Worldwide News
FGHRWG Appeals to UN Regarding Sujiatun Concentration Camp; UN Launches Investigation
2006-04-03On March 15th, the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group (FGHRWG) filed appeals to a number of human rights institution of the United Nations regarding the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) atrocities in the killing Falun Gong practitioners and harvest of their organs in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Many UN officials said that they were shocked by the atrocities and would take action to investigate. While the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is well known, this inhumane practice of harvesting organs for sale is being exposed to the international community for the first time.
Canada: Deputy Mayor of Shenyang Questioned about Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Toronto
2006-04-02When the mayor was questioned about the killing of Falun Gong practitioners for organs inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, he neither gave a direct answer nor denied the existence of the camp.
Taiwan: Activities in Nantou County Condemn the CCP's Atrocities in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-04-02"From the perspective of human rights, I feel that the CCP's atrocities of removing organs from people that are still alive are incredible. It will be the shame of all Chinese if we allow the CCP to continue its tyranny. The Nantou County government wholeheartedly supports this event..."
Australia: Practitioners Gather in front of Parliament and Expose CCP Atrocities in Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-04-01Falun Gong practitioners in Australia gathered in front of Parliament in Canberra and conducted an anti-torture exhibition, meditation and a 72-hour relay hunger strike protest to condemn in the atrocities at Sujiatun Concentration Camp.
Thailand: Protesting Sujiatun Atrocities with a Hunger Strike
2006-04-01Falun Gong Practitioners in Thailand protested against the CCP's secret concentration camp in Sujiatun with a hunger strike in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been imprisoned in the camp. Their organs were harvested and sold. Their bodies were cremated to destroy evidence.
Taiwan: Practitioners in Pingdong Hold Candlelight Vigil to Mourn Those Killed in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-31Ms. Li, a journalist said, "The Sujiatun incident tell us that remaining silent is indulging the perpetrators. Many people regretted greatly after the era of the Nazi's ended and realized the great damage of remaining silent when facing human atrocities." She called upon every person to step forward to help end the atrocities in China.
United States: New Yorkers' Responses to the CCP's Barbaric Crimes at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-31"Seeing Falun Gong practitioners' march, I thought that if 60 years ago so many righteous people had stood out to speak for the Jewish people, far fewer people would have been killed and at least the persecution could have been minimised. I think that these people stepping out today are admirable. They are determined and commit so much effort to seek justice and stop the crimes."
Taiwan: People from All Walks of Life March to Protest CCP Atrocities in Taitong
2006-03-30Regardless their political affiliation, politicians condemned the atrocities of the CCP. A candidate for the Tangtong county commissioner was the former deputy county commissioner. He said that safeguarding freedom of belief is the responsibility of everyone. He hoped everyone would step forward to rescue practitioners persecuted in China.
South Africa: Practitioners Protest CCP Atrocities in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Cape Town
2006-03-30On the morning of March 23rd, Falun Gong practitioners in Cape Town went to the local Chinese Consulate to protest the horrendous atrocities of the CCP inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Reportedly, the camp harvests practitioners' organs for profit while they are still alive and cremates the bodies to destroy evidence.
United States: Rally to Support Nine Million Withdrawals from the CCP and Condemn the Crimes in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Manhattan
2006-03-29"Along with more and more people coming to know the facts, all righteous and kind people around the world will stand up to protest the atrocities and investigate the crimes. All those criminals involved in the crimes will not escape. It is just a matter of time. WOIPFG will bring all those criminals to justice one after another."
Taiwan: "SOS! Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners" Signature Drive in Hsin Chu
2006-03-29Many students said that the case is so inhumane and brutal. One can't imagine that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can treat live people in such a brutal way. It really doesn't place any importance on human life. After signing the practitioners' petition, some passersby said that they would tell their friends about this to further expose the evil.
United States: 2006 New York Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Grandly Held, Master Comes to Teach the Fa
2006-03-28On Sunday March 26th, 2006, the New York Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at Madison Square Theatre. More than four thousand practitioners gathered there and shared cultivation experiences.
Canada: Practitioners in Vancouver Expose Atrocities inside Sujiatun Concentration Camp and Call for International Investigation
2006-03-28From March 15th to 19th, Vancouver practitioners held photo exhibits and a signature drive outside the Vancouver Art Museum, in Chinatown and at the Metrotown mall in Burnaby to call upon the public to pay close attention to the atrocities happening inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. They collected signatures for an appeal letter which calls on the Canadian government to condemn the abhorrent crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and form a delegation to investigate the concentration camp. The letter will be delivered to Parliament.
Japan: Practitioners Continue to Protest Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-27Falun Gong practitioners unfurled large banners in front of Japanese Parliament and set up a large photo showing the body of a practitioner who was tortured to death. The photo showed that his internal organs were removed and there were unknown bloody holes and cuts on his body.
Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners in Montreal Participate in St. Patrick's Day Parade
2006-03-27This is the fourth time that practitioners participated in this grand occasion. A lot of people were familiar with the movements of the Falun Gong exercises and many were mimicking the movements. Practitioners played waist drums to the "Falun Dafa is Good" melody while the dance troupe performed simultaneously.