Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Xu Hui and Her Son from Liaoning Province Arrested in Tiananmen Square Over A Month Ago; Family Members Worried
2007-09-06Falun Gong practitioners Xu Hui and Cai Chao are mother and son from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. They went to Beijing together on July 20th, 2007. Mother and son unfolded a banner as a way of appealing for Falun Gong, but Beijing Tiananmen Police Station officers arrested and held them in the Beijing Dongcheng District Detention Centre for over a month. Her family members are very worried about them, especially for Cai Chao. When they saw him the last time, his face was swollen and deformed.
A Happy Family Is Persecuted and Torn Apart by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
2007-09-06In February 2005, because Ms. Shi Chunni, a Falun Dafa practitioner, distributed leaflets exposing the persecution, she was reported to the authorities. She was arrested and was persecuted for three years in Wang Village Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province. After Ms. Shi was arrested, her husband, Liu Sizhen, and her son, Liu Jun, were devastated. Liu Sizhen was distraught and drowned his sorrow and worry with alcohol all day long. His health became worse and worse. And he was hospitalised many times. Not until Liu Sizhen was on the verge of death did the police from Wendeng National Security Team send Ms. Shi home. He died four days later. The police wasted no time in taking Ms. Shi back to the forced labour camp.
Witnessing Atrocities in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province
2007-09-06From 2001 through 2004, the periods of forced labour in the camp were especially long and the work was especially intensive. Wake-up time was 5 a.m. We worked until midnight. Once we worked with dyed bird feathers. To keep the feathers from flying about, they had us close all the windows in the middle of summer. The temperature in the room was so high that it was like being in an oven. he dye from the feathers was toxic and irritated people's throats and harmed their health. We used the feathers to make handcrafted birds for export. On the boxes were American logos and dollar signs. The guards stayed next door and watched us work. They did not care how unbearable it was.
Ms. Hu Yanrong from Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province, Persecuted to Death
2007-09-05Seven police vehicles were dispatched with wooden batons, electric batons and picks, on August 1st, 2007, to arrest over 40 Falun Dafa practitioners at a meeting. Ms. Hu Yanrong was among them. She was beaten into unconsciousness. She jumped from the police vehicle, seriously hurt her head, and lost consciousness. Hu Yanrong died on August 5th, at Lingyuan City Prison Administration Sub-Bureau Hospital.
Mr. Zhao Baozhuang, a Practitioner from Changge City, Henan Province, Arrested Again
2007-09-05Mr. Zhao Baozhuang, a Falun Dafa practitioner and businessman was arrested the morning of August 21st, 2007, at his shop by police from the 610 Office in Yima City. Mr. Zhao had been under surveillance by police of the 610 Office for quite some time. His printer, notebook computer, and leaflets exposing the persecution were all confiscated. At present, the location of his detention is unknown. Since 2001 Zhao Baozhuang has experienced repeated arrests, detention and persecution because he refuses to renounce Falun Dafa.
The Persecution of Ms. Ma Qingxia and Her Family in Xiong County, Hebei Province
2007-09-05Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Qingxia has been relentlessly persecuted. She has been arrested, detained in a detention centre and forced labour camp, and forced to leave her home. Her family members, who are non-practitioners, have also suffered severe persecution. Her husband has been arrested twice for refusing to turn in other practitioners. He was detained in a forced labour camp for three years. Ms. Ma's mother-in-law passed away from the grief of missing her son and daughter-in-law. Ms. Ma's son was almost handicapped due to his parents being unable to take care of him. Even still, Ms. Ma's family is being frequently harassed and persecuted by the local police.
Chao Zhiming of Lingwu City, Ningxia Autonomous Region, Died under Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Persecution
2007-09-05For more than eight years Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chao Zhiming had suffered brutal persecution at the hands of the Chinese communist regime. He suffered paralysis on one side of his body and experienced speech difficulties because of years of persecution. With the return of his former illnesses, he died of a stroke on August 22nd, 2007. His wife, Zhu Xiuying, died on January 25th, 2006, also as a result of persecution
Practitioner Ma Yufeng from Zhaoyuan, Shandong Tortured to Death
2007-09-04Ms. Ma Yufeng refused to give up her cultivation, so she was arrested, detained, and persecuted by the officials from the local government and police station. In October 1999, police grabbed her hair, kicked, punched, and beat her with a rubber baton. Then she was taken to another room and beaten with an electric baton. The officers asked Ms. Zhao whether she would continue to practise. After she said "Yes," they beat her violently until she passed out three times and her entire buttocks turned black. Ms. Zhao died on October 7th.
Daqing City Practitioner Mr. Ni Wenkui's Life Is in Danger After Three-Year Sentence
2007-09-04Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ni Wenkui is from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. In the past eight years, he has been arrested and detained multiple times. He was sentenced to three years in prison and suffered inhuman treatment in Hongweixin Prison in Daqing City. After he was released, the local policemen constantly harassed him. His health never recovered and he become weaker and weaker. Now, his life is in great danger.
Ms. Yang Liu and Her Family are Persecuted in Henan Province - Her Disabled Brother is Imprisoned Four Times
2007-09-04On May 8th, 2001, Ms. Yang Liu distributed Falun Gong materials in a village. Police officer Li Xizhi arrested Yang Liu and interrogated her. Because she is small and her arms are short, it was hard to handcuff her behind her back to the pillar, so Li Xizhi yanked her arms and then cuffed them. The handcuffs cut into the flesh of her wrists. It was extremely painful. Then Li Xizhi started slapping her face. Li Xizhi ordered two police officers to brutally beat Yang Liu's buttocks. She was beaten so hard that she completely lost control of her bowels.
Unconventional Methods of Torture Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners in Binjiang Prison, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2007-09-04Binjiang Prison uses unconventional methods to torture practitioners. The guards in this prison do not beat or reprimand practitioners, but determined practitioners are confined to a small room. If they refuse to accept "transformation," they will be cut off from all contact with the outside world and will not be allowed to contact anyone but the police guards that are "helping to educate" them. The guards use their deceptive and corrupt notions to wear down the will of the determined practitioners and make them give up their righteous belief so they will accept "transformation." This method of isolating practitioners from the outside world for long periods of time results in their developing a distorted reliance on the guards.
Sent to Prison Once and to Labour Camps Four Times, Older Ms. Mao Kaiming is Persecuted to Death
2007-09-03Ms. Mao Kaiming, a Falun Gong practitioner from Xichang City, Sichuan Province, passed away on August 20th, 2007 at the age of 56. Mao Kaiming was held once in prison and four more times in forced labour camps. Party officials were monitoring and persecuting her even during her last moments on Earth. Ms Mao explained the wonders of Falun Gong to fellow villagers and told them about the wicked schemes of the Communist Party after the persecution began on July 20th, 1999. She was continuously persecuted for the past eight years through arrests, detention, torture and home ransacking.
Practitioners Brutally Beaten and Left Without Clothes Under the Burning Summer Sun at Daqing City Prison
2007-09-03On August 23rd, 2007, the guards in the Daqing City Prison in Heilongjiang Province badly mistreated detained Falun Dafa practitioners. Guards from the entire prison rounded up all non-practitioner inmates and assembled them on the marching ground. They then brutally beat the Falun Dafa practitioners left behind in the cells before dragging them to the marching ground. With more than one thousand prisoners assembled, five or six guards beat a male practitioner with a rubber baton and shocked him with electric batons. They stripped him, burned his clothes, and beat him until he could not move. He was left without any clothes on under the burning sun for hours
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuxiang from Changchun City Tortured to Near Death Many Times
2007-09-03In May 2002, police arrested Ms. Sun Shuxiang. Agents from the No. 1 Division of Changchun Police Department later interrogated her. She suffered brutal torture during the interrogation. She was tied up on the "tiger bench". With high voltage electric batons, the guards shocked her all over her body repeatedly, including the finger tips, hands and arms, head, eyes, inner mouth, breasts, ribs, private parts and the tips of the toes. They especially shocked sensitive areas such as the breasts, ribs and private parts. Her whole body was covered with blisters. She was still unconscious the next day and was at the edge of the death. Later the police had to send her back home.
Facts about the Persecution of Ms. Zhang Shoufeng in Zhejiang Province Women's Prison Over the Course of Almost Three Years
2007-09-03Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Shoufeng has been persecuted in Zhejiang Province Women's Prison for close to three years. Ms. Zhang was arrested in Wenzhou and persecuted for three months. In the middle of November 2003, she was sentenced to serve a five-year prison term. During these proceedings, no one was allowed to visit her, and even her husband was only able to see her once at the hearing.