Worldwide News
Reference Article: Testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus: The PRC's Anti-Human Rights Tactics in the United States (Part 4)
2002-11-17When the representatives of the Consul showed up at city hall, they presented me with a letter from the Consul requesting me to rescind my proclamation...This meddling in the affairs of our government is simply unacceptable. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the efforts of the Nazi government of Germany in the 1930's to persuade the rest of the world that persecution of its citizens simply was not taking place.
Suspect Who Assaulted Falun Gong Practitioners in front of the Chicago Chinese Consulate Apprehended and Admits Guilt in Court
2002-11-16In China, the Jiang regime can use the police to carry out the persecution of Falun Gong. It is not so convenient to do so overseas so instead they employ thugs. Let this trial be a warning to Jiang's hatchet men: persecuting kind people is only hurting yourself.
Testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus: The PRC's Anti-Human Rights Tactics in the United States (Part 3)
2002-11-16"The Government of China [...] has attempted to carry out heavy-handed tactics against media and elected officials in the United States who use their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of free speech, free assembly, and freedom of religion to raise awareness of the treatment of believers from across the religious spectrum in China."
Testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus: The PRC's Anti-Human Rights Tactics in the United States (Part 2)
2002-11-15The [Chinese] Communist regime keeps tight control of the people by making use of all resources at its disposal - economic policies, politics, the police force, etc.
Canadian Motion M-236 on Falun Gong
2002-11-15"That, in the opinion of this House, the Prime Minister should take advantage of his upcoming meeting with President Jiang Zemin of China at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation [APEC] conference to privately raise the issue of the continued imprisonment in China of thirteen [13] Falun Gong practitioners who have close family ties to Canada..."
Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition Is Held in Ottawa Library
2002-11-15In November 2002, a Falun Dafa photo exhibition was held on the second floor at the largest public library in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. About 40 posters displaying the spread of Falun Dafa in China, group exercises as well as its development overseas were hung.
Falun Dafa activities at the 26th Indiana International Cultural Festival
2002-11-15"An elderly gentleman came to watch our exercise demonstration several times. He told practitioners, "I have some understanding of Falun Gong. Even though we have different beliefs, I admire your courage very much. I just want to come to tell you this.""
Testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus: The PRC's Anti-Human Rights Tactics in the United States (Part 1)
2002-11-14"Not even the worst campaigns, including the Cultural Revolution, can compare to China's tortuous and terrorist machinations against the peaceful practitioners of Falun Gong in China. [...] I wish to call your attention to an even more insidious situation occurring here in the United States. Not only is the Chinese regime engaged in a pattern of encroaching upon our fundamental constitutional freedoms, it is also engaging in hate crimes against Falun Gong practitioners right here on US soil."
Reports from 2002 Australia Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2002-11-14The 2002 Australian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was successfully held in Sydney November 9 and 10 (Saturday and Sunday). The following is a series of reports about the activities during the conference.
UK Government Clarify to the HK Government: "legislation should be consistent with the principles of the Joint Declaration"
2002-11-13"We have made clear to the SAR [Hong Kong] Government our view that any legislation should be consistent with the principles of the Joint Declaration and the two UN human rights covenants...We hope that the SAR Government will use the consultation period to clarify the details of the legislation."
2002 Falun Dafa Australian Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held in Sydney
2002-11-13On November 10, 2002, Australian Falun Dafa practitioners held the 2002 Falun Dafa Australian Experience Sharing Conference at Sydney's City Recital Hall located in the heart of the city -- Angel Place.
Photo Report: Dafa Practitioners in Japan Appeal Outside Chinese Embassy
2002-11-13 -
HK Practitioners Hold Sit-in Appeal Against Article 23 Legislation
2002-11-11From 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., over one hundred Falun Gong practitioners held a sit-in protest in Chater Gardens. They protested the Article 23 legislation that threatens to extend the Jiang regime's persecution to Hong Kong.
United States: Letters of support from the government of the United States and a Proclamtion declaring Falun Dafa Month
2002-11-11 -
Proclamation of Falun Dafa Month, City of Three Rivers, Texas