Benefits from the Practice
My Stomach Disease of 30 Years Was Completely Healed After Practising Falun Gong
2004-11-15For many years, I couldn't buy meals from our company's cafeteria. Every day at lunch, I had to bring some form of gruel or flour-based food. My stomach was so sensitive that I couldn't have any cold or hard food. I could not get hungry or I would get severe stomach pains. As a result, my face appeared yellowish and I became very skinny and weak. I had to go to hospitals on a frequent basis. I took a lot of both Chinese and western medicines. Still, I did not see much difference.
Falun Dafa Brings Light into Her Life: A Glaucoma Sufferer's Story
2004-11-14She couldn't ignore her daughter's concern so she went to the hospital for the tests. The doctor, who thought she had been using medication to control the symptoms, told her that the "medication" had been useful in controlling her eye pressure. The doctor advised her not to stop taking the medications. She smiled. The truth was that it had been two years since she had taken any form of medication, and she hadn't needed the IVs. All of these benefits came from practising Falun Dafa.
Because I Practise Falun Gong, I No Longer Use Large Quantities of Medication
2004-10-26If I didn't have this experience, I may not have truly understood the joy and changes after studying Falun Dafa. It enabled me to face sharp criticism in a tolerant manner and to face difficult situations with broad-mindedness and forgiveness. I discovered that I was often stubbornly blaming other people in the past. I used to be aggressive and overbearing, but because of Falun Gong practice, I changed my attitude and have become warm and considerate. As a result, I am now a better wife and mother. My anger and bitterness also disappeared.
An Ancient Cultivation Practice Falun Gong Improves Neutrophil Functions and Causes System-Level Gene Regulation
2004-10-26The effect of Falun Gong on health appears not to be dependent upon age, sex, or cultural background, as indicated by the large-scale health survey carried out in 1998 in China. To better understand the healing effects of Falun Gong, we carried out a series of studies on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils; PMNs) of Falun Gong practitioners and compared them with PMNs from randomly chosen non-practitioners.
After Studying the Teachings of Falun Gong and Cultivating the Heart My Breast Cancer Disappears
2004-10-12Before I started practising, I had breast cancer. I underwent an extensive operation for six hours at the Changgen Hospital. Like other cancer patients, I was treated with chemotherapy. I had a schedule of nine treatments. After each treatment, when I washed my hair, it would come out in handfuls. I felt sick and I was afraid. Before the operation, I bravely told my children not to worry, and that Bodhisattva would protect me and ensure my safety. However, I cried for days after I became bald.
A Senior Citizen: It's Wonderful to be Free of Pain
2004-10-11One day, I found a pamphlet in my mailbox about Falun Gong. After reading it carefully, I was so glad to have come across this wonderful practice. I immediately contacted a local assistant, and began doing the exercises and studying the teachings on November 15, 2000. After participating in the nine-day seminar, my body went through an obvious transformation. Right now, I am able to walk confidently, and get up and down stairs with ease. After practising for half a year, the gout, which had bothered me for years, vanished without a trace. I was on a strict diet in the past, but I am now able to eat anything I wish.
The Great Happiness in My Life
2004-10-09Eight years ago today was the greatest day of my whole life. It was the day that I was introduced to Falun Gong. On that day, I really felt I finally found what I came to this world for and that it was exactly what I wanted. During the nine days when I first watched the founder of Falun Gong’s videotaped lectures, I felt my whole world change, then came the cleansing of my body.
A Woman's Experiences in Practising Falun Gong
2004-10-09The police tried all kinds of tricks to "transform" her, but were not successful. They were very angry and said, if she refused to write the statement, they would send her to a forced labour camp. Her boss knew that she was a nice person and rejected the police. "My employee is a good person. You cannot send her to a forced labour camp." Failing that, the police monitored her and sent her to brainwashing classes many times. It turned out that it was easier to move mountains than to move her. Whoever dealt with her found it impossible to change her.
A New Practitioner and His Wife Become Illness-free after Practising Falun Dafa
2004-09-09While reading the book, I tried to look for negative things as described by the Chinese media. After finishing the book, however, I couldn't find a trace of the bad things the government was claiming. Instead, I came to an entirely different conclusion: that is, if everyone learns Falun Gong, moral standards will rise and society will become more stable and harmonious. People's lives will also become better, and cultural activity will increase. Strong and healthy people will then rise all over the world.
Interview with a Wheelchair-Using Falun Gong Practitioner
2004-07-22During some international large-scale activities, I met a wheelchair-using practitioner from Northern Europe many times. I imagined how difficult it was for her to participate in these activities. Last May I was happy to see her again in the famous Stephen Square in Vienna, while she was practising Falun Gong exercises in her wheelchair along with other Dafa practitioners. I managed to talk to her and asked her some questions.
Interview with a Falun Gong Practitioner who is the Lead Singer of Swedish Group "Yellow Express"
2004-07-11“Falun Gong gives you more inner peace, It helps you let go of the concepts which are blocking you. I have learned not to be so critical of myself. And also before I had no specific reason for making music, except that it was fun, of course. I now have more reason. I have something to write with an important message. I try to write things that are in line with what I practise, with what I realise and what I have enlightened to in the practise of Falun Gong. What I have learned. About life. Also about the persecution.”
Rebirth of a Former Pancreatic Cancer Patient
2004-07-04I was born in Beijing. I originally lived in Picai Lane in Xidan, Beijing, but in 1958 my family moved to Shenyang, Liaoning Province. I remember once, when I was very young, that one time my father was very upset. My mother told me that my father's second eldest brother died of esophageal cancer. That was 1962. From that point on, I became more and more acquainted with this horrible disease - cancer.
All My Relatives Know the Truth and Support Falun Dafa
2004-06-20We introduced the great benefits of Falun Dafa to our relatives and sent them truth clarification materials about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. We thus helped them know that Falun Gong practitioners are all striving to be good people, to be considerate of others in every way they can, to be selfless, altruistic and to assimilate to the standards of the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Our relatives gradually got to know about Falun Dafa and they all support Dafa.
The Story of a Young Practitioner "White Dove"
2004-06-16White Dove is a very pretty and adorable little girl. Her whole family was persecuted severely by Jiang's regime because they had the courage to step out and validate Dafa under any circumstance. After her father was illegally sent to a labour camp, a police officer from the local precinct would follow and harass her every day even though she was only an eight year old first grader at the time. The policeman was trying to pressure her to disclose her mother's whereabouts so that he could arrest her too, and soon, her school also began to pressure her.
Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa in Tianjin
2004-06-13He came across Falun Gong through an acquaintance, and this was the second time he had attended Teacher's lectures. The whole family went up on to the stage to present Teacher with the banner. As soon as he got on to the stage, he cried out excitedly, "Gone, gone, all my sicknesses are gone!" Loud applause came from the audience. The man then gave a self-introduction. After the introduction, the banner was presented and photographs were taken. And then, there was another big round of applause from the audience.