Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Miao Tianzeng from Jiaonan City, Shandong Province, Twice Sentenced to Four Years Imprisonment
2009-08-20Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Miao Tianzeng, 33, was arrested by police in May 2008. He was sentenced to four years imprisonment in Jinan City Prison. This was the second time that Mr. Miao was jailed. He had been previously sentenced to four years imprisonment in 2001 and was cruelly tortured in Weibei Prison, Shandong Province. The prison guards forced Falun Gong practitioners to write so-called "monthly thought reports," they used electric batons to shock those who refused to follow their orders, and they increased the charge of the electrical batons, using them on practitioners until they could no longer move.
Mr. Li He, 59, Dies from Torture at the Jidong Prison in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2009-08-19Mr. Li He, 59, was tortured to near death at the Jidong Prison in Tangshan City. After Mr. Li He returned home in critical condition, the authorities continued to harass him. The local 610 Office ordered people to monitor and pressure him, which caused him a great amount of mental anguish. He passed away on June 27th, 2009. Since the persecution began in July 1999, Mr. Li He was arrested and his home ransacked, sentenced to detention and tortured numerous times.
Two Practitioners Die in Suzhou Women's Prison, Anhui Province
2009-08-19On May 25th, 2003, the State Security Bureau in Fuyang City arrested Ms. Fan Wenfang and took her to the Linquan Detention Centre, where she was detained for more than six months. The police force-fed her with water mixed with hot peppers and unknown drugs. After Ms. Fan was sentenced to a seven-year term in prison she was taken to the Suzhou Women's Prison in Anhui Province, where she suffered persecution for more than one year. Every day they would gag her mouth with a cloth, pull her hair, and grab her legs and push her back and forth on the ground as if pulling a wheelbarrow. She lost all her teeth due to the brutal forced-feedings. In 2005, the prison officials declared that Ms. Fan Wenfang had died.
Cui Junchen's Family in Wucheng County, Shandong Province Persecuted For Ten Years
2009-08-19On July 20th, 2009, more than 20 police officers intruded into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cui Junchen's home and arrested him and his daughter. In the last ten years Mr. Cui's home was ransacked seven times. Between the family members, there were 13 arrests and imprisonments. Mr. Cui was sent to forced labour for two years. He lost several hundred thousands of yuan in his business of forestry. His mother died because of the persecution. His wife was sent to 18 months of forced labour. Tens of thousands of yuan was extorted from the family.
Sixteen-year-old Miss Sun Xinjuan Detained in Tancheng County, Shandong Province
2009-08-19In late July 2009, police arrested sixteen-year-old Miss Sun Xinjuan because she distributed materials about Falun Gong. She is currently detained at Linyi City Brainwashing Centre. During the summer exam, Miss Sun took some leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong from her mother to leave at school for her teachers and fellow students to take. She hoped that they could learn the truth and not be misled by the Chinese Communist Party's fabricated lies and propaganda. An administrator found the materials. The school authorities took her to the police station. Her parents were also arrested and sent to a detention centre.
Ms. Dang Huiying, 53, Persecuted at Three Different Forced Labour Camps
2009-08-18Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dang Huiying had been successively held at the Baoding Forced Labour Camp, the Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp and the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, and persecuted for six years just for speaking out for justice for Falun Gong to the government. She said about her experience: "In Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp, I was forced to be "transformed". The guards force fed me with chilli mixed with essential balm, alkali and salt, which hurt so much that I couldn't help yelling. I once saw the guards pry open the teeth of Ms. Zhang Rongjie. She refused to open her mouth, so the guards pulled four of her front teeth out with pliers. Blood filled her mouth; her screams spread throughout the whole women's labour camp."
Three Women from Wei County, Hebei Province Beaten and Tortured by the Police
2009-08-18On July 15th, 2009, a horrible scene was staged in the Xiheying Town Police Station of Wei County, Hebei Province. The victims were three women who practise Falun Gong. One of them was with her 2-year-old daughter. Four to five policemen, uttering abusive words, cruelly beat them, slapped them in the face, shocked them with electric batons and choked them with cigarette smoke. When a group of police became too tired to continue the beating, another group of police would step in to continue the abuse.
Mr. Zheng Fangjun Dies from the Persecution He Endured While in a Forced Labour Camp
2009-08-18Mr. Zheng Fangjun served two sentences in the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp. Throughout his confinement, he persisted in his beliefs and refused to write a repentance statement, or letter denouncing Falun Gong. As a result, he was held in the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp for an additional term. After his release in 2005, he was taken to the Guananju Police Station. The officials intended to transfer Mr Zheng to a brainwashing centre for further persecution, but Mr. Zheng escaped by jumping into a river at night, and forced to leave home in order to avoid further persecution. During this period, he could not eat properly and developed asthma as a result of the persecution. He died on July 21st, 2009, at only 44 years of age.
Ms. Zhang Yancun Beaten and Sexually Abused at Hebei Women's Forced Labour Camp
2009-08-18Ms. Zhang Yancun is a Falun Gong practitioner. On September 19th, 2008, Liu Ziwei forced Ms. Zhang to have her hair cut. When she resisted, Liu Ziwei, along with other guards took off Ms. Zhang clothes and shocked her with electric batons for 40 minutes until her face turned pale and her body was trembling. Hiding their criminal deeds, Liu Ziwei and her associates confined her in a separate cell and handcuffed her to the radiator, forcing her to sit in the same position for 48 hours. She had to eat and relieve herself in that small cell. Liu Ziwei instructed drug addicts to strip all of Zhang Yanchun's clothes off to beat and sexually abuse her. They not only tore the hair out of her head, but also tore out her pubic hair.
Ms. Guo Chuanshu, 62, Dies in Custody at Chongqing Women's Prison
2009-08-17Ms. Guo Chuanshu, 62 and retired, was transferred to the Chongqing City Women's Prison on November 14th, 2008, and died there on August 9th, 2009. She was arrested 6 times, twice sent to a forced labour camp, and twice sentenced to prison. She was once paralysed due to the torture she suffered in the Chongqing City Women's Prison.
At Least 25 Practitioners Employed at the Daqing City Oil Field Tortured to Death by the Communist Regime
2009-08-17Because he refused to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at the Daqing Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Wang Bin, 47, was brutally tortured on September 27th, 2000. He sustained a ruptured carotid artery, ruptured blood vessels, and fractures. His tonsils and lymph nodes were ruptured as well. The backs of his hands showed infected cigarette burns. Cigarette butts were inserted into his nose and burned him. He was completely bruised. After he was beaten to death, his organs were removed.
Mr. Gao Ke Tortured in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2009-08-17Mr. Gao Ke is a teacher in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. However, during the past ten years, he has been arrested by the police eight times for talking to people about the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong, his home was ransacked seven times, he was sentenced to forced labour four times and fined on numerous occasions, and his wages were withheld and reduced, causing him a financial loss of several tens of thousands of yuan. Most recently he was the object of inhuman abuse in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. To avoid further arrests and persecution, Mr. Gao has fled home and is now forced to be homeless.
The Persecution of Ms. Zhang Yingji, an Ethnic Korean Practitioner from Yanbian
2009-08-17Ms. Zhang Yingji has often been harassed by police since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999 and she was once sentenced to a year of forced labour in 2007. In the labour camp, the guard assigned several people to monitor her, try to brainwash her, and verbally abuse and threaten her. At the beginning, she was not allowed to sleep. Later they forced her to work in the workshop but told her to guarantee that she wouldn't promote Falun Gong in the workshop. When she refused to write the guarantee statement, they forced her to sign a statement someone else had written.
Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioner Forcibly Taken Away While Visiting Relatives in China
2009-08-16Because she practises Falun Gong, Ms. Shao Yuhua, a permanent resident of Taiwan, was forcibly taken away by agents from the Chinese Communist Party National Security Bureau on the morning of July 31st, 2009. She had travelled to China to visit relatives in Nanyang, Henan Province. Her whereabouts remain unknown. According to Ms. Xiao, who lives in the same city, agents from the National Security Bureau first deceived Ms. Shao with a phone call and coerced her into leaving her sister's home. They then forcibly took her away and searched her sister's home, confiscating her money, passport and luggage. They then took away Shao Yuhua's sister Shao Yuxiu as well.
The Chinese Communist Party Has Committed Many Serious Crimes in Ten Years of Persecuting Falun Gong
2009-08-16The total number of reported cases of persecution collected by the Minghui Data Centre were 48,085 (from June 1st, 2002 to July 15th, 2009). As of July 15th, 2009, a total of 3,294 Falun Gong practitioners are confirmed to have died as a direct result of the persecution. These death cases are spread out over 31 provinces and autonomous regions in China. Of these deaths, 53.46 per cent or 1,716 of the victims were women, and 43.05 per cent or 1,418 of the victims were men. In 115 death cases or 3.49 per cent the gender of the victim is unknown. On average, 27 practitioners have died each month.