Benefits from the Practice
A Righteous Deed Is Rewarded
2007-05-29The elderly man noticed that some people stepped on the picture and some walked around it. When it was his turn, he loudly criticised the police by saying, "Why are you making people do bad deeds? Mr. Li Hongzhi is not an enemy of mine, nor has he deceived me. Why must I step on his picture? Take it away immediately!" The man stared at the police righteously and sternly, and then proceeded to take the picture away.
Diseases Disappear Without Spending A Penny
2007-05-27Once I got home I started to read Zhuan Falun. In less than a week, my body, and my "uterine tumour" disappeared. It was truly unbelievable, not only had my illness completely disappeared but I didn't even have to spend a penny in doing so!
The Three Grandparents in Our Home
2007-05-26My paternal grandmother also started to practise Falun Dafa after she witnessed my maternal grandmother's improvements. Even when Falun Gong is being severely persecuted today in China, she still studies the Falun Gong teachings and does the exercises. She quit her 50-year smoking habit after practising the exercises. She has become physically strong. You can only find someone over 70 years old who has no illnesses and does not need to take medication among Falun Gong practitioners.
"How Delightful to Be Free of Illness" - Written for World Falun Dafa Day
2007-05-21Life is ever-changing and one thing people are most afraid of is illness. Whether rich or poor, high class or low, everyone has to go through birth, old age, illness and death. Perhaps tribulations can be a turning point. Many people reflect at critical moments: what is the purpose of being human and why do people have illnesses? They may then choose a path of cultivation to return to their origins and walk on a bright and broad path.
My Friend Was Awakened by the Kindness of Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-05-21She thinks very highly of her views and is sceptical of others. I have known her for a long time. She also knows that I have benefited from practising Falun Gong and that the Chinese Communist Party in China unjustly persecutes Falun Gong. However, she was still doubtful. Whenever I clarified the truth to others she would have a sceptical expression on her face. This lasted until recently when she suddenly changed her attitude. I was very curious and asked her the reason. She then told the following story:
Former Drug Addict in China Finds out About Falun Gong Whilst in Jail
2007-05-10Having heard that the daughter of a relative had been jailed two years ago for taking drugs, I gave her a copy of an article entitled, "A Letter to the Beijing Residents." When she read the letter, she screamed with surprise. "I was asked to do the same thing to a Falun Gong practitioner when I was in jail. Everything it says here is true. Why does this still happen? Isn't it disgraceful?" Overwhelmed by the incident, she related to us her experience while she was in jail.
Paralysed Man Walks Again After Practising Falun Dafa
2007-04-25It was the fall of 1998, and my husband had been paralysed for several years, but he walked out the front door and walked around the grain yard for the first time. The neighbours were stunned when they saw him walking around. They commented, "What a miracle to see someone on the verge of death, being able to walk once again!"
Recovery from Multiple Diseases after Practising Falun Dafa
2007-04-24Early the next morning, I went to practise Falun Gong at the practice site and received a copy of Zhuan Falun, a precious book. Since then, I have been practising without stop. Teacher cleansed me quickly. I recovered from my illnesses and became optimistic. I put on weight and developed a healthy complexion. When neighbours, relatives and friends saw me, they all said I looked younger.
From a Lung Cancer Patient to a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2007-04-23Everything I ate got stuck in my stomach, and even the water I drank stayed in my chest. If I moved, the sound of water could be heard. I could not lie or sit down for more than a little while. My wife had to help me to stand up. I would walk a few steps and then lay down. I could only sleep with the help of medicine. Every day I took various medicines, but they had no effect. Severe oedema after the operation pinched a nerve in my brain resulting in frequent convulsions. I felt deep despair.
“Incurable” Brain Tumours Disappear after Practising Falun Dafa
2007-04-22After the doctors examined me, they told my family that my condition was beyond treatment. My head was filled with tumours. They even found tumours in my nose. Even if they operated on me, they could only take out several large tumours. Besides, it was very likely that I would die on the operating table. The doctor told me to go home and get some rest, that is, I should just wait for my life to end.
Having Witnessed the Miracle of Falun Dafa, a 15-Year-Old Wants to Say Thanks
2007-04-19He was like this for two months. My brother then changed into a totally different person: his convulsions stopped, and he has even started to talk. My father had been deeply poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda and he had never believed in Falun Gong before this. Having personally witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa, he has since become a faithful believer and is no longer fearful of anything.
Stories of People from Liaoning Province of China Supporting Falun Gong
2007-04-18In 2002, my nephew joined the military and left home. My mother kept thinking of her grandson and had difficulty sleeping through the night. Because of this she was dizzy with blurred eyesight during the daytime. We took her to the local hospital and found the chief of the hospital (as we all knew him). After the examination, the hospital chief said, "You should practise Falun Gong! You can see that none of the Falun Gong practitioners have insomnia."
In a Family with a History of Hepatitis, Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2007-04-13In 1985 I was diagnosed with hepatitis B. I took plenty of medication, but the disease got worse day by day. By 1990, it had become HBeAg-positive, in combination with liver malfunction bordering on cirrhosis. I was very stressed and could not go to sleep at night. Especially when recalling the pain of my mother and other family members upon their death, I was very frightened. We could not see any hope for me, since no medication could cure such a disease with an entrenched family history. Therefore, we were looking for a miracle.
I Went From Not Believing to Believing and Gained a Second Life Through Falun Dafa
2007-04-12I was discharged from the hospital on December 30th, 2006 and went home. By then I had lost all confidence in getting well. My uncle who practises Falun Gong came to visit me. He had asked me in the past to practise Falun Gong, but I did not believe in Falun Gong and did not practise. Aware of my illness, my uncle was quite anxious and came again to ask me to practise Falun Gong.
My Amazing Recovery
2007-04-10I am a villager from Lingshou County, Hebei Province of China and I used to suffer from liver cancer. I had chemotherapy several times, and surgery, but because of adverse reactions to excessive medication, I developed diabetes and cholecystitis. I had spent all my savings to treat my illness but it was all in vain. I was on the verge of physical and mental collapse. Luckily, before I completely collapsed, I began practising Falun Dafa.