Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Wangcun Women's Forced Labour Camp Officials in Shandong Province Harms Practitioners in Order to Fulfil "Reform" Quotas
2007-08-26In order to reach their reform quotas, the camp's guards have adopted all kinds of abuses against the practitioners. The methods most commonly used include: 1) Sleep deprivation; 2) The use of several collaborators to indoctrinate the steadfast practitioners with fallacies and propaganda; 3) Long-term forced standing, making practitioners' legs and feet swell; 4) Prohibition of toilet use, compelling practitioners to relieve themselves into their clothing; 5) "Strict Control" team punishment, confining practitioners in small cells; 6) Handcuffing and beating practitioners and forbidding them to do the Falun Gong exercises; 7) Hanging practitioners up with only their toes touching the ground; and 8) Trying to force practitioners to sign or leave their fingerprint on the three statements.
Practitioner Ms. Yu Lili Detained in Weifang City, Shandong Province
2007-08-26On July 24th, 2007, police and agents from the Weicheng Public Security Bureau arrested practitioner Ms. Yu Lili. She is now held in the Weifang City Detention Centre.Yu Lili, now in her fifties, started practising Falun Gong in 1997. She often tells people how she has benefited from practising Falun Gong. Just for this, she has been arrested and persecuted many times. During July and August of 2003, she was detained in a brainwashing centre in Weifang City where she was physically and mentally tortured.
Body of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hu Yanrong Forcibly Cremated
2007-08-25Falun Dafa practitioner Hu Yanrong was arrested on August 1st, 2007 and persecuted to death on August 5th. Government organisations colluded with each other. They monitored and threatened Hu's family and had her body forcibly cremated on August 12th. Ms. Hu's funeral was hastily carried out under the surveillance of the higher government departments. Ms. Hu's husband cried miserably during the funeral.
Who Murdered Ms. He Yingqing from Hunan Province?
2007-08-25Ms. He Yingqing, a 41-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was tortured to death after eight years of persecution. So tragic was her death that many people are heartbroken and have shed countless tears. Her workplace--Hunan Biology Electrical Professional Academy announced that it was Falun Gong that murdered Ms. He. This is no doubt a result of the eight years of persecution and propaganda against Falun Gong, and also of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) poisoning of Chinese people's values for decades. They murdered Ms. He and then cheated her colleagues and friends from knowing the truth.
Daughter-in-law Arrested, Paralysed Elderly Person Helpless
2007-08-25On June 12th, 2007, Guo Hongtang, Deputy Chief of the 610 Office of Shouguang City, Shandong Province, together with four officers dressed in plain clothes, drove a black car without a licence plate to Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jiang Chunxiang's home in Shouguang City. Ms. Jiang's family members went to talk to the Party secretary of the village. The Party secretary phoned the police station to enquire about this matter, but the police denied arresting Ms. Jiang. The same afternoon, after asking for favours from acquaintances and giving away monetary items to insiders, Ms. Jiang's family members learned that she was being detained in a small cell in the police station. Ms. Jiang's husband, brother and sister-in-law were still not allowed to see her.
Supplementary Information on Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province
2007-08-25In Zhenjiang City, besides those who are detained in the brainwashing centre in Dongwu Hotel, nine Falun Gong practitioners are still being imprisoned, two of whom are over 70 years old, most probably in Dantu New District Detention Centre, have been detained for over two months. The detention centre authorities have not allowed their families to visit them. They have even boasted, "We will keep holding brainwashing sessions." One policeman yelled at the practitioners, "We will not give you anything to eat. We'll just tell your family members to pick up your corpses after you starve to death." In the detention centre, Chief Ma from Zhenjiang City Police Department ordered the prison doctor to mix unknown drugs into the practitioners' food. Now the three practitioners suffer from constant coughing and bloody noses.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Jiangbin Machine Factory in Hunan Province
2007-08-24After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, police often harassed Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Yaping. He travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong several times and was arrested, detained, threatened and fined. He vomited large amounts of blood and passed away in April 2003. Ms. Quan Huiping was sent to a detention centre. Three police officers from Yuetang Police Station interrogated Quan Huiping on February 8th, 2002. Quan Huiping refused to cooperate with them. One police officer commanded Quan Huiping to commit suicide and rammed her head against the wall so he could make a video to slander Falun Gong. Police chief Li Sheng and two officers interrogated Quan Huiping again the next morning. They force-fed her and pried two of her teeth loose.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at Changshou District, Chongqing City
2007-08-24On August 9th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Gao Yunxia was taken by police from a detention centre to a small courtroom on the second floor of the Changshou District Court building for a trial. The court announcement said it was an open trial, therefore Ms. Gao Yunxia's family and friends were seated in the courtroom. The judge announced that the audience could not talk or ask questions. Five minutes later, the court suddenly declared its verdict to everyone, except two who were cleared from the courtroom. Ms. Gao's relatives protested, but their efforts were futile. The prosecution had no physical evidence at all for what Ms. Gao was accused of. It was not a "trial" at all. Rather, it was a show trial.
Deputy Police Chief of Daqing City Police Department, Cao Liwei, Persecutes Falun Gong
2007-08-24Cao Liwei is the deputy police chief of Daqing City Police Department in Liaoning Province. He has been the chief criminal responsible for persecuting Falun Gong in Daqing over the last three years. In March of 2004, Cao Liwei, at the age of 52, took up the post of Police Chief, and continued to execute the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) policy of persecuting Falun Gong. There are at least 12 Falun Gong practitioners, all good people who followed a high moral standard, that were persecuted to death. On September 23rd, 2005, Cao Liwei colluded with the 610 Office and demanded that various police departments arrest Falun Gong practitioners across the whole city. A total of 200 police raided peoples' homes at 5:30 a.m., arresting 27 Falun Gong practitioners. During the "police" operation valuables were stolen. The police did not show any warrants or identification or provide any verbal reasons.
Details of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Peng's Suffering at the First Detention Centre of Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-08-24Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Peng used to be detained in Tiebei First Detention Centre. Mr. Wang Peng and some fellow practitioners protested the detention by having a hunger strike. However, on the fourth day of the hunger strike, the guards and prison doctor, Feng Dabiao, carried out a brutal and barbaric force feeding of Mr. Wang. They cruelly tried to insert a big tube through Mr. Wang's nose to force-feed him. However, Mr. Wang's nostrils were small, and the pipe was bigger than his nose nostrils. Feng Dabiao still insisted on inserting the pipe into Mr. Wang's nostrils. With the help of a few others, the force-feeding caused great damage to Mr. Wang Peng.
Another Kindhearted Person Dies Due to the Persecution: Commemorating Fellow Practitioner Mr. Li Enying
2007-08-23In February 2007, police seized Mr. Li Enying and took him to Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. In July, Mr. Li had just been injected with unknown drugs. When his family brought him home, he was already at the brink of death. His entire body was swollen, and he had great difficulty breathing and eating. He had a bad cough and was continually spitting out phlegm. Within just 13 days of being brought home, he died, on July 29th.
Police Arrest Mr. Zhao Hongxing, Whose Mother Died Shortly After Being Sent to a Retirement Home against Her Will
2007-08-23On July 3rd, 2007, there was a knock at Mr. Zhao Hongxing's door, and he discovered that a notice had been left for him from Dafangli Police Station, requesting him to go to the police station. When Mr. Zhao called the phone number on the notice, the contact person told him to go to the station to write the "three statements" to renounce Falun Gong. Between July 12th and 15th, Mr. Zhao was reported to the authorities while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution to people. Police officers went to Mr. Zhao's home and arrested him. His elderly mother was forcibly carried from her home and sent to a retirement home. She passed away fifteen days later in the retirement home at the age of 86.
Five Practitioners Seized and Tried in Ningxia Province
2007-08-23Ningxia Provincial 610 Office ordered police to arrest five practitioners after following them and tapping their telephones. The practitioners were detained at the Yinchuan City Detention Centre and tortured. After secret trials were held for the practitioners, the authorities set up another one at the No. 6 Court in the Yinchuang City Court on July 11th, 2007. The sentences will be publicised in ten days.
Police Arrest More than Thirty Practitioners in Dalian City Before the World Economic Forum
2007-08-23On August 14th, 2007, the police simultaneously arrested around 36 Falun Dafa practitioners. Among them, nearly twenty were arrested in one practitioner's house. The Xincheng Accounting Firm in Dalian City was ransacked and ordered to cease operations. Many practitioners working there were arrested. Their homes have been broken into and ransacked one by one.
Older Practitioner Mr. Ma Zhitang from Jianli County, Hubei Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2007-08-2260-year-old Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Zhitang was arrested at his home on four different occasions by local police officers. Mr. Ma was forced to write the "three statements" to give up practising Falun Dafa and had been fined more than 6,600 yuan without being given receipts. On July 22nd, 2007, as a result of such trauma and persecution, Mr. Zhitang passed away due to the recurrence of previous illnesses. His wife, his 83 year old mother, and a middle-school-aged child are living at his home and are without any source of income.