Worldwide News

  • Overcoming Obstacles, Falun Gong Well Received in San Francisco Lunar New Year Parade

    On February 19, 2005, several hundred Falun Gong practitioners participated in the grand Lunar New Year Parade in San Francisco. After their initial application to take part in the parade was denied, practitioners broke through all kinds of obstacles and finally brought the goodness of Falun Dafa to hundreds of thousands of San Francisco residents.
  • "Uncompromising Courage" Art Exhibition Touches People on Washington Legislative Day

    On February 14, 2005, practitioners in Washington State participated in activities on Legislative Day, held by the State Government in the capital city of Olympia, to explain the facts of Falun Gong to government officials and staff. It was the third year for the practitioners to hold this activity on Legislative Day.
  • Australia: "Uncompromising Courage" Art Exhibition Held in Sydney

    On February 16, 2005, the "Uncompromising Courage" Art Exhibition was held in the York Hotel in downtown Sydney. More than 40 works of art by Falun Gong practitioners were displayed. The exhibition will last 12 days, from 9am to 9pm. A press conference will be held on February 25.
  • New Zealand: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution at the Auckland "New Spirit Festival"

    On February 13, 2005, New Zealand practitioners participated in the "New Spirit Festival" in Auckland. Practitioners decorated their booth with lotus flowers, balloons, paintings and banners, making it beautiful in order to attract interest from passersby.
  • Taiwan: An Evening of Entertainment at New Year for Practitioners' Friends and Family Members

    On the evening of February 5, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in Tainan provided an evening of entertainment for their families, friends and fellow practitioners. The program included singing, dancing, music, reading from the teachings of Falun Dafa, experience sharing and videos.
  • Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Expose the Persecution in Akihabara

    Akihabara is Tokyo's electronics district and a lot of people go there every day. On February 13, 2005, practitioners displayed photos that revealed the shocking brutality of Falun Gong's persecution in China. They distributed leaflets and talked about Falun Gong with passersby.
  • Apple Daily: Falun Rotates Continuously and Its Gong May Be Able to Defeat a Regime

    "Over the past year, based on their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," Falun Gong practitioners have conducted reenactments of torture methods, which are very moving. They endure hunger and cold and silently perform reenactments of torture every day and in all kinds of weather. These reenactments have been very powerful in clarifying the true nature of the CCP. Onlookers are shocked that a country scheduled to host the Olympic Games is so brutal and cruel."
  • Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Join the Chinese New Year Parade in Sydney for the First Time

    The annual Chinese New Year's Parade in Sydney was held successfully amid the happy sounds of drums, applause and laughter. At the end of this year's parade was the colourful Falun Gong procession, with practitioners dressed in golden exercise suits and beautiful Tang Dynasty costumes.
  • Epoch Times: Chinese Attorney Exposes Human Rights Abuses in Shanghai Prison

    "I, being the defense attorney mentioned, having disappointed the litigant and being unable to withstand such heavy expectations, have no alternative but to expose what is really occurring in China's most advanced internationalized metropolis of Shanghai. The authorities do not respect the law; and the consequences for destroying the law are most severe. What kind of stability is there in such a "do as one wishes" law enforcement society? With such scorn for human rights, how can the grand Shanghai be called an "international metropolis?"
  • West Australian (Perth): China calls up scorn with Falun Gong hate

    "You have to wonder about China's leaders...In the past couple of years, they've spent millions of persuade the rest of the world that China is a suitable country to host the Olympic Games. Now they've apparently launched a crude global telephone hate campaign aimed at harassing members of the enigmatic spiritual movement, Falun Gong, with which they have an irrational obsession. It's a sinister act that will reinforce some of our worst fears about the world's biggest nation."
  • United States: Press Conference to Rescue Charles Lee, an Alumnus of the University of Illinois

    On February 14, 2005, practitioners at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) held a press conference on campus to rescue Falun Gong practitioner Charles Lee, an alumnus of the university. Mr. Mark Cnudde, a representative of the Global Organisation to Rescue Charles Lee, called on Chinese authorities to release Charles.
  • North Shore Times (Australia): Art belies pain of existence

    ...She was struck down with severe arthritis. "It was so painful that it was impossible for me to paint," she said. "A year later my husband and I were introduced to a system of exercises and meditation known as Falun Dafa or Falun Gong and in a very short period of time the arthritis disappeared and I was able to paint again."
  • Introducing Falun Dafa in the Inland Regions of Western Canada

    At the end of the parade was a special group: accompanied by gentle wonderful music, more than thirty Falun Gong practitioners slowly walked ahead. Behind the huge "Falun Dafa" banner was the exercise group, followed by the dancing group, then the impressive waist drum group. They wore traditional Chinese clothes. All of the Falun Gong marchers looked energetic, and the spectators felt revived as they watched. Many people applauded the marchers, and some exclaimed, "Where are they from?"
  • Epoch Times: Founder of Falun Gong Withdraws from Communist League

    "A while back, work units [in China] required that employees be members of the Communist Party or the Communist Youth League. As a result, I was obligated to join the Communist Youth League in my youth. Although I never took it seriously, have now surpassed the age limit by decades, and am no longer a League member, I thought it would be best if I stated clearly my withdrawal. Of course, this is done not so much to tell the higher beings above as to show the people of this world."
  • What I Experienced When I Tried to Renew My Passport at the Chinese Consulate in Japan

    On April 18, 2003, I went to the Chinese Consulate in Japan to submit my passport renewal application, because all pages had been stamped. They accepted my application and asked me to return for pickup on April 23. Before that date, staff from the consulate called me and I talked to a secretary with the last name of Wu. In summary, I was told that I would only receive a new passport if I agreed to give up Falun Gong. I did not cave in to this demand.