Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Liu Renge from Jilin Province Died as a Result of Persecution--Police Try to Cover up the Facts
2011-08-10Officers from the Tonghua County Domestic Security Division arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Renge on June 28th, as he was going to Ying'ebu Town to deliver Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. He was taken to the county's detention centre the same day and died in police custody three weeks later, on July 22nd. During his detention, the police refused to allow his family to visit him. When the family asked police if Mr. Liu was physically abused or mistreated during police interrogation, the police officer just said that Mr. Liu had undergone some kind of corporal punishment.
Mr. Yang Xiaojie Dies from Forced Feeding in Hebei No. 4 Prison
2011-08-09Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Xiaojie was sentenced by the Chinese Communist regime authorities to eleven years of imprisonment because he remained steadfast in his belief. Mr. Yang started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Division head Liu Ning, along with several inmates, force fed Mr. Yang. They dissolved a bag of powdered milk into water and poured coarse salt with very large particles into the milk. He was persecuted to death on January 26th, 2006 in Hebei No. 4 Prison.
Why Decorated Military Officer Left Home for Ten Years – Persecution Facts of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Pan Youfai, from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
2011-08-09Sixty-two-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pan Youfa was recently harassed once again by the domestic security police from Tiexi Police Station. Mr. Pan was previously an outstanding military officer but he had been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and has been unable to return home for the past ten years. Mr. Pan had once been sentenced and incarcerated in a CCP forced labour camp for one and a half years.
Torture Methods: Splitting the Legs
2011-08-09The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses the “splitting the legs.” method as a form of torture against Falun Gong practitioners who have been taken into custody in order to force them to give up their beliefs. The practitioner's legs are forcibly pulled apart in a straight line. It is very painful and often ends up tearing ligaments, and in some cases even causes permanent disability.
Authorities Try to Prevent Ms. Su Dan from Filing a Lawsuit Against Shunyi Police Department
2011-08-09Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Su Dan was arrested by police on February 20th. She was transferred to the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, where she was brutally beaten. A lawsuit was filed by Ms. Su's family against officers from the Shunyi Police Department in Beijing for detaining her and seizing her property. The hearing was scheduled on July 13th, at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Members of Ms. Su's family, and her lawyer, arrived at the camp, but they were not let in. Then a member of the court told Ms. Su's lawyer that the hearing had been cancelled because they did not have the facilities for holding a hearing.
Mr. Wang Xuezhu Tortured to Death While in Custody at Shiling Prison in Jilin Province
2011-08-08Mr. Wang Xuezhu was previously very healthy. Before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials from Jingyu County harassed, arrested, and registered Falun Gong practitioners. On April 24th, 2008, the police arrested Mr. Wang and confiscated three computers, two printers, one DVD player, and one set of satellite TV receivers. He was detained for more than eight months and then secretly sentenced to four years at Shiling Prison, located in Siping City. He died in custody on May 22nd. Mr. Wang's family rushed to the prison, but he was unconscious and emaciated, and he did not regain consciousness before he died. It broke his mother's heart to see such a healthy young man die a wrongful death.
Police from Luzhou, Sichuan Province Inject Toxic Drugs into Older Falun Gong Practitioner in Public
2011-08-08Ms. Li Zhongming from Gaoba, Luzhou was arrested at her home on July 15th, by Longmatan 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) agents. Ms. Li shouted, “Falun Gong is good!” “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Several people gathered to see what was happening, and observed the officials injecting something into Ms. Li's arm. Ms. Li was immediately rendered unable to speak. Her mouth and tongue became stiff and saliva constantly dripped from her mouth. Ms. Li has previously been arrested on several occasions and also had her home ransacked. She was forced to relocate in order to avoid additional persecution. She was put into forced labour camps twice, and was subjected to severe torture.
Over 100 Falun Gong Practitioners in Tangshan Persecuted Since May
2011-08-08Jia Wenya was transferred to Tangshan City, Hebei Province in May 2011, as the Tangshan Public Security Bureau chief. After he took office, he conspired with assistant chief Liu Xiaozhong and Xu Demao, the party secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politics and Law Committee in Tangshan, and ordered the Tangshan police force to begin a three-month crackdown on Falun Gong practitioners. During these past two months, the Tangshan officers have conducted massive arrests, detainment, confiscation of property, and extortion, and imposed forced-labour sentences on many Falun Gong practitioners, causing hardship for many families.
Several Falun Gong Practitioners from Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Arrested
2011-08-08Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ren Suying was arrested at Wengniute Banner on April 18th. Police broke into her house the next day. After not finding anything they were looking for, they took an empty box with them to use as "evidence" against Ms. Ren. Then everal practitioners were arrested by police. Officials are now attempting to sentence the practitioners.
Twenty-One Senior Citizens in Miyi County, Sichuan Province Sent to a Detention Centre for Practising Falun Gong
2011-08-07Police arrested 25 Falun Gong practitioners when they were studying the Falun Gong teachings in practitioner Guo Huibin’s home on June 30th. The twenty five people are all over 60 years old. At present, practitioners Wang Zhenghui, Li Fangyuan, and two others have been released. The other 21 practitioners were taken to the Miyi County Detention Centre.
Statement of Ms. Jin Lianhua, a Korean-Chinese Falun Gong Practitioner, Regarding the Torture She Endured in Police Custody
2011-08-07On May 29th, Ms. Jin Lianhua was arrested for practising Falun Gong and transferred to Helong where she was subjected to interrogation and torture by the police. It was not until she was in critical condition that she was taken to Yanji City Hospital for emergency care. She recounts the torture she was subjected to: "Being hancuffed with my arms behind my back with a 2-litre plastic bottle stuffed between my arms and back to exert additional pain. I was subjected to the torture several times a day for 20 to 40 minutes each time; Force-feeding water while my nose was covered. Sometimes the police would combine this torture with the second one. Once I was in such agony that I struggled with my legs and fell off the stool."
Firsthand Account of the Persecution: Ms. Wei Currently in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2011-08-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wei Jun was arrested and sentenced to five years of imprisonment in 2008. She is currently detained in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison. Ms. Wei was paralyzed twice due to long periods of torture. At present, she still suffers from numbness in her lower back and has difficulty walking. She lost feeling in her fingers and suffers from severe itching caused by skin inflammation. She is frequently beaten and denied family vistation rights.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Repeatedly Persecutes 60-Year-Old Retired Doctor after Her Cancer Is Cured by Falun Gong
2011-08-07The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has repeatedly persecuted Ms. Peng Dongbin, a retired doctor, for the past 12 years. Ms. Peng was diagnosed with late-stage cervical cancer in 1995. After Ms. Peng learned Falun Gong in early 1996, her physical condition improved. She became stronger and even went back to work in March of the same year. Police have harassed, arrested and detained her, ransacked her home, and extorted money from her family. Recently, under the pressure of the persecution, her husband indicated that he wanted to divorce her. In addition, her employer, the Miluo Blood Protection Office, ordered her to report to a brainwashing facility on July 3rd.
Mr. Liu Renge Dies in Police Custody in Tonghua County, Jilin Province
2011-08-06On June 28th, while Mr. Liu Renge was distributing Falun Gong materials in Ying'ebu Town, Tonghua County, the police from the Tonghua County Police Department Domestic Security Division arrested him. On the same day, he was sent to the Tonghua County Detention Centre. On July 22nd, his family sent out the news that Mr. Liu had died in police custody, only one month after he was arrested. On the evening of the same day, it was confirmed that his body was in the Tonghua City Funeral Home. Besides his family members, plainclothes police officers were also there.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Xiangyang Resists Persecution with Hunger Strikes; His Family Denied Visitation Rights
2011-08-06Mr. Zhou Xiangyang has been holding hunger strikes to resist the persecution after he was arrested and sent to Gangbei Prison, Tianjin City on March 5th, 2011. His mother and wife have only been able to see him twice in the past four months, and those two times were because the prison was pressured from the outside. Mr. Zhou looked very thin and weak when his family saw him. He asked his family members to hire a lawyer to sue the police for the arrest and ransacking of his home.