Worldwide News
Mayor Allen Tharling of City of Port Lavaca in Texas Writes to Department of Justice in Support of the Lawsuit against the Former Chinese Dictator
2003-06-08 -
FDI: 80 Illinois State Lawmakers Urge Members of Congress to Support U.S. Lawsuit against Former Chinese Leader
2003-06-0780 Illinois State lawmakers signed a letter to members of congress, urging them to support a U.S. class-action lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, responsible for launching the persecution of Falun Gong
Economics Professor Chang Ching-hsi Talks About the Lawsuit against Jiang: "He used one quarter of the nation's financial resources to persecute Falun Gong; the persecution is unprecedented"
2003-06-07Suing Jiang is quite the right thing to do. Falun Gong practitioners practise Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. They discard attachments and don't have any conflicts with the world, not to mention fighting for political power. Jiang Zemin, though, uses a nation's power to persecute Falun Gong, meaning if someone practises Falun Gong, Jiang would resort to defaming their reputation, bankrupting them financially and destroying them physically, without any other reason.
World Psychiatric Association (WPA): Memo on the Issue of Alleged Political Abuse of Psychiatry in China
2003-06-07"The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) informs the international psychiatric community that the plans for the site visit to China aimed to explore the alleged political abuse of psychiatry have been delayed during the past eight months by the limited collaboration on the part of Chinese health authorities.
United States: Pennsylvania Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Participate in Second Asia Cultural Festival in Philadelphia
2003-06-07After speeches from the guest speakers, the Falun Gong practitioners' performance started the Asian Traditional Culture Program. The practitioners' serene, gentle and peaceful exercise demonstration exhibited the grace of Falun Dafa to the diverse audience.
Judge Finds Ding Guangen Guilty in Case Similar to Jiang Lawsuit
2003-06-06On May 15, 2003, Ding Guangen, the Propaganda Minister of China and also the vice head of the "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) was served with a class action lawsuit. On May 13, 2003, the judge approved the motion of the plaintiffs and found that Ding Guangen was guilty of the crimes listed in the complaint.
United States: Practitioners Around North America Appeal for the Rescue of Charles Li From China
2003-06-06Practitioners around America and Canada have held activities to help rescue Dr. Charles Li. The practitioners protested China's illegal acts and demanded the Chinese government to immediately and unconditionally release Dr. Charles Li.
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold A Series Of Activities To Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2003-06-06On June 24, 2002 Yoko Kaneko was sentenced to one and half years of forced labour for distributing leaflets in Beijing. Practitioners in Japan have held many activities to appeal for her rescue.
United States: Practitioners from Around North America Appeal for the Release of Charles Li
2003-06-05Practitioners from around North America hold activities to appeal for the rescue of practitioner Charles Li from detention and torture in China.
Canada Practitioners From Around Cananda Hold Activities and Hunger Strikes to Appeal for the Rescue of Charles Li
2003-06-05The practitioners' action was to remind the people of the world to be aware of the genocidal crimes Jiang's regime is committing in China. They also hope more people will join the effort to save Dr. Charles Li and stop the violence from spreading and escalating.
United States: Friends of Falun Gong USA Appeals to President Bush to Help Rescue Charles Li
2003-06-05Mr. President, we urge you to please speak up in defence of the human rights of those people who practise Falun Gong in China, and Dr. Li in particular. Further, we ask that you instruct the Department of Justice to withdraw its attempts to dismiss the case against Jiang. By intervening on his behalf, the United States is implicitly supporting Jiang and his brutal dictatorship, and this is counter to every principle Americans have defended with their lives.
United States: San Francisco Bay Area Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa During the Santa Clara County "Unity in Diversity Festival"
2003-06-04Falun Gong practitioners set up display boards showing Falun Dafa flourishing around the world and many kinds of truth-clarifying materials, VCDs and petitions for help to rescue Dr. Charles Li were made available.
Letter from US Senator Carl Levin Regarding the Arrest and Detention of Charles Li
2003-06-04The persecution of people because of their religion has been a shameful recurring chapter throughout the history of the world. Promoting religious freedom and tolerance is a critical component of United States human rights policy. I believe China should release Dr. Li and send him home rather than hold him in prison on unjustified charges.
Korea: Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth During Flower Expo, Call for Rescue of Charles Li and Support in Bringing Jiang to Justice
2003-06-03The beautiful exercise music and the slow and gentle movements caught the attention of many tourists, who then stopped to watch. Some other practitioners then walked up to the tourists with signature books, and explained to them what Falun Gong is and how it is being persecuted in China. After learning the truth, kindhearted people with a sense of justice all signed their names.
United States: Washington DC Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Protest Jiang Regime's Imprisonment of Charles Li
2003-06-03In the press conference, a letter from Dr. Li's fiancée was read. She said in the letter, "Charles Li's action was upright, he was trying to help Chinese people find out the truth." She called everyone to help rescue Dr. Li so that he can come back to the U.S. as soon as possible.