Worldwide News
Proclamation Supporting Falun Gong in the Borough of Forest Hills, Pennsylvania
2003-02-16"Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Borough Council of the Borough of Forest Hills condemns the violence and repression against Falun Gong practitioners in China."
United States: Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition Held in New York State Capitol
2003-02-15On February 3 2003, New York Dafa practitioners held a Journey of Falun Dafa photo exhibition and a thank-you party in the New York State Capital. Twenty-five photos exhibited the grace and solemnness of Dafa, and some other photos showed the upright and selfless character of Dafa practitioners as they faced the persecution.
United States: Congressman Robert Andrews Writes to Secretary of State Colin Powell Concerning Mr. Charles Li's Detention in China
2003-02-15Clearly, we can not allow the People's Republic of China to mistreat a citizen of our nation. At this crucial juncture, it is absolutely essential that we send a clear statement to the Chinese government that the United States will not accept their blatant disregard for the rights of Falun Gong practitioners.
Israel: Residents of Tel Aviv Show Their Support for Practitioners
2003-02-14Many people requested to sign a petition to stop Jiang's persecution and to free Xiong Wei (sister of an Israeli citizen) who was arrested in China for handing out flyers in public. Others wanted to learn the exercises immediately or asked where could they get a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa.
USA: Falun Gong Photo Exhibition and Petition Drive Are Held in Menlo Park, California, the City of Charles Li's Residence
2003-02-14On February 11, to rescue Dr. Xiangchun Li (Charles Li) and let him return to the US as soon as possible, Falun Gong practitioners from San Francisco area held a photo exhibition and petition signature collection at downtown Menlo Park, where Dr. Li resided.
United States: Clark University Chapter of AI To Launch Petition Drive to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners' Family Members Jailed in China
2003-02-13Daniel, who is in charge of Amnesty International Clark University Chapter, pointed out in his speech that in the United States, 37 Falun Gong practitioners' family members in China are currently suffering from inhuman persecution. In Massachusetts, four practitioners' family members are enduring persecution in China and practitioners are trying their best to rescue them.
United States: Heart Warming Letters to Secretary of State from US Public Requesting Help for Charles Li's Release
2003-02-13I am writing in hopes that you will do everything you can to help bring Charles back to the US. He is a kind and gentle soul, who just wanted to visit his family in China, and shouldn't be punished...We are all very disturbed by this shocking news so please do what you can to help get him back.
United States: Government Officials Asked to Help Secure the Release of Dafa Practitioner Charles Li
2003-02-12"Hard working","Soft Spoken","Compassionate" and "Sincere" Charles Li was illegally seized in Guangzhou Airport upon arriving in China for a visit. A friend of his who was truly moved by Charles words and actions asks government officials "Please do everything in your power to immediately rescue Charles and bring him home to safety in the United States."
Australia: New Sight at Sydney Tourist Attractions -- Falun Dafa Information Van
2003-02-12The van belongs to a Falun Gong practitioner in Sydney. He drives this van everyday from where he lives to anywhere he needs to go. He also drives the van to deliver goods and to handle some other affairs. Wherever he drives, a small-scale Falun Dafa photo exhibit is displayed.
Third-Party Commentary: The Odd January 22nd -- About Different Treatments of Nancy Chen and Charles Li
2003-02-11Nancy Chen and Charles Li are citizens of Australia and America respectively. Both were recently unjustly arrested in China by the Jiang regime because they are practitioners of Falun Gong. However, they have been treated entirely differently by the Chinese authorities. This article explains the reasons behind these enormous differences and uncovers an unsettling and devious arrangement.
Public Advisory on the Repeat Kidnapping of Mr. Wang Xinzhong from the "World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong"
2003-02-11This organisation has placed on file the case of Mr. Wang Xinzhong, father of Ms. Wang Bo, who has been kidnapped for the second time, and will systematically and thoroughly investigate the institutions and individuals in China who plotted and participated in the persecution of Falun Gong through media defamation.
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Urge Congress Members to Rescue Charles Li
2003-02-11Jiang's regime is making up some charges and trying to put this man behind bars for up to fifteen years without any evidence and with no chance of a fair trial. We are very concerned for his safety. We urge you to please follow the lead of Charles' Congresswoman, Ms. Anna Eshoo, and write to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing or to Colin Powell, asking them to get our fellow citizen out.
Letter from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Appeal to US Politicians for the Release of Charles Li
2003-02-10"He was arrested on January 22, 2003..[and] then transferred the Yangzhou Detention Center in Jiangsu Province. Two days later, Chinese authorities officially notified the U.S. consulate in Shanghai that Dr. Li will be charged with sabotaging telecommunications equipment...If found guilty, Dr. Li faces imprisonment up to fifteen years."
Toronto Practitioners Clarify the Truth During Visit from Xiao Yang, Chief Justice of China's Supreme Court
2003-02-10With practitioners standing quietly outside, Xiao Yang and his group did not dare to leave and delayed their departure time and again. They stayed at dinner for more than two hours. The practitioners didn't eat anything but stood quietly in the cold wind, holding banners and posters in their hands. In the end, the Chief and his crew couldn't delay any longer. Afraid of passing the banners if they exited through the front door, the group left the restaurant through the rear door of the kitchen...
Malaysia: Rotary International Holds Falun Dafa Introductory Workshop
2003-02-10On January 14, 2003, Falun Dafa Introductory Workshop was held in the Rotary International, Malaysia. Because of the success of the workshop, Rotary International presented a certificate to express their thanks for practitioners' introducing a "Powerful Ancient Practise To Improve Body, Mind and Spirit."