Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Respected Middle School Teacher and His Mother Both Sentenced to Prison
2010-07-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Yuchun is a history teacher. In his life he follows the principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" and is widely recognised as a good teacher. In July 2009, when Mr. Zhu was making informational materials, he explained the facts about Falun Gong to the personnel working in the printing shop. However, since the people working there had been deceived and lied to about Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party, they reported him to the local government. Mr. Zhu was arrested and detained in the Yixing Detention Centre. In March 2010, Mr. Zhu was sentenced to four years of imprisonment by a local court. His mother, Ms. Wang Juying, was sentenced to three years.
Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners Rampant in Jinan Province Women's Prison
2010-07-04The Jinan Province Women's Prison orders prisoners to violently "transform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. Victims were forced to be silent during beatings, not to spit blood, and to swallow their knocked out teeth. When a practitioner refused to write statements to renounce practising Falun Gong, half a dozen prisoners jumped on her and beat her. If blood dropped on the ground, the prisoners dragged the victim by the hair , pushed her down, and forced her to lick the blood. In addition, they punished her by slapping her face more than 200 times, or beating her with books, shoes, or other objects until they were tired.
Ms. Chi Xiandao Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
2010-07-04Ms. Chi Xiandao, a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested on February 26th, 2010, by the Domestic Security Division of Daqing City Police Department. After three months in detention, Ms. Chi was sentenced to four years in prison in early June. In addition to improving her health, Falun Gong has taught Ms. Chi to be more tolerant and forgiving. She became a better mother and wife. As a result, her family became all the more harmonious. Ms. Chi has faced numerous hardships in the past 11 years since China started its suppression of Falun Gong, but she remains steadfast in her faith.
Inside a Communist Party Court, a Lawyer Condemns the Persecution
2010-07-03The Xindu District Court in Chengdu City held a hearing for two practitioners Mr. Peng Changhua and his wife on May 7th, 2010. The prosecutor referred to materials confiscated from Peng Changhua's home as criminal evidence, including hundreds of Falun Gong DVDs and books. When the defence attorney attempted to defend the couple, he was often interrupted by the presiding judge. The lawyer was outraged and began to protest. He said said that Falun Gong practitioners were following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which benefits society in many ways and brings no harm. He also said it is a crime to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
College Student Detained after Nine Years of Unjust Imprisonment
2010-07-03Mr. Qi Changyin was arrested when he was a student at Heilongjiang University. He was just 20 years old when the Chinese Communist Party sentenced him to nine years for practising Falun Gong. Mr. Qi was brutally abused while he was incarcerated in Hulan Prison the past nine years. On June 2nd, 2010, his sentence was up. However, when his family went to pick him up, they were told that he had been sent to a brainwashing centre by officials from the Wuchang City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).
Ms. Feng Yunqing from Beijing Persecuted in Shanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-07-03Ms. Feng Yunqing, a Beijing Falun Gong practitioner, has most recently been persecuted for two and a half years in Shanxi Women's Forced Labour Camp. She has served her sentence, but the Chinese Communist Party refuses to release her. Her family is very worried about her. Ms. Feng was persecuted three times by the Chinese Communist Party because she cultivates Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The first time was in 2001 for one and a half years; the second time was in 2003 for three years; this last time was for two and a half years .
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Li Zemei Now in Shijiazhuang Women's Prison
2010-07-03Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Zemei, in her 30s, was tried three times and sentenced to three years in prison on May 17th, 2010, to be served in Shijiazhuang Women's Prison. On March 22nd, her lawyer defended her for over two hours. He emphasised that being a Falun Gong practitioner does not violate Chinese law, and, because freedom of belief is protected by the Constitution, he requested Ms. Li's immediate release. The judge had to acknowledge that freedom of belief was protected by the Constitution, but they still did dare not release her.
64-Year-Old Ms. Geng Jin'e Dies in Custody in Beijing
2010-07-02Ms. Geng Jin'e was tortured to death in the Tuanhe Women's Forced Labour Camp on June 10th, 2010. The guards lied to her family, saying she died of a heart attack. After her family claimed that she never had heart problems, the guards said she died of a stroke. Under her family's continued questioning, the guards became speechless. When her family asked to read the medical rescue records and see the related video, the labour camp and Procuratorate pushed the responsibility back and forth, and they have yet to provide such records.
Over 30 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Laishui County, Hebei Province
2010-07-02Police officers broke into and ransacked Ms. Yu Fenyun' s home on June 12th. They took away her savings and arrested Ms. Yu. She was taken to the Shiting Township Police Station. Ms. Yu's husband, went to Shiting Township to look for his wife when he did not find her at home and was also arrested. The husband and wife were sent to a forced labour camp the next day, while their child was left at home alone and with no money for living expenses. In 2002, police sent Ms. Yu to Nanma Brainwashing Centre, where she was brutally tortured. She was not allowed to sleep for five consecutive days and nights, and was beaten every time she closed her eyes. One night, police tied her to a chair and force-fed her unknown drugs.
Mr. Wang Changzheng and Mr. Huang Zhiyong Sentenced in Wuhan
2010-07-02According to the orders of the 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong], the court in the East-West Lake Area of Wuhan recently gave Mr. Wang Changzheng, a local Falun Gong practitioner, a sentence of four and a half years for distributing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution. Mr. Huang Zhiyong was sentenced to four years. The court refused to give a written judgement to the families of these Falun Gong practitioners.
What Crimes Have These Children Committed?
2010-07-02June 1st, 2010 is Children's Day in China, where children are able to enjoy the festivities with their parents and teachers. However, this year marks the eleventh year of the senseless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and many innocent children continue to suffer as their families have been torn apart. In May 2008, 6-year-old Jiajia witnessed police brutality against her parents and grandparents. This left her with severe psychological damage and she was left traumatized by the whole experience.
Falun Gong Practitioner Tian Suohai Survives Four Years of Torture
2010-07-01Falun Gong practitioner Tian Suohai was arrested in May 2004. He was brutally tortured first with the "tiger bench" and then with the method known as "four horses splitting the body" (each hand is handcuffed, then tied with a rope; the rope is also tied to each ankle; four people hold the ropes, pulling in four different directions and the body is stretched off the ground), while held at the local police station. After being detained for 11 months, he was sentenced to four years in Lianzhou Prison. In prison Mr. Tian was forced to peel two large bags of garlic every day. If he could not finish, he was not allowed to sleep, so when the lights were turned off he had to peel by candlelight.
Ms. Li Caixiao Arrested in Sanhe City, Hubei Province
2010-07-01On May 25th, 2010, practitioner Li Caixiao was arrested. She was sent to Langfang Brainwashing Centre the day after she was arrested. With nowhere to redress the injustice, she began a most painful way to protest the arrest and persecution - she staged a hunger strike, abstaining from food and water. Ms. Li was force-fed in the Langfang Brainwashing Centre. The forced-feeding session was so brutal and painful that she almost suffocated. On June 3rd, Ms. Li Caixiao was sent home because she was very weak.
Jinzhou City Resident Ms. Yang Yuhuan Taken to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-07-01Ms. Yang Yuhuan is a Falun Gong practitioner from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. She was arrested by the police from Baoan Police Station while distributing informational materials about Falun Gong on May 12th. Seven days later, on May 19th, policemen from Baoan Police Station and Guta Police Sub-bureau of Jinzhou City conspired together and sent her to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp to serve a one year sentence. When Ms. Yang's family went to see her towards the end of May, the labour camp officials refused to let them see her because she had not been transformed. In reality, the labour camp was trying to cover up the abuses they had brought against her.
Elderly Mr. Liang Tingfu Dies as a Result of Persecution in Hubei Province
2010-07-01Mr. Liang Tingfu, in his 70s, began practising Falun Gong in 1996. Domestic security agent Sun Dehong kept harassing him and threatening him ever since 1999, when the persecution started. In 2001, Sun Dehong arrested Mr. Liang at his home. Claiming that Mr. Liang handed out Falun Gong materials, Sun often called Mr. Liang at home and threatened to take him to a forced labour camp. Mr. Liang dared not practise Falun Gong, fearing Sun might catch him. In 2003, Sun arrested Mr. Lian again. His health deteriorated. Doctors found several tumours in his brain, and he could not be operated on. His family took him to stay in a temple for one year, but his condition worsened. He died in April 2008.