Worldwide News
United States: Court Affirms That Beijing Party Secretary Liu Qi Is Liable for Crimes of Torture
2004-12-20After a one year wait, on December 8th 2004, Judge Wilkin of United States District Court Northern District of California affirmed a magistrate's ruling that Beijing Communist Party Secretary Liu Qi is liable for the torture and crimes against humanity of the police under his administration during the persecution of Falun Gong.
Taiwan: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution in Chungcheng Park
2004-12-20On the afternoon of December 12th, 2004, Chungcheng Park in Dahsi Town, Taoyuan County was vibrant with a constant stream of vendors and tourists. Falun Gong practitioners held a series of activities, including exercise demonstrations, distributing leaflets, and talking to people about Falun Gong and the persecution taking place in China.
United States: Deputy Mayor of Richmond, Virginia Invites Falun Gong Practitioners to Participate in a Community Celebration
2004-12-19On December 11th, 2004, the Deputy Mayor of Richmond, Virginia invited Falun Gong practitioners to participate in a local community celebration. The practitioners demonstrated the five Falun Gong exercises on the stage. During the event, the city government provided a TV to play the Falun Gong exercise instruction videotape.
Taiwan: Demonstrating the Beauty of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in Taoyuan Pedestrian District
2004-12-19On the afternoon of December 12th, 2004, practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and exposed the persecution to the public in downtown Taoyuan. The melody of the exercise music, the graceful exercises and the smiles from the compassionate hearts of practitioners attracted many passersby to stop and watch.
Billings Outpost (Argentina): Rehberg Supports Human Rights
2004-12-19"On Nov. 16 the Chinese state chairman, Hu Jintao, was visiting Buenos Aires, Argentina. Falun Dafa practitioners were displaying banners stating "Falun Dafa is Good?" and bring Jiang (former state chairman responsible for the persecution of Falun Dafa) to Justice, when they were beaten by members of the Chinese delegation. The practitioners committed no crime. In Argentina citizens have the right to assemble, yet the practitioners were arrested and detained until the Chinese delegation left the area."
Australia: The 2004 Australia Fa Conference and Activities on World Human Rights Day
2004-12-18Falun Gong practitioners from different areas in Australia held a three-day series of activities to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution in China. On World Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition and on the 13th they attended an experience sharing conference.
Korea: Anti-Torture Exhibition Moves Hearts in Daegu City
2004-12-18On the afternoon of December 12th, 2004, in the plaza in front of the most popular department store in Daegu, practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition to expose the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin's regime and the Chinese Communist Party as well as a signature drive to rescue practitioner Gao Chengnu.
United States: Accounts of Practitioners' Activities in Manhattan
2004-12-18From Monday to Friday of last week, it rained every day except one but the practitioners carried on as usual. A member of the public was very touched by practitioners' efforts and said, "Keep at it! No matter whether or not people can understand, you've got to continue your efforts and must let everyone know what is happening in China!"
Bolivia: President of Bolivia Carlos Mesa Supports Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2004-12-17In November 2004, we travelled to Bolivia to file a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan, the chief perpetrators in the persecution of Falun Gong, in the courts of Sucre. In the process, many opportunities to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution presented themselves.
Taiwan: Practitioners Expose CCTV's Deceitful Conduct
2004-12-17On the morning of November 28th, 2004, during the opening ceremony of the "2004 Taipei TV Festival," Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference outside the festival venue to expose Chinese Central TV's producing and broadcasting of programs that slander and frame Falun Gong.
The ECHO Newspaper, Virginia, United States: Article about Falun Gong
2004-12-17"Jiang Zemin mistakenly believed that in a few months he could eradicate the practice of the righteous Falun Dafa. Despite millions of dollars spent on propaganda on radio, TV and newspapers, Jiang Zemin could not change most people's minds and hearts. Instead, he was met with quiet and persistent resistance."
United States: Four Hundred High School Students in The Bronx, New York Learn Facts about Falun Gong
2004-12-16Cymone Bedford is a student at Preston High School of The Bronx School District, New York. After visiting an Anti-Torture Exhibition by Falun Gong practitioners on the streets of Manhattan, she contacted local Falun Gong practitioners listed on the flyer and invited them to introduce Falun Gong to the four hundred students in her school.
Hong Kong: Practitioners Hold Anti-Torture Exhibition on World Human Rights Day to Expose the Persecution
2004-12-16December 10th, 2004 was World Human Rights Day. Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition. Before noon, more than 100 Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Chater Gardens to call upon the public to help stop the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong, which has now lasted for five years.
Korea: Anti-Torture Exhibition Held in Busan
2004-12-16Busan is a port city of about 4 million people and the second largest city after Seoul in Korea. To have more people learn the truth about the brutal nature of the persecution of Falun Dafa taking place in China, practitioners in Busan decided to hold an anti-torture exhibition.
Peru: Promoting Falun Dafa in Cuzco
2004-12-15On November 7th, 2004, several European Falun Gong practitioners began their journey to Lima, Peru to attend an Experience Sharing Conference and to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution during the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Chile. Their first stop was Cuzco, an ancient town far from the capital.