Worldwide News
USA: "Path of Return, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Photographic Exhibition Is Held at Illinois Statehouse
2002-12-20From December 3 to 5, 2002, with the help from practitioners of nearby states, practitioners in Illinois held a 3-day photographic exhibition entitled, "Path to Return Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" at the lobby of the Illinois statehouse. Falun Gong recieved much support and admiration from this event.
Australia: The World Needs "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" Day in Fairfield
2002-12-20During the day, many activities were held, including Falun Dafa exercise demonstrations, singing and dancing performances, calligraphy demonstrations and information sessions. A signature collection was also started to support the erection of a marble monument bearing the words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" in 27 different languages.
Please Help Rescue Practitioners Chengtao Lin, Xiaojie Zhang and Xiao Liu
2002-12-19How can I forget your smiles, encouragement and friendship? Can you hear my voice from the bottom of my heart? All kind-hearted people with our conscience let us make the right choice between right and wrong. Please stretch out your hand and lend your support.
Letter of Support from Canada's Member of Parliament Shawn Murphy to Canada's Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
2002-12-19"Falun Gong is a practise used by millions of people worldwide, including many in Canada, to strengthen the body, mind and spirit through exercise, meditation and teachings based on ancient Chinese tradition. Those who live by the principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, make a positive addition to Canada's rich cultural mosaic."
Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer Shows Support Against the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2002-12-19"The Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in China Contravenes the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights."
US Congressman from Pennsylvania Joseph Hoeffel Applauds the 2002 Falun Dafa Conference in Philadelphia
2002-12-19"I am pleased to offer my personal best wishes to everyone at the 2002 Falun Gong Convention in Philadelphia...your pursuit for self-enrichment should be honored and respected"
Against Article 23 Website
2002-12-18A website has been created to cover the issue of the Article 23 Legislation proposed by the Hong Kong authorities at
Petition Letter: Withdraw the proposed Article 23 legislation
2002-12-18'We call upon the Hong Kong people and the international community to speak out, and we urge the Hong Kong and the Mainland authorities to withdraw the proposal and allow freedom, peace, and prosperity to reign in this beautiful international city.'
Promoting Falun Gong at Taiwan's National Chiao Tung University
2002-12-18December 4, 2002 was Sports Day at Taiwan National Chiao Tung University. The Falun Dafa Club registered a booth to promote Falun Gong and clarify the truth of the persecution in China to the professors and students.
Hundreds Rally in Washington, DC to Protest Hong Kong's Article 23
2002-12-17Amnesty International Advocacy Director T. Kumar expressed his organisation's deep concern that "if implemented, Article 23 will open the door to massive human rights abuses." Participants in the rally against Article 23 hope that their efforts and similar endeavours around the world will influence Hong Kong legislators as the consultative period for Article 23 draws to a close.
Apple Daily (Hong Kong): Exposing the Deceit of Article 23: Media Could Find it Difficult to Avoid Prosecution
2002-12-16'Apple Daily reported on December 9 that Hong Kong government officials often emphasise that the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law will only limit itself to defining some high-level crimes that ordinary citizens would not commit. However, a large group of lawyers are standing up and writing articles to expose the government's lies.'
On International Human Rights Day, Japan Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Amnesty International Parade
2002-12-16Dafa practitioners' procession moved forward solemnly and peacefully. With bright-coloured banners, peaceful music and a graceful demeanour, Dafa practitioners displayed the beauty of Falun Dafa and exposed the atrocity of the evil persecution.
Australia: UN Human Rights Day 2002 Activities in Brisbane
2002-12-16This year's permits were approved within half an hour of applying! The police are always most helpful and gracious, as they know we will obey all the details of our permits and because of the peaceful nature of our activities, particularly our parades.
Australian Citizen Dai Zhizhen Appeals in Japan for the Release of Yoko Kaneko
2002-12-15Dai Zhizhen, a practitioner who travelled from Australia to Japan addressed the media; "The purpose of my trip to Japan is to appeal to kind-hearted Japanese rescue [Yoko Kaneko]. I don't want to see her...die from the tortures the way my husband did. I appeal to the Japanese government and media to help Yoko reunite with her husband."
Canada: Painting Exhibition in Edmonton Reveals the Facts of the Persecution in China
2002-12-15During the three-day exhibition, many people visited the painting exhibition, including government officials, non-governmental organisation workers, professors, university students and high school students. Among them, many were Chinese students and scholars.