Worldwide News
Wall Street Journal Report: Public Outcry Has Complicated Eutelsat's Decision to Terminate NTDTV's Contract
2005-04-21In a story entitled "Eutelstat's Chinese Aims Hit Static: French Satellite Firm Finds Outcry Complicates Strategy For Bargaining With Beijing" published in the April 13 Wall Street Journal, correspondents Murray Hiebert and Andy Pasztor are reporting that Europe's second largest satellite operator, Eutelsat, has become embroiled in controversy over the Chinese Communist government's treatment of the media and religious dissidents. But in a new twist, the WSJ states that "the company appears to be as much a shrewd opportunist as a victim in the increasingly murky affair."
United States: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition Held for the First Time in Sacramento, California
2005-04-20On April 13, 2005, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition was held for the first time in Sacramento, the capital of California. The exhibition comprised of eight artworks, all of which were created by Falun Gong practitioners.
South Africa: Introducing Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution at the University of Kwazulu-Natal
2005-04-20The University of Kwazulu-Natal is a comprehensive university that has a nearly 100-year history in South Africa. On April 14, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners held a seminar at the university concerning the human rights violations suffered by fellow practitioners in China.
Australia: Practitioners Take Part in Community Activities and Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong
2005-04-20On April 16, 2005, an annual festival welcoming the autumn was held in the city of Yagoona, in the Sydney area. Falun Gong, as a community group, was invited to take part in the celebration activities. Practitioners demonstrated Falun Gong exercises and exhibited Tang Dynasty costumes.
U.S. Department of State: Human Rights Abuses Systematic Problem for China, Official Says
2005-04-19"It will come as no surprise to anyone who reads the Chinese press or Western reporting on China that the Government maintained tight restrictions on the print and broadcast media, and used them to propagate Government views and Party ideology. All media employees were under explicit, public orders to follow CCP directives and "guide public opinion" as directed by political authorities. Newspapers could not report on corruption without government and party approval, and publishers published such material at their own risk."
Yale Daily News: Chinese network's demise is free speech's loss
2005-04-19A New York-based Chinese-language TV station that broke the news on the SARS epidemic in China and infuriated Chinese authorities with uncensored news reports is now fighting to stay on the air. The Beijing-owned China Satellite Communication Corp. sent a letter to the European satellite provider Eutelsat last May requesting that this station, New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), be pulled from Eutelsat's networks. Facing pressure from China again this year, Eutelsat announced that NTDTV transmission will be cut as of April 15. This is sobering news for anyone who believes in press freedom.
Japan: Practitioners in Kinki Support Lawsuit against Jiang and Call for the End of the Persecution
2005-04-18The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide if it will review the lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin for genocide and torture. In order to bring Jiang to justice and to support the global lawsuits against Jiang, Falun Gong practitioners from the Kinki Region of Japan organised a one-day event in Osaka on April 10 2005.
Taiwan: Waist-Drum Performance in Miaoli Wins Applause, Falun Dafa Reaches More People
2005-04-18On April 10, 2005, a waist-drum troupe composed of Falun Dafa practitioners from Miaoli, Taiwan, were invited to give a performance at the 60th anniversary of Liuhe Elementary of Taofen Town, Miaoli County. The troupe played drums to two pieces of music and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Rally in front of U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC to Expose Jiang Zemin's Crimes
2005-04-17At noon on April 13, practitioners in the Washington DC area rallied in front of the U.S. Supreme Court to expose the crimes committed by Jiang Zemin against innocent Falun Gong practitioners and to urge the Supreme Court to accept the lawsuit against Jiang.
FDI: Falun Gong News Bulletin
2005-04-17"CCP attempting to stop the only independent channel broadcasting Falun Gong News into China.WSJ - "Beijing's contempt for New Tang Dynasty [Television] is no secret. A small nonprofit founded in 2001, NTDTV claims to be the only non-governmental Chinese-language channel broadcast on the mainland. Its uncensored news, entertainment and cultural fare theoretically can reach 200 million Chinese speakers, including 50 million in Communist China, Joe Zhao, an NTDTV board member, told us yesterday."
United States: Practitioners Participate in the National Cherry Blossom Festival Parade in Washington DC
2005-04-16The 93rd National Cherry Blossom Parade began on the morning of April 9, 2005 and proceeded along Constitution Avenue in Washington DC. For the seventh time more than a hundred Falun Gong practitioners from Washington DC, New York and Philadelphia took part in this parade to display Chinese traditional culture.
Australia: Falun Gong Introduction Activity in Canberra Well Received
2005-04-16On April 9, 2005, more than twenty Falun Gong practitioners from Sydney and Mittagong introduced Falun Gong to the public with a colourful program of entertainment in Belconnen Shopping Centre. The audience was fascinated and applauded the performances. They also gained an understanding of Falun Gong through a demonstration of the exercises.
Wall Street Journal Report: Public Outcry Has Complicated Eutelsat's Decision to Terminate NTDTV's Contract
2005-04-16In a story entitled "Eutelstat's Chinese Aims Hit Static: French Satellite Firm Finds Outcry Complicates Strategy For Bargaining With Beijing" published in the April 13 Wall Street Journal, correspondents Murray Hiebert and Andy Pasztor are reporting that Europe's second largest satellite operator, Eutelsat, has become embroiled in controversy over the Chinese Communist government's treatment of the media and religious dissidents.
FDI: China Genocide Suit on U.S. Supreme Court Steps
2005-04-15WASHINGTON DC (FDI) -- With his hands tied behind his back, 36-year-old Mr. Liu Yonglai lay naked and shivering on the floor. The smell of burning flesh was in the air. After dousing Liu's body with ice-cold water to intensify the electric currents, several labor camp guards shocked his body with electric nightsticks -- each of which emits a 36,000-volt charge -- targeting sensitive parts of the body such as the mouth, neck, anus and genitalia. In the hallway just outside, other victims lay moaning or vomiting from similar torture.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners File a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2005-04-15During the morning of April 12, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners officially filed a lawsuit with the Osaka Local Court. The lawsuit charged Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing, Luo Gan and Xia Deren with crimes of genocide, torture and crimes against humanity. The Chinese Embassy was charged with the crime of libel.