World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
United States: Falun Dafa Entry Wins Trophy for Second Year in a Row at the Lentil Festival Parade in Pullman, Washington
2005-08-30Enthusiastically greeting the Dafa group, the crowd was waving and smiling, and holding out their hands for flyers. The practitioners' lovely float, covered with lotuses of all sizes, carried Tang Dynasty costumed ladies and a sweet little girl in her own lotus, as well as practitioners demonstrating the exercise movements.
Australian University Student Council Pass Resolution to Support Falun Dafa
2005-08-29In the resolution, the SRC showed their support for the rights and freedom of belief of Falun Dafa practitioners. They expressed their deep concern about the widespread torture and deaths of Falun Dafa practitioners in China, and for the harassment and interference in Australia conducted through Chinese Embassy and Consulates.
The Mercury News (California, United States): Falun Gong dispute stirs interest in art
2005-08-29"I have significant concerns around the autonomy of local government," said fellow Supervisor Chris Daly. Daly, who unsuccessfully sponsored a local resolution condemning the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, was angered by the negative letters and phone calls he received from the Chinese consulate four years ago. Appearing at a news conference Thursday, Daly called "interference by an outside country'' as "a chilling thought.''
United States: Practitioners in Hawaii Collect Signatures to Rescue Orphans in China
2005-08-28Falun Dafa practitioners in Hawaii started a petition drive in their local Chinatown to rescue children orphaned by the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Many people signed their names and expressed their sadness about the persecution in China. Some people didn't know much about the persecution so practitioners clarified the truth to them.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Study Camp for Instructors Held at Pingdong College
2005-08-28The fourth Falun Dafa Study Camp for instructors was held from August 15th to 17th, 2005 at Meihe Technical College. A total of 120 teachers registered for the study camp and the classes were packed. The three-day session touched many of the teachers attending and helped them to understand the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."
United States: Report from the Orphan Rescue Car Tour in Texas
2005-08-27"There is currently information on 2,784 confirmed deaths of Falun Gong practitioners as a result of the persecution. Their children have become orphans. These children not only haven't received any help, but have instead suffered great pressure...We can work together to stop the persecution, rescue the orphaned children..."
Japan: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Persecution to a Former International Court Judge
2005-08-27When the lecture concluded, the Falun Gong practitioners went up to the podium to speak with this former judge. They discussed the various countries' lawsuits against Jiang and the current lawsuit against Jiang in Japan. This former judge expressed that he had heard of the persecution. Practitioners then gave him some materials including information about the collusion of Jiang and the CCP to persecute Falun Gong and a copy of 'Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party'. The former judge accepted the materials with great interest.
Taiwan: "We Hope that They Will Be As Happy As We Are"
2005-08-26On August 20th, 2005, students of two Minghui School in Taiwan started their regular Saturday Fa-study, exercise practice, sending forth righteous thoughts and practising waist drums. The only thing different this time was that they also had a "Global Mission to Rescue Orphans of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners" signature drive.
Minnesota Newspaper Publishes Practitioners' Response to Defamatory Article
2005-08-26The rebuttal article, written by Minnesota Falun Gong practitioners, "clarifies the facts" about Falun Gong, the "self-immolation," the CCP, the international community's stance on these issues, and the current situation regarding overseas persecution and the fate of the CCP. This response article is unprecedented, and the The Star Tribune is the first newspaper to publish an article which refutes the propaganda and clarifies the truth about what happened and the current situation.
Korea: Second Annual Minghui School Summer Camp Concludes Successfully
2005-08-25Korean Minghui school students, parents, and teachers gathered at a Youth Hostel in Daejeon City for the second annual Minghui School Summer Camp. During the summer camp, little practitioners studied the Fa, practised the exercises and learned how to clarify the truth by phone and mail.
Lone Star Iconoclast (United States): "Rescue Falun Gong Orphans" Van Visits Crawford Sunday
2005-08-25A group of Chinese children, teens, and adults stopped in Crawford Sunday in front of the Amsler Building. Their demonstration was part of an American tour, begun last Friday...They are hoping to raise American awareness to the persecution of Chinese people who practice the ancient meditative process known as Falun Gong.
European Practitioner Interviewed by U.S. Television News
2005-08-24On May 27th 2005, a Falun Gong practitioner was invited to CBS2’s morning news to talk about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). A two-minute segment was scheduled for the interview, but the producers changed their minds and decided to also invite the practitioner to continue later in the morning.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Children's Summer Camp in Tainan Ends Joyfully
2005-08-23From August 12th to August 14th, Tainan Minghui School held a summer camp for little Falun Dafa practitioners. Schoolteacher Ms. Wang, the organiser of the camp, said that the goal of the summer camp was to help children to discipline themselves according to Falun Dafa's "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" principles and learn a sense of independence and mutual care within a large group.
India: Practising the Exercises in Front of the Famous "Ashoka Iron Pillar"
2005-08-22"There is an iron pillar in India whose iron content is over ninety-nine percent. Even modern smelting technology cannot produce iron with such high purity; it had already surpassed the level of modern technology. Who created those civilizations? How could human beings--who would have been microorganisms in those times--have created these things? These discoveries have caught the attention of scientists worldwide." Excerpt from the book Falun Gong by Mr. Li Hongzhi.
United States: Falun Gong Well Received in Kansas
2005-08-21Falun Gong practitioners in Kansas participated in the annual Johnson County parade in Gardner, a small town in the southern suburb of Kansas City. The practitioners' performance was well received by the locals.