Worldwide News
United States: Practitioners in Ohio Hold Activities to Rescue Mr. Wang Weiyu
2003-10-25Falun Dafa practitioners at Ohio State held a series of activities to rescue Wang Weiyu after learning that he was going to be sentenced unjustly. Wang Weiyu, was expelled from school for practising Falun Gong while he was pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Qinghua University. Subsequently, he was arrested in August 2002, and was held in the detention centre of Beijing Police Bureau.
Taiwan: Taipei Minghui Falun Gong School Report
2003-10-25The Minghui School of Taipei has been established for nearly two years. Currently the classes are held on the afternoon of every second and fourth Sunday of the month. The School has organised activities such as summer camp, winter camp, and one-day field trips for Fa-study as well as visits to certain places.
United States: Residents of a Beautiful Missouri City Happily Learn About Dafa
2003-10-24Falun Gong practitioners won two second prizes for "The Most Beautiful Float" and "Best Procession." We were also invited to perform the five sets of the exercises on the stage, and introduce to the audience about the widespread of Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.
Canada: Driving Across Canada for Justice Van Tour Kicks Off in Victoria
2003-10-24The three-person team will start from Victoria. They will stop in more than 50 cities before arriving in Quebec City. The trip will last one month. The practitioners will attempt contacts with local governments of all the municipalities they travel through and also try and make contact with local non-governmental organisations and Chinese communities.
Canada: Practitioners Initiate Falun Gong Cross Canada Tour for Justice
2003-10-23A press conference was held in Vancouver October 19 for the Falun Gong Cross Canada Tour for Justice. The car tour will cross Canada, to thank the Canadian people and government's efforts to rescue Falun Gong practitioners and call for Canadian people to work together to bring Jiang Zemin to justice.
United States: Falun Gong Participates in Kansas City American Royal Parade
2003-10-23The annual American Royal Parade of Kansas City was held in October every year. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in this community activity and they showed the peace and beauty of Falun Dafa to thousands of residents.
Macao: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activities to Protest Jiang Regime's Persecution
2003-10-22On October 17, the chief member of Jiang regime, Zeng Qinghong, the Vice-President of China came to Macao to attend a ceremony. Although the circumstances were difficult and full of pressure, Macao practitioners used their righteous thoughts and righteous actions to hold peaceful activities to protest Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong.
Taiwan: Two-Day Sharing Activity Held in Mid-Taiwan
2003-10-22In morning, we practised the Falun Gong exercises as a group in Chongshan Park. We also held a poster display to exhibit the beauty of Falun Dafa and clarify the facts. During the two days, we read Zhuan Falun and also sent forth righteous on top of each hour.
Canada: Practitioner's Letter Asking Canada's Prime Minister To Help Rescue Her Younger Brother From Labour Camp in China
2003-10-21Mental and physical torture is inflicted upon him daily. My brother's prison term ended on Dec. 15, 2002. However, when that was finished, he was transferred directly from the Labour Camp to a Brainwashing Centre by the Nanjing 610 office and the police. The brainwashing camp has no time limit. As long as he refuses to renounce his belief in Truth-Benevolence-Forbearance, my brother is not allowed to go home. It has been more than five months since he was locked up in an unknown place. He continues to suffer immensely and his life is in great danger.
Taiwan: Clarifying the Facts of the Persercution at the National Palace Museum
2003-10-21The National Palace Museum located at the suburbs of Taipei is world famous tourist attraction. For visitors from Mainland China and other overseas Chinese people, it is a "must see" spot. Recently, I often went to the National Palace Museum to clarify the facts to the Chinese people.
United States: The Lawsuit Against Jiang in Illinois is Ready to go to Appeal
2003-10-20After the hearing, Terri Marsh, the lawyer of the plaintiffs, told journalists that throughout history, all righteous efforts for freedom of belief have come across difficulties. Think about Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. What they did is regarded as correct today not because what they did was in accordance with public opinion at the time. It is because, more importantly, what they did was righteous. The persecution of Falun Gong has been against the human spirit and has violated Chinese laws, American laws, and international laws.
United States: Magnificent Scenes from a Parade in California
2003-10-20Falun Gong practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area participated in the 135th Italian Traditional Culture Festival Parade. Every year, it attracts tens of thousands of people, and the procession also passes the major streets in Chinatown, which offered us a good opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa to the public.
Israel: Introducing Dafa During the 2nd Israeli Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference
2003-10-19The 2nd Israeli Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was recently held. Practitioners from all over the world participated in many activities during the 4-day event to introduce Falun Dafa to local residents.
Canadian MP James Lunney Asks Prime Minister of Canada to Raise the Issue of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China During APEC Conference
2003-10-19"I urge you to persist in raising concerns for the thousands who continue in prison and in persecution. Please use your meetings with China's leaders to express Canada's concern, alarm and repugnance of these practices. I especially draw attention to your meeting with past President Mr. Jiang Zemin, now chairman of the Central Military Commission who appears to be the architect and proponent of these repressive practices."
United States: Public Trial of Jiang in the Court of Morality and Conscience
2003-10-18Falun Gong practitioners from North America, Europe and Asia gathered on the Old Market Square in Houston on October 10 2003, and called on the public to pay attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.