Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Ping from Yueyang, Hunan Province
2010-10-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang, 60, was sent to Baimalong Women's Labour Camp in Zhuzhou after being caught producing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. There she suffered from all kinds of torture by the police, including being hung up, handcuffed and suspended in the air without her toes touching the ground, handcuffed behind the back, handcuffed while squatting, cuffed together with dozens of other people. Liu Jie, a male policeman, hit Ms. Wang's head with his fist, kicked the lower part of her body and stomped on her breast. He ordered Ms. Wang to stand overnight, and then cuffed her to the window.
Ms. Lang Huiqun of Weifang City, Shandong Province Tortured at Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2010-10-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lang Huiqun is in her sixties. She was arrested by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities and sent to a forced labour camp in March 2009. While in the forced labour camp, Ms. Lang was severely tortured. Some of her teeth were knocked out, and she was injured from numerous beatings. She had to sleep on a wooden plank on the floor for over five months. She is still recovering from the ordeal. She is unable to stand up straight, her feet are too swollen to wear shoes, her legs are too swollen to bend, and she has difficulty walking. She also has severe mouth pain and has trouble eating.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners Taken from Their Homes by Officers from the Linshu 610 Office in Shandong Province
2010-10-17On September 29th, officers from the Linshu County 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] in Shandong Province broke into and ransacked the homes of three Falun Gong practitioners. The three practitioners and their property were taken away. Currently, the three practitioners' whereabouts are unknown. After Liu Yuhong, the former chief of the Linshu 610 Office, stepped down, Liu Xing became the new leader. In order to prepare for the Chinese National Day, the 610 Office stepped up its efforts to harass and arrest Falun Gong practitioners.
Older Practitioner Ms. Liang Yuying from Nanyang Oil Field, Henan Province Unjustly Sentenced
2010-10-17On November 25th, 2009, Ms. Liang Yuying and another Falun Gong practitioner were reported to police while they were talking to a couple about Falun Gong. The police sent them to the Xinye Detention Centre. Since July 20th, 1999, Ms. Liang Yuying has been detained in brainwashing centres, detention centres, forced labour camps, and prisons for a total of 10 times. Her husband, who is 70 years old, has not been able to bear the long-term persecution of his wife, and has been hospitalized after suffering a stroke.
Linyi 610 Office of Shandong Province Arrests Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-10-16On September 26th and 27th, Linyi 610 Officers (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) ransacked the homes of twelve Falun Gong practitioners. Three of them were taken away. Mr. Wang Qingzhong was a professor in the Department of Physics in Linyi Normal College and now is the chairman of Xintianli Mechanical Ltd. in Linyi City. Police took him away from his home. At the same time police locked down the Xintianli Company and restricted the personal freedom of the employees and customers at the company. The police rummaged through all the offices in the two-story building. They did not find anything but took away a hard disk. Currently, Mr. Wang is being detained in the Linyi Detention Centre.
Mr. Zhu Lijun Sentenced to 13 Years of Imprisonment in 2002, His Current Situation Unknown
2010-10-16In 2002 Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Lijun and other practitioners were making Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution when the police stormed in and arrested them. It was said that the police had been following them for two weeks. At the police station, the officers interrogated the practitioners and used torture devices on them. Policeman Liu Weizhong took a studded leather belt (used by firemen) to hit Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment. He is currently in Hulan Prison, and his situation there is unknown.
A Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Huozhou, Shanxi Province
2010-10-16Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo went to Beijing in February 2000 to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong, but was arrested before he arrived at the Appeals Office. Police took him back home and placed him in the Huozhou Detention Centre. He was held there for one month and fined 3,300 yuan. He was arrested again while he was distributing Falun Gong flyers. Mr. Guo was taken to the Huozhou Detention Centre, where he was persecuted for seven months. He became emaciated quickly and subsequently disfigured. He suffered from severe anaemia, and his life was in danger. The detention centre officials were afraid of the consequences, so they notified his family to take him home, but not before extorting 700 yuan from them.
Ms. Wang Min and Ms. Liu Shulan Arrested by 610 Office in Shenbei New District, Shenyang City
2010-10-16For the past 11 years, the 610 Offices (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) across China have been brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. A recent arrest of two practitioners in Shenyang City once again reveals the evilness of the 610 Office. On September 29th, practitioners Ms. Wang Min and Ms. Liu Shulan were shopping. A group of police officers suddenly showed up and forced them into a police car. The practitioners were then taken to the Domestic Security Division, where they were subjected to an aggressive body search and were detained separately. The police locked the practitioners in metal cages.
Despite Torture, Ms. Yang Jun from Ganxu Province Remains Firm in Her Belief
2010-10-15Over the past eleven years of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, practitioner Ms. Yang Jun has been detained in forced labour camps, where she suffered cruel torture and humiliation, both mental and physical. She recounts her experience in the labour camp: "Guards ordered drug offenders to torture me. Three of them held me to the ground and cruelly beat me. They pulled my hair, slapped my face, punched me in repeatedly in the face, and kicked me in the ribs and legs." Ms. Yang has now been forced to leave home and move from place to place to avoid arrest.
Showing Open Disrespect for the Law, Qingdao Court Opens Trial of Lawyer Wang Zhangshuo
2010-10-15On September 29th, 2010, a Huangdao Court in Qingdao City began the trial of attorney and Falun Gong practitioner Wang Zhangshuo. Only the day before, the court had notified his family that the trial would begin at 9:30 a.m., but they suddenly moved the time to an hour earlier and changed the presiding judge. Wang Zhangshuo's family hired two attorneys from Beijing, but the court would not allow lawyers from Beijing to represent him. This decision violated Chinese law and affected the outcome. In the proceedings, the Huangdao Procuratorate charged Mr. Wang with "crimes of sabotaging the implementation of the State's laws by utilising an evil religious organisation", and provided mounds of false evidence.
Ms. Xu Xiaohua Arrested for Refusing to Be a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Agent
2010-10-15In order to inform people about the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Xu Xiaohua often called people on her mobile phone. She was reported to the authorities, and her mobile phone was tapped and monitored by the police for some time. They broke into her home on September 16th, 2010, and confiscated her computer and other personal belongings. The police told Ms. Xu that they wanted her to work for them as a spy and inform on other practitioners in the local area. When Ms. Xu told them that she didn't know the local practitioners, the police said that they would teach her how to be a spy and that someone would introduce her to the local practitioners. In September Ms. Xu was arrested. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Persecution Cases of Practitioners Detained in Beijing Qianjin Prison
2010-10-15Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pang You was previously sentenced to eight years in Beijing Qianjin Prison. He recently received an additional sentence of four years, and is currently on a hunger strike to protest. In response, more than ten prison guards, including Chen Jun, have taken turns to torture him. His body is extremely emaciated, and his family is very concerned. During his time in prison, Mr. Pang was shackled whenever he was allowed to walk outside, and he was often shocked with electric batons. When he went on a hunger strike, the prison guards surrounded him and assaulted him with electric batons.
Teacher Zhu, Everyone is Looking Forward to Your Return Home
2010-10-14I remembered my chemistry teacher, Ms. Zhu Huimin, whom I had studied with at the Wuhan First Business Vocational School. I went to visit her and she looked very excited and told me that she was practising Falun Gong. Ms. Zhu simply said that after she started practising Falun Gong, her headaches, insomnia and all other diseases disappeared. I was worried about Ms. Zhu at that time because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was doing so many bad things, including defamation, disinformation, and attacks against Falun Gong. Ms. Zhu was handing out flyers in a shopping centre and the police had sent her to Hewan Labour Camp for a year of forced labour.
Ms. Du Xiuying Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp, Having Already Lost Her Husband and Brother-in-law in the Persecution
2010-10-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Du Xiuying and other practitioners were reported and arrested by the authorities while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong on September 12th, in Harbin City. They were all detained at Hulan District Detention Centre. Ms. Du Xiying was sentenced to forced labour. In the brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party regime, Ms. Du Xiying's husband, Mr. Yu Huaicai, and her brother-in-law Mr. Li Min, were tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities.
Ms. Li Suyun and Mr. He Yaoduo Inhumanly Persecuted
2010-10-14Ms. Li Suyun, 37, was reported to authorities while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Shulan County, Jilin Province, in November 2005, and subsequently arrested by police. The police station employed four criminals to torture her. The criminals punched and kicked her, dragged her by the hair and smashed her head against the wall, then force-fed her with mustard oil while she sat on a torture instrument called a "tiger bench". The brutal torture lasted twenty-four hours straight.