Worldwide News
India: Falun Gong Appreciated By People At Spiritual Festival
2003-08-26Practitioners from India and Iran were invited to participate in a seven-day spiritual festival in India. Every day many people came to attend their classes, and the organiser told them that many people expressed to him great joy for their being there, and he also told us that he personally found the method to be excellent.
AFP: Falun Gong followers rally in Japan
2003-08-26"Some 200 followers of the Falun Gong spiritual movement rallied in Japan on Sunday, accusing former Chinese president Jiang Zemin of massacre charges. They made demonstrations in a park in this port city southwest of Tokyo and held a mock trial for Jiang, finding him guilty of unfair prosecution of the movement and torturing hundreds of members to death."
Korean Falun Dafa Practitioners Experience Overwhelming Support and Kindness as They Tour Korea to Clarify the Truth
2003-08-25From the onset of our trip, because of pressure from the Chinese Embassy, the police eyed us suspiciously, no matter where we went. After they saw our righteousness, a lot of them called the Central Public Security Bureau in Seoul to report. The Seoul Central Public Security Bureau told them that after several years of observation, they know that Falun Gong practitioners are civilized and kind, and their activities are all peaceful. They also promised the local Public Security Bureau that Falun Gong practitioners definitely would not conduct any terrorist activities. So wherever Falun Gong practitioners go, the Seoul Central Public Security Bureau hopes that the local public security bureau will help and support the practitioners.
Certificates of Recognition in Honour of Falun Gong from Los Angeles County
2003-08-25 -
Taiwan: The Taiwan Minghui School Summer Camp 2003
2003-08-24In the camp, the children were required to do the exercises, recite "Hong Yin" [Collection of Master Li's poems] and strive to follow the principles of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. We told the children cultivation stories, taught them to sing songs composed by Dafa pracitioners, introduced them to the concept of acupuncture points and stone carving, and provided opportunities for them to appreciate puppet shows and music, draw animals, visit zoos, and tour the Children's Centre for Music as well as other activities.
United States: Proclamation of Falun Dafa Week, City of West Hollywood, California
2003-08-24 -
United States: Support from the US Government in Los Angeles
2003-08-24 -
United States: Mayor of West Hollywood Stands Firm in Defending Proclamation for Falun Gong
2003-08-23"I'm not an expert on Falun Gong, but it seems that the practice is benevolent; it's peaceful; it focuses on the best of humanity--on virtues of peace, love, happiness, tolerance, forbearance, etc.--and all types of good things that we want for people. Why would [the Chinese government] oppose this?"
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Conduct a Mock Trial of Jiang Zemin in San Francisco's Chinatown
2003-08-23On August 16, Falun Gong practitioners from the San Francisco Bay area went to the Garden Corner in San Francisco Chinatown and conducted a public mock trial of the chief criminal of the persecution, Jiang Zemin. On that day, constant streams of crowds passed by the Garden Corner. The public mock trial attracted much attention from the passersby.
The Sun Herold (Biloxi, Missouri): Chinese dissidents protest crackdown on meditative exercise
2003-08-23Three Chinese seeking to raise awareness about a [..] communist crackdown on the practise of Falun Gong, a meditative exercise, quietly went through the motions across from City Hall on Thursday. The stopover in Biloxi is part of a peaceful protest occurring in cities across the nation that will culminate in Washington, D.C.
Australia: World-renowned Lawyer and Human Rights Advocate Geoffrey Robertson QC, Assists Artist Ms. Zhang Cuiying to File Charges Against Jiang Zemin
2003-08-22While Falun Gong practitioners around the globe are preparing to bring charges against Jiang Zemin and his "610 Office," Australian artist Ms. Cuiying Zhang also wished to bring an individual action against Jiang Zemin. World-renowned lawyer and human rights campaigner Geoffrey Robertson has agreed to assist her with the prosecution.
Japanese Newspaper Mainichi: "Alliance for Rescuing Yoko Kaneko" Appeals in Kouchi County
2003-08-22Members of the "Alliance for Rescuing KanekoYoko" visited Kouchi County Government on the 8th as a part of their appeal trip around the country. They delivered an appeal letter to the chief of the county government secretary section in which they requested that Kouchi County call upon the Japanese government to urge the Chinese government to release Yoko Kaneko.
United States: 800 Residents of Chinatown Spend the Evening with Falun Gong Practitioners During Historical Blackout
2003-08-22On Friday the 15th the electricity was still not working in Manhattan's Chinatown. In spite of many difficulties, we decided to not cancel our weekly Friday night film show in Chinatown's Roosevelt Park. We had about 800 Chinese sitting in the dark waiting for the show to start. Looking at the huge crowd that was about to learn the truth about the persecution in China, I was deeply moved.
Taiwan: Photo Report - More Than 2000 Attend the 2003 Northern Taiwan Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2003-08-21 -
Peru: Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Invited to Join Municipal Celebration Parade for the First Time
2003-08-21On August 4, a grand parade was held in Municipalidad De Ate in Peru. Institutions, organisations, and schools affiliated with the city hall participated in the celebration. Falun Dafa practitioners have been conducting exercises instructions at the Salamanca City Hall for about three months. As a result, practitioners were invited to join the city's celebratory parade.