Open Discussion
Head of 610 Office In Fengjie County, Chongqing City, Receives Karmic Retribution and Dies Suddenly
2006-12-26The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing.
A Police Officer in China Shows Support Towards Falun Gong
2006-12-19After several days, however, her husband told her, "Since Falun Gong is really good, you can practice it. I will no longer stop you." This change surprised her. Her husband then told her that he had asked their son, who worked in a 610 Office* in another province. Upon hearing that his mother was planning to practice Dafa, their son assured his father: "That is no problem at all for Mother to practice Falun Dafa. Please do not be against it"
Learning Falun Dafa in a Chinese Prison and Awakening from the Nightmare of My Past
2006-12-18At this crucial point, I came to know the Falun Gong practitioners who were detained in the same prison. This was the turning point of my life. Falun Gong practitioners’ great deeds and their high moral values deeply touched me and changed my view of life and my attitude towards life. They helped me realise the meaning of life, why I live, and to know the principle of "Good deeds will be rewarded with good and evil will be met with retribution."
Human Rights Law Foundation Issues Statement Condemning Singapore’s Unlawful Sentences
2006-12-17The Human Rights Law Foundation issued a statement condemning the abuse of human rights. The statement said: "We respectfully call upon all nations around the world to call upon the government of Singapore to drop all charges against the Singapore Nine, to overturn the sentence imposed unlawfully upon Ng Chye Huay and Erh Boon Tiong immediately, and to cease all actions that unlawfully and unjustly curtail the ability of citizens and residents of Singapore to freely exercise their rights to religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, forthwith."
Betting on the Chinese Communist Party Is Destroying Your Own Future
2006-12-16I learnt from history that there are many factors that could lead to a country's decline -- some are outside factors and some come from within. As for modern countries, the destruction of social, moral and legal systems by the political system has been the the death knell for the regime that wrought such destruction. Today's Singapore government is heading in that direction. Please be assured that this is not alarmist talk.
Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's Fabricated Lies of Economic Prosperity
2006-12-15Director of the National Statistics Bureau Li Deshui said that according to adjusted data, the GDP of China increased from $1653.7 billion the previous year to $1931.7 billion in 2004, and from 4.1% to 4.70f the GDP of the world. However, the gross GDP of China had dropped from 33 0n the Kang Qian Period to 4.7 during the dictatorial rule of the CCP. Is this real economic prosperity? Can it be called a "flourishing age"?
Investigation Lead: Whose Healthy Lungs Were Transplanted?
2006-12-15We call on all people of conscience to lend their help to expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labour camps, prisons and hospitals in Mainland China. The sooner this atrocity is fully exposed, the sooner this brutal persecution will end. Below is information that came to light recently.
The CCP Deflects Attention Regarding Its Crime of Harvesting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-12-14The standards and operations involving organ transplants from brain-dead donors is still a controversial issue in the international community. However, there is no controversy over the illegality of harvesting organs from living innocent people for commercial and political purposes!
Singapore Should Not Persecute Falun Gong
2006-12-14On May 28th, 2006, the media announced that top CCP official Li Lanqing was going to visit Singapore. Li is head of the gestapo like 610 Office which oversees the persecution of Falun Gong. Soon after, a series of incidents of trying to deport Falun Gong practitioners and ban activities used to expose the persecution occurred. On July 14th, 2006, the Singapore government tried nine Falun Dafa practitioners for "illegal gathering" in October 2005 when they were peacefully and lawfully protesting against the persecution.
Epoch Times: Transplantation Society Silent as Doctors Murder
2006-12-07Referring to the Falun Gong practitioners as "executed prisoners," then, mixes together those who have done nothing wrong with those found guilty of crimes. Of course, given the arbitrary character of most criminal proceedings in China, a guilty sentence is no guarantee someone has done anything wrong. But some of those executed in China have actually committed crimes. The Society's statement overlooks this important fact: that a very large number of organs harvested in China are taken from individuals who are entirely blameless.
Misleading News Published to Defame Falun Gong
2006-12-07Zhao Liangying, the author of the defamatory article, is a reporter for the Hubei Daily newspaper. It's ironic that the Ministry of Justice declared Zhao Liangying as a model of "Law Popularization and Individual Advancement" for his actions in defaming Falun Gong and inciting hatred. Nowadays when people in China talk about the CCP, they say, "I know what shamelessness is, but shamelessness like this is unprecedented."
Commentary on the Chinese Communist Regime's Second Acknowledgement of Taking Organs from "Executed Prisoners"
2006-12-06This time, however, the regime is vociferously admitting this scandal that has been seen clearly by the international community. Some people who do not understand the CCP's deceitful trick might perhaps be tempted to take it as a sign that the regime wants to completely change its ways to be good, but people who truly understand the CCP's nature know the regime's attempt: playing a trick to slip out of a predicament like a cicada sloughing its skin, in an attempt to evade justice for a much more serious crime--taking organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Falun Dafa Changed My Life
2006-12-06After studying the Falun Gong teachings, I found life's purpose and would not let up when I encountered a hardship. Having "Truthfulness-Compression-Tolerance" in mind, I would not fight bitterly for personal recognition, profit or sentimentality. I was no longer panicky and anxious. I let go of all the burdens causing stress to both my body and mind. My husband started changing his attitude, and my life took a turn for the better.
Support the CIPFG to Thoroughly Investigate the Chinese Communist Regime's Harvesting of Organs from Living People
2006-12-03The Communist regime's harvesting of prisoners' organs has long been an open secret. We would be underestimating the Communist regime's deceitful nature if we merely think it is admitting the truth because of international pressure. The regime is trying to divert attention from its continued harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners' organs by admitting what is virtually public knowledge.
A Falun Gong Practitioner in My Company
2006-11-30The former driver for the general manager in my company was a Falun Gong practitioner. I'll call him "Lao Wu." I got to know about Falun Gong from him, saw the excellent morals of Falun Gong practitioners, and learnt that Falun Gong is truly teaching people to be kind and compassionate, something totally different from what the Chinese media had broadcast.