Worldwide News
Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Protest All Night in Chicago Until Jiang's Departure
2002-10-27When the reporter asked why the practitioner didn't take shelter from the rain, he amiably smiled: "I have been paying attention to whether Jiang comes out or not and do not notice the rain. I want to tell him to stop the persecution face to face when I see him."
Japan: Dafa Practitioners Continue Their 24-Hour Peaceful Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy
2002-10-27On October 22-28, Japanese Dafa practitioners peacefully appealed outside the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo 24 hours a day to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to the public and expose the Jiang regime's atrocious crimes, its brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, and its extension to countries abroad.
Six More Proclomations Declaring Falun Dafa Day or Month Awarded From the United States
2002-10-27 -
Mexican Human Rights Organization Appeals to End the Persecution of Falun Gong
2002-10-27Ms. Themis Cortes Lopoz, one of the leaders of the organization, said that after they received the flyer from Falun Gong, they investigated this spiritual cultivation group and contacted some practitioners. They found that Falun Gong is a wonderful practice, and very different from what the Jiang regime has claimed. They were worried about the persecution in China, and invited Falun Gong practitioners to fight against this terrible persecution together with them.
Canadian Parliament Unanimously Passes Motion Requesting the Release of 13 Falun Gong Practitioners' Family Members
2002-10-26The motion expressed that in the opinion of the House of Commons, the Canadian Prime Minister should use the opportunity of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference to talk with PRC head Jiang Zemin and call for the release of 13 imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners with close family ties to Canada in the interests of better trade relations between Canada and China.
2000 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrive In Houston to Peacefully Appeal
2002-10-26Around 6:00 a.m. on October 23, over 500 Falun Gong practitioners began gathering at the Inter-Continental Hotel in downtown Houston where Jiang Zemin was to spend the night. At 6:00 p.m., another 100 practitioners from Taiwan arrived. By midnight, over 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners had assembled in Houston to join the peaceful appeal.
Over 1,000 Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in Front of Texas A&M University to Conduct a Peaceful Protest Against Jiang
2002-10-26October 24, 2002 afternoon report from Houston: Around 8:00 a.m. this morning, over 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners arrived at the George Bush Library on the campus of Texas A&M University, about seventy miles northwest of Houston. The practitioners gathered to hold another group protest against Jiang.
Over 1,000 Falun Gong Practitioners Gather in Chicago For Peaceful Protest Against Jiang's Brutality
2002-10-25After Jiang entered the hotel through the back door, a truck appeared near the hotel. The front of the truck displayed these words: "Jiang sold the country." On all four sides of the truck, large yellow banners read: "Jiang, return my motherland! Traitor of the people! Criminal of history!" "344 square hectares of Chinese soil officially given to Russia!"
Falun Dafa Practitioners Successfully Hold Press Conference in Houston
2002-10-25During the press conference, over 300 practitioners from the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Sweden, Taiwan and other countries stood firmly behind the speakers in the rain. They held banners reading, "Falun Dafa is Good" "Dictator Jiang: Stop Persecuting Falun Gong," "Please Help Rescue My Family Member" in both Chinese and English.
Australia: Report from Townsville City in Queensland State
2002-10-25Falun Dafa practitioners from Bowen helped to celebrate "Falun Dafa Day" at Townsville and Thuringowa, which are located in north Queensland State, Australia. Soon after that, due to the enormous interest from local residents, practitioners decided to launch a practice site at Townsville. Right after the practice site was established, more than 50 people showed interest, hoping to learn Falun Gong.
Australia and Japan: Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy and Consulates
2002-10-25 -
Several More Awards Issued to Falun Gong from America
2002-10-24 -
United States: Two Large Box Trucks Parade In Chicago Chinatown to Protest Visiting Chinese Leader
2002-10-24The first stop in the USA for China's visiting leader is Chicago. On October 20, 2002 two box trucks appeared at two most crowded places of Chicago Chinatown. Banners on the trucks read "Jiang Zemin: Scum of the Nation, Condemned through Ages." The other illustrated some details of the secret border agreement with Russia signed by the visiting leader. The truck parade caused a sensation in Chinatown. Many passersby stopped to watch.
Students Who Welcome Jiang Asked to Give up Their Right to Free Expression or Be Sued
2002-10-23Students at the University of Texas in Arlington, said that the FACSS organization emailed a waiver form to Chinese students requiring any who will go to welcome Jiang as part of their Welcoming Group sign an agreement in which they publicly relinquish their right to express their opinion with any other organization(s) in any form of protest. The email came with a threat of a legal action being taken against any student who did not comply with signing the waiver to relinquish their right to freedom of expression.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Extends to American Soil: A Private Conversation Was Recorded
2002-10-23On the evening of October 15, 2002, a group of western Falun Gong practitioners studied the teachings of Falun Dafa and held a discussion at a practitioner's home. When one of them returned home afterwards, he was shocked by what had happened. The talk he had at the other practitioner's home had been recorded and broadcast back into his answering machine.