Worldwide News
Letter from the Washington DC Falun Dafa Association to Japan's Foreign Minister
2002-09-11"Ms. Kaneko is one of the many Falun Gong practitioners being abused. Chinese authorities in Beijing illegally arrested her for her passing out flyers about the "truth of Falun Gong" on Beijing streets in May this year..We respectfully request that the Japanese Government help in rescuing Ms.Yoko Kaneko from her dire life-threatening condition."
A Letter from Practitioners in China to the President of the United States: Mr. President, Please Help Maintain Justice for the World
2002-09-10Countless valuable experiences in history tell us that we have to resist evil when it appears; otherwise, we are actually indulging it, and this will surely bring disasters to mankind.
Toronto: Practitioners Attend Cabbagetown Celebration
2002-09-09On September 6, Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the annual grand celebration and parade in Cabbagetown, Canada and used the opportunity to clarify the truth and call for public support to save the Toronto practitioners' relatives who are illegally jailed in China.
Washington: Zhang Cuiying Displays Artwork in Spokane, Washington
2002-09-09On August 29 and 30, the Spokane Civic Theatre hosted Zhang Cuiying and her painting exhibit.Left: Zhang Cuiying demonstrating Chinese Calligraphy
Philadelphia: Dafa Exhibition at a Philadelphia Library
2002-09-09 -
Proclamation from Charleston, Illinois Condemning the Violence and Repression against Falun Gong
2002-09-09 -
Postcard: Join in One Voice - Help Rescue Our Family Members Persecuted in China
2002-09-09To urgently rescue family members being persecuted in China and in the process to strengthen efforts to disclose the evil and clarify the truth, Dafa practitioners in Canada designed this postcard. It is addressed to the Canadian Prime Minister.See main article for the text and pictures of the postcard.
Houston Chinese Consulate Spreads Lies; Public Library Refuses to Display Slanderous Brochure
2002-09-09"We have a policy at the Houston Public Library which regulates what materials we can display to the public and what materials are deemed unfit. That policy clearly prohibits us from displaying this particular material from the Chinese Consulate. I want to reassure you that due to this policy, it is impossible for me to display these brochures."
Young Melbourne Dafa Practitioners Spread Dafa in a Village Primary School
2002-09-08On September 6, 2002, 2 young Dafa practitioners, Angel (12) and Nancy (5), were invited to participate in the "Mind and Body Health Day" held in Canada Pioneer Primary School located 100 kilometres outside of Melbourne. Left: Students learn the sitting meditation
Support Letter from US Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, Maryland
2002-09-08 -
How The Persecution Affects Practitioners Outside Mainland China – Part 2
2002-09-06Editor - The following are several accounts of how the Chinese government persecution affects practitioners outside China.
Practitioners Call on the Japanese Government to Request for the Immediate Release of Yoko Kaneko
2002-09-06It is disheartening to learn what Mrs. Kaneko endures, and that someone with such great courage, going to China to speak out against gross human rights violations, can be treated so brutally simply for appealing for justice. Courageous hearts such as hers should be treasured and respected, not persecuted.
A Six-Year-Old Boy Writes to the Prime Minister of Canada Appealing to End the Killing of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-09-06The son of the Chairman of DAWN Ontario (DisAbled Women's Network of Ontario) wrote the following letter to the Prime Minister of Canada of his own free will. This youngster has a great sense of justice. We are publishing the letter here with the permission of his parents.
Feedback from Canada: Attention from Overseas Media Results in Improved Detention Conditions for Our Relatives in China
2002-09-06The Voice of America reported on August 25, 2002, that under pressure from the overseas media and the international community, some Canadian Falun Gong practitioners' relatives in China have had their detention conditions improved. Here are some good examples.
Canada: Falun Dafa Association of Canada Urges Prime Minister of Ukraine to Uphold Justice
2002-09-05Using threats of economic sanction, he coerces people and governments to denounce or defame those who stand for goodness and truthfulness. He asks people choose their own self-interest over goodness and decency and thereby shreds the moral fabric of civilised society.