Worldwide News
United States: Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition to Be Held for Two Months at the Downtown Library in Atlanta
2002-12-25The photo exhibition is entitled "The Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa" opening on the evening of December 5, 2002 in the downtown library of Atlanta. "This photo exhibition is to tell people the most basic fact -- that Falun Dafa is good! The persecution in China is vicious. And it is not far away from us, especially because it has involved our neighbours and friends."
United States: Letters of Support From Two Congressmen
2002-12-25 -
Australia: Public Rally Against Hong Kong's Article 23 Held in Sydney
2002-12-24On Thursday 19th December 2002, more than seventy people staged a peaceful rally at Circular Quay in Sydney to raise public awareness of Hong Kong's proposed enactment of the Basic Law's Article 23. Participants included human rights groups, scholars, and those with ties to Hong Kong.
Please Rescue My Brother and Sister-in-Law from Inhuman Incarceration (Photo)
2002-12-24"During detention, my sister in-law was hung up and handcuffed inside an iron cage during the very cold winter. She was even forced to stand on the ice and snow whilst shackled for half a month."
A Call for the Rescue of My College Classmate, Mr. Cong Zhongxiao
2002-12-24Mr. Cong Zhongxiao is 39 years old and received his master's degree from the Dalian Science and Technology University. Before 1999, he had worked for the Dalian City Beida Vehicle. He took up Falun Gong in 1997 and became a very good citizen and hard worker. After the persecution began, due to his steadfast belief in Falun Dafa he has suffered much at the hands of Jiang Zemin's regime. This is his story and a call to help rescue Cong Zhongxiao from brutal treatment and torture.
Please Voice Your Opposition Against Article 23 of the Basic Law
2002-12-23The Hong Kong governments proposal to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law has aroused an outpouring of concern from Hong Kong citizens and people all over the world. If we wait until the Hong Kong government enacts the Article 23 legislation, it will be too late. Please voice your opposition to Article 23 of the Basic Law as soon as possible.
Hawaii State Senate Recognises and Commends Hawaii Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-23The senate of the Twenty-First Legislature of the State of Hawaii hereby recognizes and commends the Hawaii practitioners of Falun Dafa for their commitment of sharing their knowledge and Practise with our community.
Letter to the Hong Kong Government Regarding Article 23 from Falun Gong Practitioners in 80 Universities in the United States
2002-12-22'We are writing to express our deep concern over the proposal to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law. We are concerned that the enactment of Article 23 will result in the extension of the tyranny in Mainland China to Hong Kong, and the violent suppression of Falun Gong, in particular.'
Australia: Letters of Support from the Australian Government Concerning the Detained Practitioner Zhuoya
2002-12-22Australia has expressed its views to China many times, and at the highest levels. Australia has raised China's treatment of Falun Gong in various round of the bilateral Human-Rights Dialogue, most recently in August 2002. Regrettably, China's response at those talks did not suggest any softening of its position was likely. But the Government will continue to pursue the issue.
Texas: Special Recognition Commemorating October 2002 as Falun Dafa Month
2002-12-22 -
Australia Falun Dafa Information Centre: Lee's 500 Kilometre Appeal Arrives in Wollongong
2002-12-22Mr Cheezong Lee, a resident of Bankstown, is cycling over 500 kilometres from Sydney to Canberra in an attempt to obtain signatures for a petition to have his Christmas present and letter delivered through the Australian government to his fiancé, Ms Li Ying, in a Chinese labour camp.
Australia: City Council of Fairfield Unanimously Passes Resolution Supporting Falun Gong
2002-12-21Falun Gong practitioners were specially invited to attend the Fairfield City Council Meeting. Many council members expressed their support of Falun Gong and suggested the creation of a stela on which the words "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" are written.
Thailand: Promoting Falun Dafa at the Psychology Science Exhibition in Bangkok
2002-12-21Falun Dafa practitioners rented two booths at the "Psychology Science Exhibition" held in the Agriculture University of Bangkok. They hung up banners written in Chinese, English and Thai and set up a TV to play the Falun Dafa exercises tape and programs revealing details about the brutal persecution in China.
USA: Executive Director of Friends of Falun Gong USA Makes Speech to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China
2002-12-21The Executive Director of Friends of Falun Gong USA talks about the persecution in China and how Falun Gong practitioners are suffering. In this speech he makes suggestions for the Commission to make more efforts to help improve the situation in China.
Worldwide Opposition to the Article 23 Legislation in Hong Kong
2002-12-20Jiang Zemin's attempts to export his persecution of innocent people to the free and democratic society of Hong Kong is being opposed by people, organisations and parliamnetarians from all over the world. Here are some examples from Canada, Australia and Taiwan.