
  • Tortured Beyond Recognition in Forced Labour Camps and Mental Hospitals

    "On March 30, 2001, I was injected with hormone-like drugs at a mental hospital. These drugs made me dizzy and I had convulsions. I was unable to stand and my entire body became swollen. With great effort I shouted my husband's name. Hearing my voice, he walked back and forth in front of me, searching for me. I told him that I was Gao Yan. He was shocked. He could not believe that I was tortured so badly that he no longer could recognise me within a just few days. He cried."
  • Torture at the Cangzhou City Brainwashing Centre in Hebei Province

    The Changzhou City Brainwashing Centre, known as the Cangzhou City Legal Education Centre has subjected 235 Falun Gong practitioners to brainwashing and torture since 2001. Practitioners on the first floor are forced to watch or listen to video programmes that slander Falun Dafa. These brainwashing sessions try to make practitioners lose their reason and their human nature, so they will renounce Falun Dafa. The iron gate on the first floor is kept locked all day. Two guards take turns guarding the gate and no one is allowed to enter except the staff.
  • 58-Year-Old Mr. Gao Changying from Liaoning Province Tortured to Death

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Changying was 58 years old. On August 26th 2001, he was arrested and brutally beaten by the Police Station Head all night long. His teeth were knocked out, and he passed out. He was sent to the Detention Centre the next day, and was sentenced to forced labour. Due to the fact that his life was in danger, the labour camp refused to accept him. He was then detained five more months in the Detention Centre, and was released home after being extorted five thousand yuan in cash. The authorities constantly harassed him at home, and he died on September 22nd 2005.
  • Daqing City Practitioner Mr. Cao Jingdong in Critical Condition Due to Torture

    Mr. Cao Jingdong was arrested on September 5th. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The Zhaoyuan County Police intended to transfer him to the Daqing Forced Labour Camp, but the camp refused to accept him due to his condition. A joint meeting was held to discuss the issue, attended by personnel from the Public Security Bureau, the 610 Office, the Bureau of Judicature, the Political and Legal Committee, and the Daqing Forced Labour Camp. During the meeting it was concluded that, "if he (practitioner Cao) dies as the result of the hunger strike, the camp won't be held responsible." The labour camp thus took him in. Mr. Cao was force fed with corn paste and his life is now in grave danger.
  • The Persecution Caused My Wife's Death and Injured My Son

    "In late 2000, the village police officers arrested my wife and son for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and took them to the detention centre. My son suffered inhumane torture at the hands of the police. Many scars were left on his body. He was so badly injured that he now has trouble controlling his bowels. My wife was imprisoned again and her body and mind were deeply affected by the long-term persecution. After harassment by the police she suffered symptoms of a cerebral hemorrhage and in great pain, she died this year."
  • Five Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Beijing and Heilongjiang Province

    Mr. Qiao Zhiqiang was 66 years old. In May 2001, the police broke into his house, took him to Changping Detention Centre and subjected him to abuse. Then, he was sent to a brainwashing class, where he was subjected to both physical and mental abuse. After being released from the brainwashing class, he was often harassed and threatened by the authorities. He was also sent newspapers that had articles slandering Falun Gong. Due to the long-term persecution, he suffered from diabetes and stomach cancer and passed away on May 14th 2005.
  • Ten-Year-Old Jiarui's Hope

    10-year-old Jiarui's Dad is currently detained in Suihua Forced Labour Camp for practising Falun Gong. Young Jiarui put all the hopes and feelings he held in his heart in a letter he wrote: "I hope kindhearted people will help me rescue my daddy, so he can return home. I want daddy!"
  • Ms. Niu Yuhuan Is Emaciated and Her Life Is in Danger As a Result of Severe Torture at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp

    53-year-old Ms. Niu Yuhuan, a Dafa practitioner who is detained in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, has been tortured to the point that she is emaciated and cannot walk. Her heart stopped beating several times and her life has been in danger, however the authorities still refuse to release her on medical grounds. Niu Yuhuan has suffered from such severe torture that she looks over sixty years old.
  • Authorities Try to Cover Up How Mr. Na Zhenxian Was Tortured to Death (Photos)

    On September 17th 2005, practitioner Na Zhenxian's family members went to the hospital to see his dead body. The body had apparently been cleaned up, but bloodstains remained on the right corner of Na's mouth. The family observed a palm-sized bruised area below his armpit on the right chest. Above his waist and also on his chest was another palm-sized bruise. Both legs looked irregular. The nose bone was swollen and distorted. The left eye was cut and bloody and was swollen shut. The labour camp officials tried to stop the family from taking pictures of the body. They even tried madly to grab their camera, and called the police to arrest them.
  • Three Practitioners from Jilin, Hebei, Sichuan Died in the Persecution

    74-year-old Ms. Zhou Runhua was a practitioner from Sichuan Province. After practising Falun Dafa, her body became very healthy. In October 1999, she tried to go to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but she was taken off the train to Beijing and detained for 15 days. On December 25th 2000, Ms. Zhou Runhua and her daughter went to Beijing together to appeal, but they were sent back and detained in the Leshan Shizhushan Detention Centre for half a year until Ms. Zhou's mind and body suffered serious devastation and she became extremely weak. She was then sent back home. Her mind and body never recovered and she died at the end of June 2004.
  • 610 Office in Guangxi Province, Ruthlessly Tortures Dafa Practitioners

    The 610 Office has once again launched a persecution campaign against Falun Dafa practitioners. The staff secretly planned the persecution strategy beforehand and held a meeting together with the managers of the related work units to discuss specifically how to implement the torture. They listed the practitioners targeted for persecution. The county 610 Office printed and distributed "transformation" form to all the related workplaces. They then forced every workplace to carry out forceful brainwashing by saying, "if practitioners are not transformed internally, your workplace have to pay 20,000 'yuan' to the county 610 Office."
  • Ms. Li Zhifen Paralysed After Thirteen Days of Torture at Shandong Second Women's Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Zhifen was unjustly arrested and sent to the Shandong Second Women's Forced Labour Camp on August 31st 2005. On the fourth day Ms. Li was persecuted so badly that symptoms of a stroke appeared and she fell into a coma. The police pinched an acupuncture point to awaken her. Upon regaining consciousness, Ms. Li's could no longer move the right side of her body. She could not eat, drink, or swallow medicine. A Police officer still did not allow her to sleep on a bed. He threw away her blankets and said to her, "Don't you dare tell people about this. We did not persecute you." After being persecuted for 13 days, Ms. Li became paralysed and could no longer eat or talk.
  • A Forced Labour Camp Inmate: The Horrific Tortures Used on Falun Gong Practitioners in a Beijing Forced Labour Camp for Women

    "I was sent to a forced labour camp because I was addicted to drugs. I was designated as one of the "clampdown personnel," who were prison inmates assigned to oversee the activities of Falun Gong practitioners. Through the performance of my duties, I became acquainted with various reprehensible and deceitful methods employed to isolate and monitor people. Sometimes, in order to gain the approval of the division leader and obtain leniency and privileges for ourselves, we were driven to extremes, finding excuses to beat and insult the innocent practitioners. The prison supervisor favoured inmates who frequently beat and scolded the practitioners."
  • Two Incidents of Policeman Wei Wei's Torture of Practitioner Mr. Zhou Xiangyang in Tianjin City

    In the autumn of 2000, prison policeman Wei Wei brought 32-year-old Mr. Zhou Xiangyang to a secret room in the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp in order to beat him to force him to give up Falun Gong. Wei punched Mr. Zhou, knocked him to the ground, and asked him, "Do you still want to practise?" Mr. Zhou slowly stood up and then stared at Wei but did not answer. Wei yelled, "Nobody in this camp is not afraid of me," and began to punch and kick Zhou again. He knocked Zhou, whose face was all bleeding, to the ground, and asked him again, "Do you still want to practise?"
  • "Destroy Them Physically:" The Jiamusi Labour Camp Follows the CCP's Genocidal Policy

    On April 30th 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wu Chunlong was sent home from Jiamusi Labour Camp when he was unconscious and dying. After returning home, he was continually monitored by the police. He died on August 20th 2005 after enduring another four months of misery and pain at the young age of 29. Jiamusi Labour Camp is guilty of following the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) genocidal policy toward Falun Dafa practitioners: "destroy them physically." The labour camp releases Falun Dafa practitioners only when they were dying, either to die at home or else suffer major disability.