Worldwide News
Taiwan: Practitioners Promote Falun Dafa in Bitan
2004-04-19On the afternoon of April 10, 2004, about 200 Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Bitan, a well-known scenic site in Taipei, held group exercises and introduced Falun Dafa to the public.
Australia: Practitioners Join the Historical Bendigo Easter Festival
2004-04-19The 134-year-old Bendigo Easter Festival is the longest running festival in Australia. On March 12, 2004, nearly one hundred Falun Gong practitioners came to participate in the big parade with nearly 200 thousand spectators .
Canada: Ottawa Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Symbolic Trial of Jiang Zemin on Canada Law Day
2004-04-18April 15, is "Canada Law Day." Falun Gong practitioners held a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin at the Ottawa Human Rights Monument, which is located at Ottawa's City Hall area.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue to Expose Jiang Zemin's Persecution of Falun Gong in front of Chinese Consulate
2004-04-18On the night of April 14 more than 60 practitioners in the San Francisco Bay area came to the Chinese Consulate to expose Jiang Zemin's brutal persecution and call to end the persecution and killing of innocent practitioners.
China: US Vice President Speaks in Shanghai, Calls for Greater Freedom in China
2004-04-17On Thursday April 15, the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, addressed about 500 students at China's prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai during his weeklong tour of Asia. According to The Washington Post report, "large sections of the speech were aimed at prodding the Chinese leaders on the limited political freedoms in China.
Australia: Melbourne City Council Ordered to Publish An Open Apology to Local Falun Dafa Association
2004-04-17On December 23 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal announced that the Falun Dafa Association had won its legal case against the MCC's refusal to permit Falun Dafa's participation in the March Moomba Waterfest Parade in Victoria. The court ruled that the MCC had breached the Equal Opportunity Act of 1995 and ordered the MCC to issue a formal apology to the Falun Dafa Association. The parties had not agreed, however, on how to proceed. Today's ruling agreed with Falun Dafa Association's demand for an apology.
United States: Practitioners Join Orlando's "Spring Fiesta in the Park"
2004-04-16On a beautiful sunny day, an annual arts and craft exhibition, "Spring Fiesta in the Park," was held beside Eola Lake in Orlando. Many people visited the booth, learned how to practise Falun Gong, signed postcards to help rescue Dr. Charles Li and signed an appeal letter and a yellow scroll.
Korea: Spreading the Fa as the Cherry Trees Blossom in Chongju
2004-04-16On March the 28th, our Korean Falun Gong practitioners went to Chongju, an ancient city and a most well-known location in Korea, to enjoy the sight of Korea's cherry blossoms. We gave out newspapers about Falun Dafa to the people there and told them about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. In less than two hours, we passed out about 4,000 newspapers.
United States: Proclamation from the City of Eureka, California
2004-04-16 -
United States: More than a Thousand Practitioners Gather in New York's Central Park to Form the Chinese Characters for "Fa Rectification"
2004-04-15More than 1000 practitioners in yellow exercise suits lined up, forming the two Chinese characters "Zheng Fa [Fa Rectification]." There were several hundred more practitioners surrounding the characters practising the exercises and displaying banners.
Renowned Lawyer Chris Nyst: Civilised Countries' Commitment To Preventing Human Rights Violations Cannot Be Overridden
2004-04-15Celebrated UK Human Rights lawyer, author and playwright, Mr Geoffrey Robertson QC, has joined forces with high profile Australian lawyer, author and filmmaker, Mr Chris Nyst, and a group of Australian university students, to compile a 500 page complaint to the Human Rights Commission detailing instances of shocking abuse by Chinese prison guards and government officials perpetrated on an Australian citizen.
United States: One Hundred People Representing Over Twenty NGOs Gather in San Francisco to Urge United Nations Human Rights Commission to Pass US Sponsored Resolution
2004-04-15100 people from more than 20 NGOs, including the "Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners," gathered in Union Square at noon on April 3, urging the United Nations Human Rights Commission to pass a resolution to condemn the Chinese government's human rights violations. They also appealed for an end to the persecution against Falun Gong.
A Visit to Iran
2004-04-14Falun Gong is spreading fast in Iran and you can find groups of practitioners in many cities. The practitioners are very diligent with many ongoing projects. During the weekends, practitioners gather in the largest park in Teheran, the capital of Iran, to practise and teach the exercises.
Four Thousand Dafa Practitioners Attend 2004 New York Experience Sharing Conference on Easter; Teacher Arrives to Teach the Fa
2004-04-13On April the 11th 2004, over 4,000 Dafa practitioners gathered in Manhattan, New York and solemnly held a cultivation experience sharing conference. At about 11:30 AM, our revered Teacher came to the conference and taught the Fa for about 30 minutes. After the lecture, all of the practitioners stood and applauded for a long time. One practitioner presented flowers to Teacher. Teacher circled the stage once and waved to everyone. The warm applause continued until Teacher departed.
United States: "The Journey of Fa-Rectification" Grand Parade in New York -- Portraying the History of Falun Gong and a Bright Future
2004-04-13On the afternoon of April the 10th, more than three thousand Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world staged a "Journey of Fa-Rectification" grand parade in Manhattan's Chinatown. The parade portrayed the winding history and the heroic, glorious journey of Falun Gong since its introduction to the public in 1992.