Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
My Eighteenth Birthday Wish: My Father's Release and the End of the Persecution
2008-09-08In a few days I will be 18 years old, becoming an adult. However, I don't expect it to be a "happy birthday" since my father is not here with me. He is persecuted simply because he tries to be a good person. For several years my family had been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party simply because my parents practised Falun Gong. On June 27th, a group of people outside the door forced their way into my house. When asked who they were, they replied that they were from the Public Security Bureau. One of them said, "Your father practises Falun Gong so we have arrested him."
Forced to Hide from the Police for the Past Five Years, Mr. Lu Jun Could Not See His Mum Before She Passed Away
2008-09-08Falun Gong practitioner Lu Jun, aged 39, from Heilongjiang Province, was forced to leave home and go from place to place for five years. He was not even able to see his mum one last time before she passed away. Now there is only his elderly father left at home. Even so, the police still go to harass the father every day, trying to trick him into revealing Lu Jun's whereabouts.
Arrested, Beaten and Tortured with Electric-Shock Batons by National Security Police: Practitioner Liang Xiulan in Qian'an City, Hebei Province
2008-09-08Ms. Liang Xiulan, 42, is a worker in a hospital of Chinese medicine in Qian'an City, Hebei Province. She has been the target of frequent persecution by the National Security Team in Qian'an City. Earlier this year for example, Liang Xiulan was arrested, beaten and tortured with electric-shock batons by Peng Minghui and other policemen. On May 21st, 2008, Ms. Liang was caught talking to people publicly about the persecution she and other Falun Gong practitioners face. She and several other practitioners were arrested on the spot. Liang has computers and printers at her home, so her case was referred to the National Security Team. On May 22nd, Peng Minghui ordered Fu Yonglai to have Liang taken to a brainwashing centre, where a person named Yang slapped her repeatedly.
Mr. Zheng Shoujun Tortured to Death in Liaoning Province
2008-09-07Mr. Zheng Shoujun, 45, started practising Falun Gong in 1998, and he kept his faith after the persecution began in 1999. At the end of 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution, but was arrested and sentenced to three years of forced labour. In order to force to him give up his faith, the guards at the Zhangshi Labour Camp in Shenyang City tortured him over a long period of time. In a photograph here he is seen demonstrating one of the cruel methods of torture called "Chicken with a twisted neck."
Cruelly Tortured to Near Death at the "Judicial Enforcement Training Centre" in Beijing
2008-09-07The "Judicial Enforcement Training Centre" at Tiantanghe in Daxing District of Beijing claims to enforce courts judgements, but this is far from the truth. On December 5th, 2001, I was arrested without a warrant and taken to the Beijing Judicial Enforcement Training Centre. I was imprisoned for fifteen months, cruelly tortured and had to undergo forced brainwashing. Several times I was near death from the torture. Before I was taken to the centre, the police beat me with rubber batons in a secret interrogation room at the Beijing Police Bureau.
Cases of Persecution in Guangdong Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp
2008-09-07Ms. Wang Xiaoyuan, 50, is a practitioner from Zhuhai City. She had been in very good health, but when she was released after 19 months in the forced labour camp, she needed to be carried out by three people. It was reported that the guards tortured her brutally, including beating her and forcing her to stand in a fixed position for long periods of time, which led to her being unable to walk or take care of herself. However, the camp authorities still did not release her on medical parole. Instead, two criminals were designated to monitor her.
Shenzhou City Authorities Search Practitioners' Homes
2008-09-07On July 18th, 2008, officers from the Dafengying Township Police Station searched several practitioners' homes in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province. At each home, the agents checked the rooftop for the presence of a satellite dish. Then they ransacked every room, looking for Falun Gong books or materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. If they found anything, they extorted money from the practitioner (fines of between 7,000 to 10,000 yuan). Practitioners unable to pay the fines were arrested. When the agents could not find any materials, they questioned practitioners as to whether they still practised Falun Gong.
Ten-year-old Girl Brutally Beaten and Locked in an Iron Cage by Police
2008-09-06On August 7th, 2008, ten-year-old Cheng Siying gave some materials about the persecution of Falun Gong to her teacher, Cheng Zhongtao, who immediately called the National Security Brigade and reported her. Then, Gou Yongqiong, commander of the National Security Brigade, and two other police officers came to Mengdingshan Town Elementary School immediately and arrested Cheng Siying. Cheng Siying's classmates witnessed Gou Yongqiong violently slap her face. She was shackled and handcuffed then locked in a small iron cage. Gou yelled curses at her non-stop. In the end, Gou gave every student in the school money to encourage them to turn in Falun Gong practitioners. However, some students did not take the money.
610 Office Personnel from the Zhifu District in Yantai City Harass and Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Name of the Olympics
2008-09-06Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used the Olympics to prolong its final days by painting a picture of a "peaceful and magnificent era" to deceive the world. But its main purpose is to drag the world's people down and to bury them along with it. Three months before the Games began, nine Falun Gong practitioners were detained in the Zhufu District in Yantai City. It is impossible to estimate the number of practitioners that have since been harassed, monitored, forced to leave home, and become destitute.
Lawyers Representing Falun Gong Practitioners in Liaoning Province Say China's Judiciary Violates the Law
2008-09-06From August 4th to 8th, 2008, the Taihe District Court in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province put four practitioners on trial in a decision that stood outside the boundaries of any legality and did not follow Chinese court proceedings. Lawyer Li and Jiang remonstrated that all evidence against the practitioners was trumped up. They also put in evidence that the trial violated China's laws. Lastly, they charged that the officers tortured the practitioners during interrogation.
Crimes Committed by the Education System of Mancheng County in Baoding City, Hebei Province
2008-09-06As the Olympic Games approached, officials with the Education System of Mancheng County in Baoding City, Hebei Province, deceived many teachers about an increased wage and seized their identity cards. Their goal was to prevent the teachers from leaving town arbitrarily. From July 1999 to 2002, the county educators required all the teachers and students to repeatedly write negative essays and slogans criticizing Falun Gong. All the teachers and students were told to signs their name on a "Guarantee Statement" not to participate in any Falun Gong activities. Some of the teachers in the education department that had learned about the practice before the persecution started were forced to write "I won't practise Falun Gong" on the Guarantee Statement.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officers Seal Off Village After Mr. Cui Zhanxiang's Case Is Disclosed on the Internet
2008-09-05Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cui Zhanxiang, a resident of Liangtun Village, Botou City in Hebei Province, was arrested in May 2006. After he was forced to make a payment to the police, he was released. In June 2008, Mr. Cui was arrested again. Over a hundred residents of Liangtun Village then co-signed a letter asking the Botou City Court for his release. Police officers from the Botou City Department found out and threatened all of the co-signers of the letter, Mr. Cui's relatives, and their employers. Currently every entrance to the village is being blocked by people assigned by Xixindian Township officials. Everyone entering or leaving the village is investigated, in an attempt to keep information about the case from getting out. Currently Mr. Cui Zhanxiang is still being detained at the Botou City Detention Centre. Every day he is forced to perform physical labour and is physically abused.
"Falun Gong Doctor" Ms. Lu Yuying Arrested
2008-09-05On August 8th, 2008, Ms. Lu Yuying was in her home when ten officers from the Chengguan Police Department forced their way in and arrested her. They also confiscated her son's school computer. Ms. Lu ran a clinic to treat burn victims and saw patients with different degrees of scalds and burns every day. She would comfort the patient as she worked and sometimes played music similar to the sounds of nature to soothe the patient. The patients called her "Falun Gong Doctor" because she had an affable manner and always thought of their plight. This good person was detained numerous times for practising Falun Gong. Her family still does not know her whereabouts and they are very worried.
Ms. Zhang Shuchun and Her Family from Xinzhuang Town, Zhaoyuan City, Repeatedly Persecuted
2008-09-05Ms. Zhang Shuchun, 44, has been repeatedly persecuted by local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and police in recent years, simply because she upholds her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and strives to be a good person. Over the years she has been repeatedly detained and shuttled back and forth between detention centres and public security bureaus. Her home has been searched and her property confiscated several times. She was forced to wander about homeless due to the persecution. On January 8th, 2008, over 20 police broke into Ms. Zhang's home and forced her husband to disclose his wife's whereabouts.
Jining City Court Unjustly Sentences Three Practitioners
2008-09-05Mr. Li Ruifeng, 44, used to suffer from second degree hearing loss. After practising Falun Gong, he made marked improvements. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution in 1999, he appealed many times. He tried to use his own experience to tell others that Falun Gong is good and a righteous way. He was arrested many times, was sentenced to three years of forced labour, and suffered from torture such as the "back cuff," severe beatings, and being kept outside in winter. Mr. Li Ruifeng has been held in the Jining City Detention Centre for 11 months and has been sentenced to a 3-year jail term.