Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Ms. Li Xiuying in Tonghua County, Jilin Province
2007-07-09Practitioner Ms. Li Xiuying is 54 years old. For eight years, agents from the Public Security Bureau, the local police station, and Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun have continued to persecute her. She was arrested many times, detained, and sent to forced labour camps and to a brainwashing centre. Ms. Li was tortured until she had symptoms of a severe heart condition. They sent her to the hospital, where she was tied to a bed every day and injected with unknown substances.
Authorities Ransack Ms. Zhang Xiuying's Home in Jimo City, Shandong Province and Arrest Her (Photo)
2007-07-08Around 9 a.m. on June 20th, 2007, police broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuying's home. Ms. Zhang, in her 60's, was arrested. Zhang had locked the outside gate to the yard as well as the inside doors of her home, but the police jumped the fence and opened the gate, then broke the house doors with clubs. They then entered the house and arrested Ms. Zhang. The police searched like bandits and everything was scattered in a mess. They broke ceramic tiles behind the kitchen, they broke off the door of a large dresser, and they shattered the glass of a door on the south side.
Shanghai Women's Jail Plays Brainwashing Tapes to Callers
2007-07-08For a long time the Fifth District of the Shanghai Womens' Jail has made use of a long statement slandering Dafa in order to "transform" practitioners. The head of the jail's middle team, Shi Lei, played the taped slander in a phone conversation with the daughter of imprisoned Hong Kong practitioner Ms. Zheng Aihua. In mid May 2007, Chen Muhan received a letter from her mother stating that Ms. Zheng was sent to jail on April 23rd, 2006. Her daughter called the Shanghai Womens Fifth District Jail every day to check on her mother's situation. When Ms. Zheng's daughter called on June 7th, 2007, the team head played the slanderous message, which curses Dafa.
Persecution of Mother Drives 11-Year-Old Daughter to Mental Collapse
2007-07-08Recently, a sad episode took place in Yanji City, Jilin Province. A teenage girl suffered a mental collapse. She attacked her mother, knocked out a tooth in the process and left scratch marks on her neck. The doors in the house were damaged and everything in the house was in disarray. What caused such a scene? During the past eight years, Jin Minghua was arrested several times and suffered unimaginable torture during her captivity. When Jin Minghua was finally released. Upon arriving home, the first thing she noticed was her daughter, Xiaomei's, strange behaviour. The once happy 11-year-old was now suffering from schizophrenia and acute mental problems. After several treatments, there was no significant improvement. Xiaomei's condition became so bad that she started attacking everyone, including her mother.
Mrs. Gao Caifeng from Dalian City, Liaoning Province Passed Away While Her Children Were Repeatedly Persecuted
2007-07-08Mrs. Gao Caifeng, mother of Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Meihua from Dalian City Liaoning Province, died from a cerebral hemorrhage on June 23rd, 2007. Her biggest wish before her death was to see her children. When she was conscious and heard that her daughter Zhou Meihua was coming, she laughed, but the old lady's wish was never fulfilled. After her daughter Zhou Meihua was abducted to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp on April 17th, 2007, Mrs. Gao Caifeng went to Masanjia twice to request her release. The first time she was allowed to visit her daughter. Her daughter had been tortured so severely that she was disfigured, and the old lady felt the pain.
Police Arrest and Cause the Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Minli from Jilin City, Jilin Province
2007-07-07Ms. Wang Minli from Jilin City was arrested on March 15th, 2007, by National Security Division officers. They savagely beat and tortured her. They poured a bottle of mustard oil in her eyes, causing blindness in one eye. They also broke one of her legs by beating her with wooden sticks. Wang Minli was tortured to disability. On June 19th, Wang Minli died on the way to the hospital. She was 43 years old.
Persecution Suffered by Ms. Wang Shuqin in Laishui County, Hebei Province
2007-07-07Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Shuqin was frequently persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the past eight years. She nearly lost her life while in detention at the Dongwenshan Township Police Station. Police savagely beat Wang Shuqin. They kicked her face and head with their leather boots. Officers kicked and stepped on Wang Shuqin's body with their boots and flogged her with leather belts. After they got tired, they took off Wang's shoes and socks and used a bamboo stick to whip her feet. The next day Wang's feet were so swollen that she could not put on shoes.
The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai Continues
2007-07-07Falun Dafa practitioners detained in the Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai have suffered from long term brutal persecution that continues today. The practitioners there are locked up with prisoners who have received the death penalty, and they receive worse treatment than those given a death sentence. Each one is isolated in a small cell 3.3 square metres, and monitored and tortured by three prisoners. The Chinese Communist Party is using this technique to try to force the practitioners to give up their belief. Many practitioners there have suffered neurasthenia due to long term torture, and their general health has become extremely poor.
Wuhan City Police in Hubei Province and 610 Office Agents Arrest a Falun Gong Practitioner's Family Members
2007-07-07Practitioner Mr. Zhang Weijie was taken into custody by police officers from the Wuhan City Police Department. His wife, Ms. Chen Man, went to Wuhan City 610 Office to request his release. Later, she was tricked into going to the Jiangan District Brainwashing Centre and detained there. Afterwards, she was transferred to the Erzhigou Women's Labour Camp. On June 24th, Ms. Chen Man's 70-year-old mother, Mr. Zhang Weijie's sister, and other relatives went to the Erzhigou Women Labour Camp to pick up Ms. Chen. Three police cars and one police van drove by, and the police took Mr. Zhang Weijie's sister into custody.
The Brutal Persecution of Practitioners in Yinchuan Prison in Ningxia Autonomous Region
2007-07-06The Ningxia Judicial Department and Ningxia Prison Management Bureau, controlled by the 610 Office of Ningxia, designated the guards and criminal inmates to persecute the practitioners. Some of the brutal methods used to torture the practitioners include being hung up, being tied up with rope, electric shock, forced bowing, "pushing the wall," detention in a solitary cell, being forced to watch videos defaming Falun Dafa, being made to write so-called "mind status reports," not allowing family members to visit, and working over ten hours non-stop without pay. The guards also designate criminal inmates to beat the practitioners.
Mr. Du Yihe, a Practitioner from Yinan County, Shandong Province, Is Once Again Unjustly Detained
2007-07-06Mr. Du Yihe, a practitioner, has been subjected to numerous forms of severe persecution in the past several years, including instances when he was tied up and beaten until he lost consciousness. In June 2003, he was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp, during which time he was tortured. He was released in May 2006. In May 2007 thugs broke into his home, ransacked it, pushed him to the ground, punched and kicked him. Mr. Du is currently being detained at the Yinan County Detention Centre.
Mr. Cong Wei, a Practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Secretly Sentenced to One and a Half Years in Prison
2007-07-06At around 4 a.m. on September 12th, 2006, police from different areas broke into Mr. Cong Wei's home by opening the door with a master key. They subsequently arrested him. At the moment, Mr. Cong only had his underclothes on. During the past nine months and on January 17th, 2007 and January 24th, the Ganjingzi District Court secretly held hearings on Mr. Cong's case. The court concluded that Mr. Cong was innocent and reported his case to the upper-level court and the 610 Office for examination and approval. However, Mr. Cong's family recently received a notice from the Dalian Detention Centre stating that the Ganjingzi District Court held a closed hearing on Mr. Cong's case again on June 1st, and he was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. Currently, he is detained in the Yaojia Detention Centre.
Four Practitioners Died as a Result of Persecution
2007-07-0671-year-old Ms. Zhang Jinrong, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa in May 2000 and was arrested by the police at the Shuangcheng Train Station. The next day she was taken to a detention centre, where she was held for half a month. While she was detained, she suffered terrible physical and psychological injuries. She never recovered after her release and passed away in September 2000. She was only 44 years old.
Mr. Li Yuzhang of Yishui County, Shandong Province Arrested, Family Suffers Persecution
2007-07-06On May 14th, 2007, police officers broke into the home of 59-year-old practitioner Mr. Li Yuzhang. Without showing any identification, they ransacked the place and took him and other relatives into custody. Mr. Li Yuzhang was detained at the County Detention Centre. His daughter, holding her niece and bringing along her son, has been to many offices asking for the release of her father. At the National Protection Brigade, deputy head Xie Fugui treated her rudely and pushed her out of the office. On the morning of June 2nd, she took her 7-year-old son to the detention centre dormitory with a sign hanging around her neck to call for her father's release. An official ordered officers to push her and the child into a car.
Ms. Zhang Chunfang Dies as a Result of Torture in Beijing Women's Prison
2007-07-05In the beginning of 2004, Ms. Zhang Chunfang was reported while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was detained in the Beijing Women's Prison for a three-year term. Because she was not allowed to do the Falun Gong exercises and because the guards mentally and physically tortured her, Ms. Zhang appeared to have many illness symptoms, such as high blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis, one side of her body going numb, nausea and vomiting. After being unconscious for more than ten days inside the Beijing Prison Management Hospital, she died on June 15th, 2007.