Worldwide News
United States: Mother United with 7-Year-Old Daughter in New York After Three Years of Efforts
2003-11-13When little Dou Dou saw the policemen take her mother away, she cried and yelled asking for mom back. The cries were like the knife cutting the mother's heart. Ms. Li was detained and beaten up many times and was forced to do hard labor 15 to 16 hours each day. Li recalled, "They also took me away to brainwashing sessions many times. They threatened and cursed me around the clock and deprived me of sleep to force me to watch TV programs slandering Falun Gong and to write repentance letter to break away from Falun Gong. Falun Gong benefited me both mind and body. Why would I give up it?"
Taiwan: Attorneys Sign International Declaration to Bring Human Rights Violator Jiang to Justice
2003-11-13Recently, the largest attorney's association in Taiwan issued a declaration that they support Falun Dafa practitioners' international human rights lawsuits. Over 100 attorneys in Taiwan signed the declaration that states: Based on principles of justice and to safeguard human rights, we call on all to stop Jiang and his accomplices' violent persecution of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) practitioners and support global legal action to bring them to justice.
United States: San Francisco Practitioners Participate in the Veteran Festival Parade by Invitation
2003-11-12Wherever Falun Gong practitioners' procession marched, the spectators gave them great applause. Some people pointed at the banner with the words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in English, and applauded. The practitioners continuously demonstrated the exercises on the float, and introduced Falun Dafa to people lining the street.
United States: Spreading Falun Dafa at the Veteran's Day Festival Parade in Texas
2003-11-12On November 8, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners from Texas joined the Hays County Veteran's Day Festival parade. Among the processions, Falun Dafa practitioners' bright and beautiful float was especially eye-catching. The big red banner imprinted with the words "Falun Dafa" drew people's attention from afar.
United States: Pittsburgh Practitioners Hold Free Falun Gong Workshop
2003-11-12Students who came to learn the exercises were all very sincere. During the more than two-hour workshop, they attentively listened to practitioners' introduction of Falun Gong, the on-going persecution and learnt the five-set exercises. After the workshop, several students signed a petition to express their support of Falun Gong.
Taiwan: Introducing Falun Dafa and Clarifying the Truth at Taichung's Senior Citizen Assistance Exhibition
2003-11-11Many people came up to our booth to learn about Falun Dafa, and wanted to join the exercise practice. Many kind-hearted people asked if Lin Hsiao-kai, who was illegally detained in China, had returned to Taiwan safely. We thanked them and told them that with the help of people from all walks of life in Taiwan, the practitioner has been released.
Indonesia: Practitioners Expose the Jiang Regime's Crimes to Indonesia's National Commission on Human Rights
2003-11-11On November 5, dozens of Falun Gong practitioners, accompanied by representatives of the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute, appealed to the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights. They exposed Jiang's regime's crimes of genocide and interfering in Indonesia's internal affairs.
Taiwan: Some Thoughts on the Rescue Petition Drive at National Chung Cheng University
2003-11-11With the extensive media coverage, Hsiao-kai Lin, who was illegally detained by China, was eventually released. However, many mainland wives of Taiwanese citizens are still being illegally detained in mainland China. They are just good people striving to live up to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. It is unbelievable that these people are being treated as criminals.
United States: Jiang's Regime Victimises American Company Mary Kay, Inc.
2003-11-10Under pressure from the "610 Office," Mary Kay, Inc. now requires that all current and future employees sign a "behavioural standards statement," which explicitly states that they will neither practise nor advocate Falun Gong, under penalty of employment termination. According to information from within China, several Mary Kay employees and/or sales consultants have already lost their jobs for refusing to sign such a statement. Another Mary Kay employee that spoke in favour of Falun Gong was detained by Chinese authorities, and this employee's whereabouts remain unknown.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate the Homecoming Parade of South Dakota State University
2003-11-10Local practitioners worked together to make a beautiful float. Four female practitioners put on the colourful, elegant Tang Dynasty dresses. Our group was very eminent in the long parade procession and gave the spectators a marvellous sight. Many in the audience reacted with delight upon seeing our procession.
Taiwan: Undaunted by Typhoon, Bicycle Tour Visits Hualien County and Gains Support from Local Residents and Government Officials
2003-11-10The bicycle tour around the island to "Stop China from Trampling Upon Taiwan's Human Rights" set off from Taipei on October 28, 2003. The tour travelled to Hualien County in eastern Taiwan on November 2. Typhoon Miller suddenly attacked the island, and the fine weather immediately changed to its opposite. Disregarding the rain and wind, Falun Dafa practitioners persistently and continuously conducted a series of truth clarification activities.
Hong Kong: Appeal to Urge the Release of Jilin Fellow Practitioners That Are Being Tortured
2003-11-09On Monday, November 3, 2003, Hong Kong practitioners held sitting-in appeal and candle light vigil to demand Jiang's regime to immediately release over 100 Falun Gong practitioners being imprisoned in Jilin prison and who are on hunger strike to protest the brutal torture.
Taiwan: Rapid Growth of Falun Gong in Taiwan Noted at Global Alliance for Democracy and Peace Conference
2003-11-08During the last 2 days of the assembly, several keynote speakers mentioned several times the support of Falun Gong by GADP. Including Professor Sen Nieh who briefly discussed the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China. He also pointed out that "There is sharp contrast in how the governments across the Taiwan Strait handles the issue of Falun Gong."
Australia: The Chinese President Encounters Falun Gong During His Visit to Australia
2003-11-08"It was around 8:30 in the morning. We were practising Falun Gong by Lake Burley Griffin and were surprised to see Hu Jintao passing by," Miss Joan told a reporter. She was one of the three practitioners practising by the lake that morning. I was wearing a yellow jacket with Chinese and English words "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance." Two Chinese officials came to us and looked at us. I greeted them and said, "You won't see Falun Gong practitioners practising in parks in China now, right?"
Canada: Montreal Appeal Court's Decision to Reinstate Defamation Trial Will Be Recorded in Canada's Law Books
2003-11-07A Quebec Court of Appeal reinstated Falun Gong practitioners' Motion for Contempt of Court against the Montreal Chinese Newspaper Les Presses Chinoises and the author Bing He. The decision will be recorded in the most prestigious law journal -- Dominion Law Reports.