Worldwide News
Australia: Motion No. 704 Passed in Australian Senate to Rescue the Family Members of Australians
2003-12-10On December 1, 2003, motion no. 704 was passed in the Australian senate, which indicated Australia's commitment to supporting the close relatives of Australian citizens who are detained on the basis that they practise Falun Gong, and calls on the Australian Government to raise the issue in the context of the human rights dialogue.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Welcome Wen Jiabao's Visit to the US and Call for Bringing Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-12-09On December 7, 2003, nearly one hundred Falun Gong practitioners from Metropolitan New York and New Jersey gathered in front of the Waldorf Hotel in Manhattan, peacefully demonstrating the exercises to welcome Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to the U.S. and to call for bringing Jiang Zemin, who is responsible for the brutal persecution of Falun Gong, to justice.
Korea: Truth-clarifying Advertisement at the Jeju International Airport
2003-12-09Jeju Island is an extremely popular tourist destination. Several thousand tourists come to visit everyday. Because Chinese citizens do not need a visa to come here, there are a lot of Mainland Chinese tourists. A huge advertisement about Falun Gong is displayed in the big hall where paperwork for flights from other countries is handled.
Australia: Persecution Survivor Li Ying Shares Her Experience at Capitol Hill
2003-12-08With the help of the Australian government and kind-hearted people all over the world, Li Ying was recently rescued to Australia to reunite with her fiancé On December 1, 2003, Li Ying joined a rally in front of Capitol Hill of Canberra, Australia to support the motion to "Rescue the Australian Citizens' Family Members."
United States: Two Stories of Two Ordinary People Who Believed in the Goodness of Falun Dafa
2003-12-08We then once again approached the maintenance worker and asked, "Are you leaving soon?" he answered, "No, I will be here all day." We then requested him to look after the poster and he answered, "No problem, don't worry about a thing!" Three hours later, we returned to the auditorium and from a distance we could see that the poster was still hanging there, and the maintenance worker was standing right beside it, making sure that it was safe.
Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners Calls for the Release of Ms. Li Qian and Ms. Zhou Xuefei
2003-12-07The GMRPFGP has recently initiated efforts to call on relevant officials in Shanghai to release Ms. Li Qian, the girl friend of American citizen Mr. Mei Shengyang, who was illegally arrested. The organization further calls for the release of Ms. Zhou Xuefei, wife of Atlanta, USA resident Mr. Lu Zhaohui. Ms. Zhou has been detained past her sentence deadline in Sanshui City Women's Detention Centre in Guangdong Province.
South Korea: United News Agency Publishes Apology and Correction for its Previous Distorted Report Defaming Falun Gong
2003-12-07Recently, the South Korea United News Agency sincerely published a corrective article to apologize to Falun Gong practitioners for their falsified report months ago, which distorted facts and defamed Falun Gong. They apologized for any spiritual damage and harmful effects of the report that may have caused people to misunderstand Falun Dafa.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Photo Exhibition at State Capitol Building During State General Assembly Session
2003-12-06Since 2001, Falun Gong practitioners have held several truth clarification activities during the State General Assembly session. It is a good opportunity to talk to the government officials directly and to show the magnificence of Dafa, clarify the truth and call for support
Canada: Practitioners' Enthusiasm and Beautiful Procession Bring Warmth and Cheer to Christmas Parade
2003-12-06On Sunday November 30th Falun Gong was once again proud to be part of the annual Mississauga Santa Claus Parade. The was a spectacle of colour and sound. Tens of thousands of people enjoyed the spirit and energy from the Falun Dafa practitioners' enthusiasm and warmth. The entire performance was broadcast live on local TV.
Australia: After Two Years of Unjust Imprisonment in a Forced Labor Camp, Practitioner Ms. Li Ying Arrives in Australia
2003-12-06"In the labour camp, I resisted their persecution. They hung me with my hands cuffed behind my back for three days. It was very cold. They did not allow me to put on more clothes. They locked me in a solitary confinement cell for more than six months. They were afraid that my determination would interfere with their so-called "re-education" of other practitioners.
Malaysia: The Malaysian Falun Dafa Research and Training Centre Officially Established in Kuala Lumpur
2003-12-05The Malaysian Falun Dafa Research and Training Centre was officially established in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur on November 1, 2003. The process of preparing an application for the Research and Training Centre was a process not only of broad truth-clarification to the Malaysian people and local communities, but also of resistance to interference from the evil regime of China
The Japan Times: Imprisoned Falun Gong member returns to Japan
2003-12-05Kaneko is married to a Japanese man and lives in Niigata Prefecture. She returned to Japan on Thursday after her 18-month detention period expired Sunday. Kaneko was arrested May 24, 2002, for [...] distributing Falun Gong leaflets with friends in Beijing. Her Japanese friends were deported, but Kaneko, who is Chinese, was detained. "I want to give thanks for the cooperation of the Japanese government, the Japanese embassy (in Beijing) and the politicians who supported the move," Kaneko told a news conference through an interpreter.
Australia: Rally at Capitol Hill of Canberra, Falun Gong Practitioners Support the Motion to Rescue Australian Citizens' Relatives
2003-12-04On December 1, Australian Falun Gong practitioners rallied in front of Capitol Hill, Canberra to support the motion to "Rescue the Australian Citizen's Relatives." Practitioners also remembered Ouyang Ming who died from the persecution in China in August of this year.
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Urge the Hong Kong SAR Government to Help Release Falun Gong Practitioner Currently Detained in China
2003-12-04Ms. Fu Xue-Ying has been under detention since October 30. Police in Shenzhen detained Fu, a 28-year-old housewife, when she was found distributing Falun Gong VCDs. She is currently being held in the First Detention Centre in Nan Shan District of Shenzhen. The Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association urges the Hong Kong SAR government to secure the release of Ms. Fu Xue-Ying because practicing Falun Gong and speaking the truth about Falun Gong are both reasonable and protected under the Chinese Constitution. However, depriving Falun Gong practitioners of their basic human rights is against the law.
New Zealand: Falun Dafa Banner Flies High Above New Zealand Christmas Parade
2003-12-04During the annual Auckland Christmas parade on November 30, a 10x30 meter banner pulled by a plane flew in the sky above the parade and brought the message of Falun Dafa and Truth-Compassion-Tolerance to the spectators.