages one to practice supple gymnastics accompanied by meditation based on the theme of Truthfulness, Goodness and Endurance. These practitioners have left me with an extensive list of public documents that demonstrate that the practitioners of this system are victims of discrimination and ill treatment in China.
United States: New Castle County, Delaware Council Passes Resolution Calling for Investigation of Chinese Concentration Camps
2006-06-19At the council, a practitioner representative thanked the council for passing the resolution and briefly introduced to the meeting attendees the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and the recently revealed CCP’s concentration camps where practitioners’ organs are being harvested.
The Vancouver Sun (British Columbia): Mayor Caves in to Communist Dictators
2006-06-19The Chinese Communist Party is scared to death that the genocide being committed against the Falun Gong will be fully revealed. Part of the propaganda passed off as news in China is that the Falun Gong is banned all over the world. It is troublesome for the communist government when mainland Chinese come here and see that not only is Falun Gong legal, but that our governments actually allow peaceful appeals -- even in front of Chinese consulates. What a loss of face for the regime.
Canada: Member of Parliament Urges Investigation of CCP Concentration Camps
2006-06-18MP Guimond stated in the letter, "We hope to tell you that we have learned your worry and anxiety about Falun Gong practitioners' allegations. The allegations point out that Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned in concentration camps and killed for organs and body tissues for sale.
Singapore: Falun Gong Practitioners Send Open Advice to Lee Kuan Yew
2006-06-18Since July 20th, 1999, the CCP has been utilising all state apparatus, including radio, TV, newspapers, the public security system, the judiciary system, jails, police, the military, secret agents, the educational system, and diplomacy to engage in an unbridled persecution of Falun Gong. A self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square was also staged to deceive people. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have died from the persecution and countless practitioners have been forced to leave their homes to avoid further persecution.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners from Mid-Taiwan Hold Group Fa-Study and Share Cultivation Experiences to Improve as a Whole Body
2006-06-17More than 600 Falun Gong practitioners from the Mid-Taiwan area were assembled in the Douliou Elementary School in Yunlin County to hold a group Fa-study and experience sharing. During the event, every practitioner looked inward for his or her own shortcomings in cultivation, and encouraged each other
Malaysia: Practitioners Win Spirit Award in Dragon Boat Match
2006-06-17To celebrate May 5th Day (Lunar calendar), the "Malacca Dragon Boat Promoting Association" hosted the 23rd annual Dragon Boat Match along the banks of Malacca River. Twelve teams participated in the event, including two Falun Gong teams. This was the fifth time Falun Gong participating in the event.
United States: Proclamation of Falun Dafa Month, City of Carmel, Indiana, June 2006
2006-06-17Mayor James Brainard of the City of Carmel, Indiana proclaimed the month of June 2006 as Falun Dafa Month in the City of Carmel and asked the community to join in support of the effort to end the human rights violations in China.