Worldwide News
Billboard Stands Tall in Front of the National Palace Museum in Taiwan
2003-01-06The National Palace Museum located outside of Taipei, Taiwan is famous worldwide, a must-see for many Chinese tourists. Recently a billboard with the words "Falun Dafa is Good" and pictures of practitioners serenely meditating was set up beside the road near the museum.
Practitioners in China wish Master Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-05 -
AFAR (Association for Asian Research): Article 23 and Its Impact on Hong Kong's Economy
2003-01-05Article 23 was added to the Basic Law of Hong Kong after a million of Hong Kong's people demonstrated to support students' democratic movement in June 1989. The Central Government of P.R. China added Article 23 to avoid future demonstration of Hong Kong people against the central government. In essence, the Jiang regime are now trying to silence dissadent voices in Hong Kong.
Taiwan: Taoyuan Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the County's New Year Flag-Raising Ceremony
2003-01-05The 2003 New Year Flag-Raising Ceremony was held at the square in front of the county government building. Dafa practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises to introduce Falun Dafa to the audience.
Falun Dafa Practitioners from Asian/Pacific Regions Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-04 -
Falun Dafa Practitioners from North and South America Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-04 -
On the National Taiwan University Campus, 5,000 Practitioners Light Up Candles For a More Peaceful World
2003-01-04In front of the National Taiwan University Stadium, the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association held a candlelight vigil entitled "With Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance in Mind, a More Peaceful World Will Be a Reality." Five thousand Falun Gong practitioners, mostly from various places in Taiwan, lit up candles in the wind and rain. They sat quietly to remember their fellow practitioners who have been tortured to death in China.
Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners from Melbourne Reveal the Truth of the Persecution on New Year's Eve
2003-01-04The fireworks show is a traditional way to celebrate the New Year in Melbourne... and local practitioners decided to utilise this opportunity to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and distribute truth-clarifying materials by the Yarra River..
Speech of Support for Falun Gong Given by the Vice Interior Minister of Taiwan at the 2002 Falun Dafa Conference
2003-01-03The foundation of Taiwan is democracy, freedom, equality, and humanity. This is why Falun Dafa is flourishing in Taiwan...In my mind, the wide spread of Falun Dafa in Taiwan is one of the achievements of democracy in Taiwan.
Attending Philadelphia's "Mother Earth Expo"
2003-01-03The purpose of the Expo was to "improve physical and mental health". Over 100 booths were filled. The Falun Gong booth with the Chinese characters of "Falun Dafa" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" was widely noticed. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to demonstrate the exercises.
Nearly 200,000 Signatures Opposing Article 23 Collected
2003-01-02December 24 marked the end of the survey period for Article 23. Organisations in Hong Kong submitted 190,000 signatures opposing the potential legislation.
Falun Dafa Practitioners from China Respectfully Wish Teacher Li a Happy New Year
2003-01-02We have received numerous "Happy New Year" greetings to Teacher Li from practitioners around the world. Here are some from Mainland China.
Photo Report: 2002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2003-01-022002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Experiences Sharing Conference was held in National Taiwan University Stadium on December 29, 2002. Over 5,000 practitioners from Taiwan and other countries attended the conference.
Taiwan Vice President Lu Hsiu-Lien Sends Her Congratulations and Best Regards to the Taiwan Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2003-01-02"I am very glad to hear that your association will hold the 2002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference at the new Stadium of National Taiwan University on December 29, 2002. With this telegram, I extend my sincere congratulations to all of you. This conference is a grand occasion for your association and provides practitioners the opportunity to exchange ideas and share their cultivation experiences."
2002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Conference Successfully Held in Taipei
2003-01-01Early in the morning, it was drizzling and chilly. Five thousand practitioners from around the world, along with people from various circles in Taiwan, gathered in the stadium to attend this grand conference. The hosting organisation, the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association, invited various people in Taiwan to attend.