Worldwide News
United States: Practitioners Hold Press Conference in Front of Chinese Consulate to Mark International Human Rights Day, Call for Release of Charles Li
2003-12-15December 10 was International Human Rights Day. Los Angeles Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles to mark this important day and call on China to release Charles Li.
Canada: A Symbolic Public Trial of Jiang Zemin Is Held in Downtown Vancouver on Human Rights Day
2003-12-15On December 10, World Human Rights Day, a symbolic public trial of Jiang Zemin was held in front of the Art Museum in downtown Vancouver. Ms. Mary-Woo Sims, former chief commissioner of the British Columbia Human Rights Commission, Sadie Kuehn, a local activist for racial justice, and a Falun Gong practitioner acted as judges.
United States: Falun Gong's Welcoming Activities and "Bring Jiang to Justice" Banner Dispel the Jiang Group's Lie that "Falun Gong Opposes the Chinese Government"
2003-12-14After the weekend's heavy snow in New York, in the freezing wind, Falun Gong practitioners unfurled banners that read, "Welcome Wen Jiabao to the US" "Bring Jiang Zemin to justice," "Falun Dafa is good." These banners delivered a clear message to the world. These banners were a way to expose the lie spread by Jiang and his cohorts that Falun Gong "opposes the Chinese government."
United States: Wen Jiabao Visits Boston, Falun Gong Practitioners' Magnanimous Behaviour Enables More Chinese to Learn the Truth
2003-12-14Practitioners welcomed Wen Jiabao to the US to learn the truth about Falun Dafa, and at the same time, in the face of such evil persecution, practitioners also clearly conveyed the message: Stop the persecution as soon as possible and bring Jiang Zemin, the head of the persecution, to justice.
Australia: Practitioners Hold Group Practice at Darling Harbour
2003-12-14On Sunday morning, in a grove at Sydney's Darling Harbour, Falun Gong practitioners held a large group practice. The peaceful exercise music attracted many passersby and tourists, who stopped to watch. Some even learned the movements and joined in.
Canada: Wen Jiabao Continues His Visit to Canada, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in the Rain
2003-12-13On December 11, Wen Jiabao met Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien at Parliament Hill. At the same time, Falun Gong practitioners from across Canada peacefully performed the exercises on the lawn of Parliament Hill. When Wen Jiabao's motorcade entered and left Parliament Hill, he saw the Falun Gong practitioners, who were appealing in the rain.
United States: Chinese Consulate General Hires Thugs to Suppress Falun Gong in US
2003-12-13Yeongching Foo said that Jiang Zemin's teams involved in various hate crime towards Falun Gong have extended its means of persecution to US territory. Now Chinese Consulate Generals and the Embassy in US hire thugs to harass Falun Gong practitioners. Similar incidents had occurred in Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Washington DC. She hoped California legislation could start investigating the matter.
Israel: Prior to the Israeli President’s Visit to China, Practitioners Hold a Wide Range of Activities
2003-12-12Practitioners were invited to meet one of the president’s advisors and the meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere. The President’s advisor was very supportive and encouraged practitioners to continue their activities. He mentioned that letters and materials sent by practitioners to the President allowed staff members at the President’s Office to learn more about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue Welcoming Wen Jiabao in Front of the White House and Calling for Bringing Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-12-12"Falun Gong practitioners' welcoming Wen Jiabao to the U.S. is an expression of our positive attitude towards him. At the same time, we continue to oppose the persecution and call for an end to it. As everyone knows, Jiang Zemin is the chief culprit of the persecution."
United States: Practitioners Clarify the Truth at International Human Rights Day Rally
2003-12-12On December 6, 2003, practitioners were invited to participate in an International Human Rights Day activity. The practitioners presented the facts about Falun Gong to attendees and demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises on stage. Many people attending the rally expressed their appreciation for the Falun Gong practitioners' participation.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Christmas Parade of Lights in the City of Grapevine
2003-12-12On the evening of December 4, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners from Dallas went to the city of Grapevine, Texas to attend the annual Christmas Parade of Lights held in the downtown area. In addition to expressing appreciation to the local community, we attended the parade to help local residents to learn about Dafa.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Welcome Wen Jiabao in Washington DC and Call for Bringing Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-12-11Washington DC is the second stop of Wen Jiabao's visit to the US. On the afternoon of December 8, 2003 nearly one hundred Falun Gong practitioners lined up in the cold wind and held banners reading, "Welcome Wen Jiabao to the US," "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice," and "Falun Dafa is good."
United States: Falun Gong Website Interviews Practitioners in New York Regarding "Welcome Wen Jiabao" and "Bring Jiang To Justice"
2003-12-11Mr. Ge from Washington D.C. graduated with a degree in physics, and he is the father of two. He said, "The welcoming gesture toward Wen Jiabao shows Falun Gong is broadminded, disciplined and polite. The persecution in China continues to this day, and Falun Gong practitioners continue to appeal and seek justice for the head criminal Jiang and his followers. Our welcoming Wen does not change our purpose or approach at all, but it does recognize that Wen is not responsible for the persecution."
Canada: Driving Right Into the York University Shopping Centre to Clarify the Truth
2003-12-11We held a picture show in the York University Shopping Centre. The local practitioners clarified the truth to the manager of the shopping centre and told him that the van was already on campus. Upon hearing so, the manager suggested us to drive the van into shopping centre.
United States: Yeong-Ching Foo Appeals For Fiancé Charles Li's Freedom and Exposes Cruel Brainwashing Against Him
2003-12-10Recently, Yeong-Ching Foo spoke at the San Diego City Council in California to present the recent situation of her fiancé, American citizen Charles Li and to expose the Jiang regime's persecution of Charles Li by forced brainwashing. The same day, Ms. Foo participated in a rally downtown and made the facts about Falun Gong known to four thousand people.