Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Persecution Suffered by Practitioners Mr. Su Huili and Ms. Sun Yuling Before They Died
2007-03-14In 2000, 610 Office officials arrested Mr. Su and detained him in the town government building. During his detention, police led a group of thugs to beat him with brooms and sticks while the lights were off. He was beaten all over and his nose and mouth bled. While beating him, they exclaimed: "You said that practising Falun Gong cured your hepatic cirrhosis. Today, we will beat you on your liver." They kicked him hard in his liver area with their leather boots. They beat him like that for several days, and his liver cirrhosis recurred. He became weaker and weaker. Mr. Su Huili died on May 2nd, 2001. He was only 36 years old when he died.
Arrest of Qi Wenbin, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang Province, Leaves Seventy-Year-Old Parents in Despair During the Chinese New Year
2007-03-14On the morning of February 8th, 2007, Mr Qi Wenbin was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. At 2:30 p.m. he was arrested and taken to the Dongshan Police Station by police officers. Qi Wenbin's mobile phone and the 430 yuan that he had with him at the time were confiscated. Qi Wenbin practises Falun Gong, cultivates to be a good person, and he refuses to denounce his spiritual belief. In 2002, he was sentenced to three years in a labour camp, and during that time he was continuously persecuted in the Shuangyashan Detention Centre.
Disabled Practitioner Is Dying in Hulan District Police Department in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-14Mr. Jin Chengshan, 46, is disabled. He is paralysed from the waist down and relies on others to take care of him. In March 2005, police broke into Mr. Jin's home without a warrant and stole 13,000 yuan. On December 22nd, 2006, police again broke in and carried Mr. Jin away on a stretcher despite his objection. He was taken to a high-security black building in the rear courtyard of the Harbin City Police Hospital. Sick prisoners are thrown into beds and the iron doors are locked. Mr. Jin has been locked up for more than 60 days. His skin is ulcerated and he is in tremendous pain.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Agents from Hulan District in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province: "They Will be Imprisoned As Long As They Are Still Alive"
2007-03-14On December 22nd, 2006, four practitioners from Hulan District were arrested. Among them were two practitioners with disabilities. Mr. Jin Chengshan cannot take care of himself due to his quadriplegia, while Mr. Cui Xin cannot walk because of a condition in his legs and feet. However, both of them are being detained in the back of Harbin City Police Hospital. Practitioners with severe physical disorders from being subjected to torture are detained and further mistreated there.
A Practitioner Recounts Three Years of Persecution In Masanjia Forced Labour Camp (Liaoning Province)
2007-03-13At one point, I was persecuted to the point that I could not take care of myself, but I refused to be "transformed." They took me to another room for new methods of torture. Guard Liu Yong hung me up for several days. One day he said, "Let's do some physical exercises." He pulled on my arms until he dislocated the joints. They burned my nose and my hair, and used cigarettes to burn my hands. They used wires to hold my mouth open and inserted cigarette butts and dirty papers into it. They used needles to puncture my back, hands, arms and head. They hung me by my hands and tied my legs and feet. They used iron wires to tie my knees. It was an unbearable torture, but I withstood it.
The Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Guangzhou City Railroad System
2007-03-13Ms. Fan Xiaofeng, over 50, was a retired worker from the Guangzhou Railroad Corporation. After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, she went to the capital to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Because of her persistence in the belief of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she was arrested and taken to the Guangzhou Brainwashing Centre for persecution. At 11:00 a.m. on February 12th, 2007, Ms. Fan was summoned by police. That evening, Ms. Fan was transferred to the Chatou Guangzhou Brainwashing Centre. She has not returned home. Ms. Fan’s home had been constantly monitored for a long time.
Practitioners Tortured at the Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
2007-03-13In the summer of 2004, policeman Sha Huimin led several inmates to beat practitioner Mr. Cheng Guangxing. They punched Mr. Cheng and shocked him using electric batons. They kicked Mr. Cheng onto the ground and stomped on his chest. They hit Mr. Cheng's legs with a pickax handle so viciously that it disabled Mr. Cheng. More than six months later, Mr. Cheng still had trouble walking. Detainees in the labour camp were forced to work on farms during the busy farming seasons. During the slack season, they usually had to work from 7 am to 2 am to make fake diamonds for the labour camp to sell to foreign countries. Every practitioner detained in Wuyuan Forced Labour Camp has suffered all kinds of tortures.
Details of Brainwashing Methods Used by Qingpu Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shanghai
2007-03-13Recently, in order to reach their goal of completely "transforming" former Falun Dafa practitioners who had been forcibly brainwashed, they prepared a rubber figure and said that it was the Teacher of Falun Dafa [Teacher Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa]. The prison guards ordered the brainwashed practitioners to beat the rubber figure to show their complete "disassociation" from Falun Dafa. They organised them to burn Falun Dafa books. Every one of them had to burn at least two books. The prison guards even said that only those who dared to step on the pictures were completely giving up Falun Gong. They would see whether they dared to step on the pictures and to burn the books.
The Persecution of Practitioners in Meizhou Prison, Guangdong Province
2007-03-13Meizhou Prison in Guangzhou Province is a men's prison. It is also an evil place detaining Falun Dafa practitioners from eastern Guangdong Province. In 2003, the prison established a special district and sent practitioners to different groups in it. Policemen designated several criminals to monitor and "teach" practitioners, and every practitioner had a special "guard." Dafa practitioner Zheng Zeqiang did not want to answer the questions as the guards demanded. Criminals Xie Qianglong and Xie Zhenguo, who were in the same group with him, stood behind Zheng Zeqiang when he was sitting on a low bench. Xie Qianglong hit his ribs fiercely with his knees and slapped or chopped his head and neck. Xie Zhenguo knocked his ribs with his knuckles. Zheng Zeqiang's neck was slapped until swollen
Additional Information about the Persecution of Xu Hongmei, Who Recently Died in Custody
2007-03-12Police officers arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Hongmei on January 13th, 2007. They brutally beat her, handcuffed her hands behind her back and hung her up by the handcuffs four times. They also handcuffed her hands in front and hung her up by the handcuffs once. They beat her so severely that she suffered internal injuries. In protest of the unjust detention Ms. Xu was on a hunger strike for 31 days. Even though she was bed-ridden they still kept her shackled. Xu Hongmei died on February 27th at age 37.
More Information on Mr. Zhao Shuiqing, Who Was Tortured to Death at Wangling Prison in Hunan Province
2007-03-12Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Shuiqing was sentenced to seven years in prison. At the end of 2003 (or the beginning of 2004) he was sent to Jinshi Prison and was tortured there for one month and then he was transferred to the Wangling Prison in Zhuzhou City. Two months later, Zhao Shuiqing was tortured to death at the age of thirty-two (this has been previously reported).
Mr. Zhang Hongquan, a Practitioner from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, Persecuted to Death
2007-03-12Mr. Zhang Hongquan was arrested in November 2001 for speaking out for justice for Dafa, and was taken to the Dumeng County Detention Centre, where he was beaten by the police several times and began a hunger strike that lasted for more than ninety days to protest the persecution. The guard force-fed him chicken feed through a dirty tube and he lost control of his bodily functions. In 2002 Mr. Zhang Hongquan was sentenced to three and a half years of imprisonment. Owing to the continuous persecution he suffered over the years, a hole formed in his lung, but he was only released after his family made several requests. Nevertheless, Mr. Zhang Hongquan finally passed away on February 24th, 2007.
The Torture and Harassment I Suffered at the Hands of the Communist Party of Huangyang, Henan Province
2007-03-12My name is Li Cuiying and I am 56 years old. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its head Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, I have been arrested four times without any legal process. I was arrested because I wouldn't renounce my belief and I appealed for justice for Falun Dafa and our Teacher [Teacher Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa]. I was tortured inhumanely. Once, when I was in detention with other practitioners, police put heavy ankle shackles on five of us and shackled us together. The shackles were so heavy that even a slight move would cause tremendous pain. We were forced to wear those shackles all day and night, even when we slept or relieved ourselves, for six weeks.
Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by State Security Agents in Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-12Following orders from Jiang Zemin's and Luo Gan's followers, agents in this bureau constantly provide "secret information" to their upper level superiors and have instigated numerous arrests and harassment. Over the past several years, many sites producing leaflets exposing the persecution have been destroyed; more than ten practitioners have died as a result of torture; and a great number of practitioners have been sentenced to heavy prison terms, thrown into forced labour camps, tortured and disabled. Countless practitioners and their families were compelled to leave their homes to avoid further persecution. Many harmonious families were torn apart. The crimes the State Security spies have committed are shocking and terrifying.
Mr. Zhang Guoli Was Persecuted to the Brink of Death at Dalian Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2007-03-11On February 14th, 2007, when Mr. Zhang Guoli walked into the courtyard of his home, unsteadily, with his clothes in his hands, his parents and elder brother came out from the house to receive him. They could hardly believe that standing in front of them was their beloved son and brother that they had been missing for many days. Mr. Zhang Guoli was so thin and disfigured that he was almost unrecognisable. The moment he stepped into the room, he fell down and lost consciousness. Zhang Guoli's parents and brother cried and ran over to hold him. owever, policeman Han Wei still said that they were not supposed to send Mr. Zhang Guoli home from Dalian Forced Labour Camp.