Worldwide News
Belgium: Letter of Support from Belgium Foreign Ministry
2002-10-18The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is following with much attention the evolution of the situation relating to Falun Gong members. Furthermore, the cases involving alleged human rights violations are regularly reported to the Chinese authorities, especially in the framework of the "Human Rights Dialogue" existing between the European Union and the People's Republic of China.
Two More Family Members Released from Chinese Labor Camps
2002-10-18The last news Mr. Shi heard about his mother was from his sister in China who was granted only one brief meeting with his mother during her imprisonment. "She looked very skinny and couldn't say much because she was surrounded by guards," his sister had told him.
Responses to the Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong
2002-10-18Alan Leong, chairman of the HK Bar Association, said that some of the proposals were "terminators", so draconian that no one would escape if they were targeted. He also said that the authority will have very, very wide discretion in picking and choosing whom to prosecute, when to prosecute, for what to prosecute".
United State Shows Support - Several More Proclamations of Falun Dafa Week Awarded (Part 1)
2002-10-18Several cities in the states of Delaware and Texas awarded Falun Dafa with Proclamations of Falun Dafa week or Falun Dafa Month showing there support and liking towards Falun Dafa.Left: An Example of One of the Proclamations
The Practitioners In Japan Appeal to the Japanese Government and Japanese People In Front of the National Congress Building to Help Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2002-10-18Since September 26, over those couple of days, the practitioners in Japan have appealed in front of the national congress building, distributed the truth-clarifying materials to the congressmen, government officials, reporters and passersby walking by, clarified the truth to them, and appealed to the Japanese government and the whole Japanese society to help rescue Yoko Kaneko.
United States: Washington DC Practitioners Attend Chinatown Parade
2002-10-17Volunteers from the Minghui School appeared in the streets of Chinatown to participate in the annual parade. There were many activities including a dragon dance, exercise demonstrations, other ancient Chinese dances and singing.
Australia: Mayor of Brimbank City Supports Falun Dafa; Practitioners Invited to Demonstrate Exercises at Shopping Centre
2002-10-17Falun Dafa practitioners of Brimbank were invited to perform and demonstrate the exercises at the largest local shopping centre again on October 12, 2002
Nebraska: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Cowboy Festival Parade in Omaha
2002-10-17The Falun Gong float was decorated with balloons, a Falun Dafa banner and handmade lotus flowers. The float was beautiful and gave the audience a glimpse of Eastern culture. During the parade, the Falun Dafa float received warm applause from the bystanders.
United States: State of Delaware Celebrates its Second Falun Dafa Week
2002-10-16On October 9 , a celebration of Delaware Falun Dafa Week was held at Wilmington City Hall. Several dozen photo exhibition boards attracted many people passing by. People stopped to look at the exhibition, find out about Falun Gong's principles of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, and understand the extraordinary and magnificent 10 year history of Falun Dafa.
Guadalupe: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at a Sports Festival
2002-10-16From September 18 to 28, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners in Guadalupe introduced Falun Gong to local people during a Sports Festival in a large shopping centre.
Texas: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at the University of Texas Student Activity Center (Photos)
2002-10-15The Falun Dafa Club at UT Austin held a Falun Gong introductory lecture in The Texas Union (student activity center) from 4 to 6 PM on October 10, 2002. Several western practitioners participated in this activity.
City Council Member Writes to US Chinese Ambassador to Request Release of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China
2002-10-14This letter is a request that you communicate to the Chinese government that further persecution of the Falun Gong practitioners in China is completely unacceptable and that these people should be released immediately. On behalf of my community, I request your leadership in urging China's officials to cease their persecution of the Chinese people
Texas: Falun Gong Practitioner's Painting Show Held in Dallas City Hall
2002-10-14From October 9 to 10, 2002, Falun Gong practitioner's personal painting show was held in Dallas City Hall. The visitors not only enjoyed the beautiful painting but also learnt the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and were shocked at the facts.
California: Practitioners Clarify the Facts about the Persecution of Falun Dafa to Northern California Mayors
2002-10-14On the evening of September 30, 2002, the Northern California Women Voter's Group invited the mayors of Fremont, Newark, and Union City to attend its conference. Several Dafa practitioners also attended the conference and clarified the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China to the local officials and voters.
Japan: Practitioners Hold a 12-Hour Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-10-13On October 1st, China's National Day, a group of Japanese Falun Gong practitioners arrived at the Chinese Embassy in Japan to peacefully appeale for the immediate release of Yoko Kaneko and two Chinese practitioners, Hu Guoping and Yang Wen, who were both studying in Japan and were arrested when they went home to China.