Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Police Beat Ms. Zhao Qunlan and Arrested Practitioners Who Attended Her Trial in Yueyang City Court
2009-08-31On August 4th, the Junshan District Court in Yueyang City held a court session to try Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Qunlan. During the session, the police harassed Ms. Zhao's two lawyers, threatened and arrested practitioners who came to watch the trial, and shocked Ms. Zhao with an electric baton after the trial. The two lawyers pleaded not guilty for Ms. Zhao, and praised Falun Gong practitioners as true heroes.
Attorneys Barred from Seeing their Client Mr. Gu Huaibing File Complaints against the Domestic Security Division in Chengdu City
2009-08-31On July 21st, 2009, Mr. Gu Huaibing was arrested by officers from the Tiaosanta Police Station. On August 5th, Mr. Li Jinglin and Mr. Lan Zhixue, two attorneys representing Mr. Gu, requested to meet with their client according to the law but were rejected by the chief of the Wuhou District Domestic Security Division, Chengdu City. Both attorneys have filed complaints with the Chengdu City Procuratorate and other relevant authorities against the unlawful actions of the Chengdu City Detention Centre, the Legislative Affairs Section of the Public Security Department, Wuhou Branch and the chief of the Wuhou District Domestic Security Division.
Attorneys Sue National Security Team in Wuhou for Denying Attorney Rights to Meet With Gu Huaibing
2009-08-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Gu Huaibing was arrested at his job by officers from the Tiaosanta Police Station on the evening of July 21st, 2009, and he was detained on criminal charges the next day. On August 5th-6th, his lawyer requested a meeting with him but was turned down by the team leader of the National Security Team in Wuhou. On August 13th, two attorneys, Lan zhixue and Li Jinglin, brought suit against the Procuratorate of Chendu City and the relevant departments. The team leader of the National Security Team of Wuhou violated the law by denying the requested meeting between the lawyers and Mr. Gu, hindering the attorneys and depriving the attorney's right to see their client.
Former President of Nanyang Construction Group Arrested While Purchasing An Airline Ticket
2009-08-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Xinguang, who is in his fifties, was the former president of Nanyang Construction Group. Mr. Li was on a business trip to Beijing on the morning of June 23rd, 2009, and when he used his personal identification card to purchase an airline ticket, the airline identified him as a Falun Gong practitioner, and he was then detained. On June 26th, he was sent back to a local police station by the Wolong Police Station in Nanyang. His home was ransacked by the police, and he is now being detained at Nanyang First Detention Centre
Ms. Lv Guiru from Lanzhou City Forced to become Homeless Two Years Ago
2009-08-30On October 27th, 2007 police officers from Lanzhou City, Gansu Province broke into 66-year-old Ms. Lv Guiru's home and attempted to force her to write a guarantee letter to give up Falun Gong by threatening to put her into a jail and to implicate her relatives. However, Ms. Lv refused them. Afterwards, Ms. Lv was forced to leave home. Since then, for almost two years officials from the Donggangxilu Police Station have continually sent workers from the Tianshui Road Community and some people to monitor her home and bang on her door.
High School Student Ms. Cao Rui Expelled for Practising Falun Gong
2009-08-30Ms. Cao Rui was a high school student. School officials dismissed her in December 2007 for refusing to sign her name on an anti-Falun Gong campaign document. With help from her relatives and friends, she eventually graduated from another school. In November 2000 Cao Rui and her mum went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. They were arrested. Schoolteachers and police worked together to "reform" her, forcing her to listen to slanderous propaganda. They also made her write a promise to give up Falun Gong; otherwise, they would intimidate and threaten her to write a letter to her mum in a labour camp, asking her to stop practising Falun Gong.
Mr. Tian Haitao Brutally Mistreated and in Critical Condition in Jiamusi Detention Centre
2009-08-29Mr. Tian Haitao, 46, was arrested by police officers that were monitoring him when he visited the home of a fellow practitioner on February 12th, 2009. The police confiscated all his personal belongings and over 1,500 yuan in cash. One of the officers hit him several times during the arrest. He was then taken to Jiamusi Detention Centre in the evening. Mr. Tian went on a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment. The guard ordered 8 to 9 prisoners to force him down, pry his mouth open, and insert a tube to force feed him salty liquid food. He was also injected with unknown drugs. Later his whole body would hurt.
Police Use Tear Gas and Axe to Break Into Mr. Zhang Yu's Home in Manchuri City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
2009-08-29On August 8th, 2009, several dozen police officers smashed a window and threw tear gas into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Yu's home, with no regard for the fact that Mr. Zhang's elderly, sick parents and his teenage daughter were inside. Military police then went into Mr. Zhang's home through the broken window. Because the police had broken the lock on Mr. Zhang's door, it could not be opened, so the police used a firefighter's ax to break down the door and took the family of five away. Mr. Zhang's family was arrested because he and his wife practise Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Mr. Zhang and his wife were detained in the Manchuri City Detention Centre.
610 Office Agents Subject Mr. Feng Lianhua to Long Term Persecution
2009-08-29During the past ten years, Mr. Feng Lianhua has repeatedly suffered persecution at the hands of the Jianxi District 610 Office because he persists in practising Falun Gong. Mr. Feng was arrested, brainwashed, harassed, and had money extorted from him many times. His wife could not endure the long-term harassment and intimidation. She died in March 2003. In Luoyang Detention Centre Mr. Feng was forced to perform hard labour from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. the following day during his month-long detention. In 2002 and 2007, everyone at his company got a merit raise except Mr. Feng. From July 1999 to the present, every year he was entitled to receive a bonus for Teacher's Day, an end of the year bonus, and labour compensation. But he never received a penny of these bonuses.
Zhao Guihong from Guiyang City Still Detained in Lannigou Brainwashing Centre
2009-08-29Police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Guihong and sent her to the Lannigou Brainwashing Centre. It happened as she informed people about the persecution of Falun Gong and dispelled the state propaganda attacking the practice at her own store on July 9th, 2009. She has still not been released. Ms. Zhao's family knows about the cruelty of the Chinese Communist Party. They have suffered from enormous mental pressure. Ms. Zhao's father has been sick and hospitalized, and other family members have also been impacted to varying degrees.
Mr. Peng Guangrong, 61, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-08-28Because Mr. Peng Guangrong never gave up his faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, he was arrested and detained either in a detention centre or drug rehabilitation centre from 1999 to 2003 three times. He was forced to sort through pig hair as a part of his punishment. The guards assaulted him with spiked clubs, shocked him with electric batons, and handcuffed and shackled him. The guards also ordered the prisoners to strike him repeatedly in the chest and spine. Mr. Peng passed away in November, 2003, as a result of the persecution that he had suffered.
Mr. Wang Shiming and His Family Members Arrested Again
2009-08-28On July 17th, 2009 Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Shiming, his elder sister Ms. Wang Min, and their mother were arrested by police from the Tianjin Street Police Station of Zhongshan District. Mr. Wang and Ms. Wang are being held in the Dalian Detention Centre. Their mother was released two days later since their 90-year-old grandmother was left at home alone without anyone to take care of her. This is the seventh time Mr. Wang has been arrested, and the fourth time that Ms. Wang has been arrested.
Ms. He Yana Detained at the Tianjin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Causing Her Daughter to Miss School
2009-08-28On March 9th, 2009, practitioner Ms. He Yana was arrested by the police when she was reported by an informant while visiting friends in the Hexi district. Afterwards, she was jailed in the Tianjin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre and is still being held there. Her family did not have money to pay the "fine." As a result, the police would not register her daughter as a resident, which in turn made her unable to go to school. In the past five months, Ms. He and her family have suffered a great deal. Her mother suffered from throat cancer, and was unable to speak after the operation. She became inconsolable whenever she thought of her daughter who was being persecuted.
Persecution of Mr. Li Jianqiao and Ms. Li Xiaoyun from Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province
2009-08-28Mr. Li Jianqian and Ms. Li Xiaoyun are husband and wife in Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province. Mr. Li was a public servant, and Ms. Li was a school teacher. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong, Mr. Li was sentenced to seven years in prison, and Ms. Li was forced to leave home and go from place to place. The last time they saw their son was four years ago, when he was three years old. Ms. Li said in a statement: "In the past several years, my family's phone and mobile phones have been tapped and they are constantly being monitored. My family members and my supervisors at work were in trouble because of me. They have suffered tremendous economic loss and mental pressure"
Mr. Pang Shikun Dies in Custody
2009-08-27Mr. Pang previously traded grain, and mixed sand in with his grain to increase his profits. He was thus sentenced to more than a dozen years of imprisonment. During his term in Gongzhuling Prison, he learned Falun Gong and enlightened to how a person should live and became determined to become a good person. However, guards inhumanly tortured him in order to force him give up the practice. He was transferred to the Siping Prison, locked in a small cell with no sunlight or bedding, for 13 months. He had endured unthinkable torture. On June 11th, 2009, guards called his family, said he was dying, and was being bailed out on medical parole. On June 13th, Mr. Pang died in the prison hospital.