Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Thirteen Practitioners Arrested and Detained by Police from Anhua County, Hunan Province
2009-06-28On June 6th, 2009, about a dozen police officers from the police station in Anhua County, Yiyang City, Hunan Province intruded into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xiao Jianqing's house after they shut off the electricity. They arrested 20 practitioners who were having an experience-sharing conference. Since July 20th, 1999, Chen Yongsheng, the 610 Office director in Anhua County has relentlessly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. Starting in 2001, Chen launched massive arrests of Falun Gong practitioners and ransacked their houses, taking away all their valuables. His subordinate beat practitioner Zhou Fuliang to death, yet such a perpetrator has gone unpunished.
Details of the Death Due to Persecution of Ms. Su Yanhua from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province
2009-06-28Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Su Yanhua was arrested several times and detained for her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. While incarcerated at the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, she refused to give up Falun Gong. The guards savagely beat her, force-fed her, tortured her with the "Death Bed" and the "Big Hang-up", and shocked her with high-voltage electric batons. They forced her to sit on stools with spikes on them, which caused severe and irreversible injuries. She died on May 4th, 2009 as a result.
The Persecution of 80-Year-Old Ms. Deng Meizhen
2009-06-27I went to appeal for Falun Gong's human rights in Beijing, to tell the authorities my personal experience of benefiting from Falun Gong. But I was arrested and detained. Later I went to Beijing to appeal again. I was detained at the Dianbai County No. 2 Detention Centre. I was handcuffed to a window frame, deprived of sleep for five consecutive days and nights. I went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and they brutally force-fed me. One time, the deputy head of the detention centre pushed me and I fell down hard. He violently kicked me several times in the abdomen. Other personnel and practitioners quickly pulled me out, fearing I might die from his brutality. Another time, Deputy Head Liang pushed me and made me hit a cement bed.
Mr. Li Xiande and His Family Suffer Persecution
2009-06-27on April 23rd, 2008, while on his way to visit a friend, Mr. Li Xiande was arrested at the gate of Naji Garden by officers from the Songyuan City Domestic Security Section. The officers searched him, seized more than 300 yuan and his keys, which included his car and home keys. Then the officers drove his car to his home, arrested his wife and detained her at the Shanyou Detention Centre. Mr. Li's mother and his sister, Ms. Li Guixia were arrested the same day. Ms. Li's husband, a practitioner, fled arrest. Mr. Li was sentenced to a year of forced labour. His mother was detained for 15 days. His sister was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour. His wife was sentenced to a year of forced labour.
Five Practitioners in Cang County, Hebei Province Were Sentenced
2009-06-27On May 8th, 2009, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) court in Cang County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province sentenced five Falun Gong practitioners. Pu Jinfeng was sentenced to six years, Zhao Junfeng five years, Zhang Kanzhong four years and six months, Li Bing'an four years, and Liu Rujun three years and six months. At the beginning of March, 2009, Cang County Procuratorate made up charges and sent this fabricated case to Cang County court. The court then set a trial date for March 24th.
Authorities Detain Falun Gong Practitioners in Prisons or Forced Labour Camps in Tangshan City, Hebei Province
2009-06-27Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, a total of 58 Falun Gong practitioners in Tangshan City, Hebei Province have been sentenced to imprisonment. Among them, four Falun Gong practitioners have completed their terms and been released, and two practitioners have received suspended prison terms. At this time, at least 52 Falun Gong practitioners are being detained in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) prisons or detention centres and are there being persecuted. Since 2007, under orders from the CCP, officials have used the pretext of ensuring the "safety" of the Beijing Olympic Games as a justification for the persecution.
Ms. Su Zhifeng Dies as a Result of Torture in Jiangsu Province
2009-06-26Because Ms. Su Zhifeng, 49, distributed leaflets exposing the persecution and told people the facts about Falun Gong in the early years of the persecution, she had to leave town to avoid arrest and survive on the wages of temporary labour. However, in August, 2004, police arrested Ms. Su. They sentenced her to three years in prison in the Nanjing City Women's Prison. Ms. Su was severely tortured there. After being released in 2007, she was very ill and weak. She became bedridden, and her whole body was swollen. She died on May 7th, 2009.
Ms. Zhang is in Critical Condition at the Zengcheng City Detention in Guangdong Province
2009-06-26After being persecuted for close to nine months, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Chunhe was secretly tried and sentenced to three years in prison on April 8th, 2009. When she appeared in court, she was in critical condition and in a lot of pain. The authorities didn't care whether Ms. Zhang lived or died. Ms. Zhang appealed the unjust verdict and a new trial date was scheduled for May 15th, 2009.
I Was Forced to Drop Out of School When I Was Thirteen Years Old
2009-06-26My name is Liang Yan. My father is Liang Lijin and my mother is Yang Xiuqin. When I was a little girl, I witnessed the persecution that our whole family suffered for practising Falun Gong. This experience caused me a lot of mental anguish and scarred my heart. My school leaders repetitively asking me to break ties with my mother. So I stopped going to school. In March 2002, my mother was arrested. Later, she escaped and we lost contact with each other. In May 2002, police arrested my father and beat him.
Ms. Ma Jinxiu Seeks Justice Against Police Officer Chen Peiyi in Guantao County, Hebei Province
2009-06-26My name is Ma Jinxiu. I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Guantao County, Hebei Province. In the beginning of 2005, my husband, our twelve-year-old son, and I were arrested by officers from the Chengguan Police Station in Guantao County. My husband and I were subjected to torture and our property was ransacked by the officers. I was sentenced to forced labour. After that, my son dropped out of school, and we suffered discord in the family. Our losses caused by Chen Peiyi (director of Chengguan Police Station) and other officers are not recoverable. I am seeking justice against Chen Peiyi.
Ms. Wang Guifen from Changping District in Beijing Died Due to Torture
2009-06-25Personnel from the 610 Office, along with officers from the Domestic Security Division and the police station, seized Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guifen from Changping District in Beijing on April 15th, 2009. The captors took her under force to the Chaofeng'an Brainwashing Centre and unlawfully detained her there for nearly fifty days. Ms. Wang Guifen was cruelly tortured and died on June 2nd, 2009.
Mr. Wu Shanhai of Wuhan City, Hubei Province Died as a Result of Torture
2009-06-25Mr. Wu Shanhai was an elderly practitioner. Because he persisted in practising Falun Gong, as well as explaining the facts about Falun Gong, he was incarcerated and tortured. On July 10th, 2007, Wu was exchanging experiences with a few practitioners in a park. He was followed by local police officers and once again arrested and taken to the police station on the grounds of "gathering to overthrow the government" and "colluding with overseas anti-China forces." Three days later, the police ordered his family members to fetch him. At that time, Wu Shanhai's body was extremely weak and he could not eat. He had been tortured until he was on the brink of death. One week later, he passed away.
Ms. Li Bo and Mr. Li Daiquan Died as a Result of the Persecution
2009-06-25Mr. Li Daiquan, 56 years old, from the Nanpiao District went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, and March 13th, 2000. In the evening on June 24th, 2001, he was arrested by the Shaguotun Township Police Station for writing "Falun Gong is good" and locked up in a detention centre. As a result, he was physically and mentally abused. After being released from the detention centre, he wandered around to avoid being arrested again. He was sent home in November 2003 after suffering a stroke. He passed away on March 20th, 2009.
The Relentless Abuse Mr. Li Min Suffered Before He Died as a Result of Torture
2009-06-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Min was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2005. While imprisoned, he was regularly tortured in Ward 7 of Daqing Prison, and his health deteriorated dramatically, causing symptoms of a stroke. In April 2009 his family members, who were there visiting him, asked that he be released for medical treatment, but the request was denied by the prison officials. Mr. Li died on May 23rd.
Wu Guanzheng is Among the Worst Offenders in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-06-24Wu Guanzheng, who was the Shandong Province CCP Secretary and Political Bureau member, was assigned the responsibility of initiating the persecution of Falun Gong in Shandong Province. Wu Guanzheng committed uncountable crimes against Falun Gong. The number of practitioners killed in Shandong exceeds the numbers killed in other areas. The numbers of practitioners suffering in Shandong's forced labour camps and prisons are the highest in the nation. He is among the worst offenders in the persecution of practitioners.