Worldwide News
Malaysia: The First Malaysia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held in Kuala Lumpur
2003-11-27The First Malaysia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was successfully convened in Kuala Lumpur on November 23, 2003. During the day long experience sharing conference, 20 practitioners shared their cultivation experiences, after the speeches, several practitioners sang "Be Saved"; "Return Road"; "Wish" and other songs created by practitioners.
United States: Falun Gong Participates in Harrisburg Holiday Parade
2003-11-27Among 81 parade entries, the Falun Gong group represented traditional Chinese culture that allowed Americans to appreciate the festivity, magnificence and benevolence Falun Gong has brought to the holiday season. The officials on the stage praised when they watched Falun Gong practitioners' performance, "Beautiful!"
Japan Economic Newswire: Falun Gong Follower Released from Detention in China
2003-11-26According to the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, Luo Rong, 39, was sentenced by China to labour reeducation for about a year and a half after she was arrested May 24 in Beijing along with two Japanese while passing out Falun Gong leaflets to passersby. Luo Rong, whose Japanese name is Yoko Kaneko, is a resident of Hamochi, Niigata Prefecture. Embassy officials said Luo was released Sunday after serving out her sentence.
United States: Mary Kay Spokesperson Claims the Controversial Pledge No Longer in Use, No Job Terminations Occurred
2003-11-26According to the report, Mary Kay Inc. spokesman Randall Oxford told AFP that the firm was already in the process of changing the statement put to employees before receiving the Lantos letter. "When we learnt how the pledge was being interpreted, we knew we had to change it and we are in the process of doing that now," said Oxford. He further claimed that no-one had been fired because of their refusal to sign the statement, but that one person saw their employment in China where Mary Kay has a 120,000 strong sales force, terminated because of "multiple illegal activities."
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Attend a Seminar on Freedom of the Press at the University of Minnesota
2003-11-25During his speech, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Erping Zhang pointed out that the media controlled by Jiang's regime has played an extremely important role in the persecution of Falun Gong. The slanderous lies, false charges and framing of practitioners and blocking all channels of legitimate information has caused an already morally deteriorating Chinese press to become totally corrupt.
Indonesian Human Rights Groups Prepare to Establish the "Indonesia Coalition Supporting Falun Gong"
2003-11-25Recently, Indonesia Falun Gong practitioners and several human rights organisations and religious groups declared their intention to set up "Indonesia Coalition Supporting Falun Gong" and planned to bring the chief criminal of the persecution, Jiang Zemin, to court.
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Launch Rescue Campaign and Ray Tang Is Released While Xue-ying Fu Is still in Custody in Mainland China
2003-11-23Two Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners were illegally detained by the Mainland regime in the past 30 days. On November 19, 2003, together with relatives of these two practitioners, Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners and global organizations for the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners initiated a series of rescue efforts. Just one day after the case was exposed to the public, Ray Tang was released.
Taiwan: Summary of the Lawsuit Filed in Taiwan Against Jiang Zemin and Two Other Officials for Committing Crimes of Genocide
2003-11-23 -
United States: Congressman Todd Akin's Letter of Support for an End to the Persecution in China.
2003-11-23To that I end I recently sent a letter to the Chinese Ambassador Yang Jiechi, reminding him of China's dismal human rights record, admonishing him to encourage his government to respect basic human rights and informing him of my resistance to his efforts to discourage me from aiding Falun Gong practitioners and other victims of Chinese tyranny. I also have co-signed my colleague Representative Anna Eshoo's letter to Chinese Ambassador Yang Jiechi in an attempt to secure the release of Chinese political prisoner, Dr. Charles Li. "
Australia: Bring Jiang to Justice Trial in University of New South Wales
2003-11-22In late October a group of Falun Dafa practitioners held a mock trial of the "Global Bring Jiang to Justice Lawsuit" at the University of New South Wales. The purpose was to inform the students about the lawsuit and expose former head of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin's crimes of torture, genocide and acts against humanity.
United States: Encounters During the 2003 Indiana International Festival
2003-11-22Several hundred exhibition booths attracted large crowds. With its fresh and auspicious decoration, the Falun Gong booth attracted people of all ages. The staff of the hosting agency also came to our booth to express their appreciation for our participation.
Australia: Practitioners Participate in Port Adelaide Christmas Parade
2003-11-22 -
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners File Lawsuit Against Jiang in Taiwan
2003-11-21On November 17, after a grand rally in front of the President's Office the day before, representatives of seven Falun Gong practitioners went to Taiwan's High Court to formally file a lawsuit against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin on the charge of genocide. The representatives said that they were confident of the lawsuit's success.
U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China: Human Rights Conditions in China Have Not Improved Overall in the Past Year
2003-11-21In the recently published U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China 2003 annual report, the commission concluded that human rights conditions in China have not improved overall in the past year. "The Chinese government continues to violate China's own constitution and laws and international norms and standards protecting human rights." The commission recognises "the complexity of the obstacles the Chinese people face in their continuing effort to build an accountable government that respects basic human rights and freedoms."
FDI: Chinese Newspaper in Canada on Trial for Publishing Hate Literature
2003-11-20Falun Gong practitioners in Canada say they filed the lawsuit after the newspaper published numerous articles from slandering individuals and attacking their spiritual beliefs. Les Presses Chinoises continued to publish the defamatory articles despite three Quebec Superior Court injunctions ordering a stop to the articles.