Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Torture Causes Mental Collapse of Qingdao City Practitioner Mr. Shao Qiang
2006-05-19In December 2000, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shao Qiang from Qingdao City, Shandong Province, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. He unfurled a 99-metre (325 foot) banner in Tiananmen Square and was later sentenced to 10 years in prison. He is now being held at the Shandong Province Prison. After he was detained, police beat him to the point of unconsciousness several times. After one particularly brutal beating he sustained a skull fracture. He could not remember anything and later suffered a sudden mental collapse.
Several Practitioners Die Due to Harassment, Intimidation and Persecution by the Xishan Coal and Electricity Group
2006-05-18Mr. Liu Mingzhong was an employee of Xishan Coal and Electricity Group. In late 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. After he was returned to his home area, he was detained at the Taiyuan Xindian Forced Labour Camp. While in detention, he was stripped of his clothes and had cold water poured all over his body. He was forced to lie on the ground, and the police splashed water on him using a broom used to sweep the bathroom. Mr. Liu was tortured to the point of dying. Only then was he released on medical parole. He passed away in August 2005, at the age of 68.
Further Information Regarding How Older Dafa Practitioner Ms Li Fengqin Was Persecuted to Death
2006-05-18Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Fengqin, 54 years old, was a very compassionate and benevolent person. On October 11th, 2005, Li Fengqin and eleven other practitioners were arrested and the police tortured her with brutal kicks. After being thrown into a car, at the detention centre, Li Fengqin constantly cried out in pain. Guards force-fed her. Li Fengqin said, "I am going to die if you force-feed me anymore. I vomited everything that you poured into me the last time." She became emaciated and passed away.
Eight Guards Electric Baton-Shock Practitioner for Several Hours in Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp
2006-05-18The guards in the second ward have used electric batons to shock practitioners. They tortured Mr. Li Wenming by shocking him with electric batons on March 13th, March 16th, April 10th, and April 11th, 2006. Each session lasted two hours, and there were as many as eight guards shocking him simultaneously. Mr. Li Wenming was dying after this cruel torture.
Suggestions for the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG)
2006-05-18I am a victim of Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. I was twice sent to forced labour camps and was detained for a total of five years. I have personally experienced the viciousness of the guards and witnessed how prison administrations covered their crimes when investigation groups arrived. They removed all brutally tortured practitioners, including ones on the tiger bench, ones cuffed on to the cement floor, and ones hanging on the heater pipes, to another place.
Mental Torture and Murder in the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong - Part 2
2006-05-18Following is the account from graduate student Zhao Ming at Trinity College in Dublin: "...They ordered me not to sleep for two days and coerced me to 'reform.' After I refused, they tied my arms, upper body, legs, and feet to the bed plank. Then they put a rope across my mouth and tied down my head this way ...They shocked me all over my body with at least six electric batons, each one capable of releasing tens of thousands of volts of electricity. It was tremendously painful. My ears were filled with the cracking of electric baton touching the flesh, and the air was filled with the scorched smell of flesh; each air particle was filled with violence and evil..."
Large Groups of Falun Gong Practitioners Were Transferred from Beijing's Xicheng Detention Centre to Shenyang City At the End of 2000
2006-05-17On December 30th, 2000, I was arrested and sent to the Xicheng Detention Centre because I held a banner at Tiananmen Square. At that time, many practitioners were arrested. We refused to cooperate with the authorities and refused to tell them our name and address, and held a hunger strike to protest the unjust arrests, requesting to be released unconditionally. Everyone was numbered, and I was given No. 779. The police yelled, "If you don't tell us your name and address, we will send you to the northeast!" On January 6th, 2001 many practitioners were called to gather in the yard. One policeman said, "We are taking you to Shenyang in the northeast ...." I did not clearly hear the detailed location.
We Will Live Tenaciously and Wait for the Day My Younger Brother Returns
2006-05-17My younger brother holds a Master's degree in medicine. He is 30 years old. He has always been a good student. He won several awards in different Olympic Maths and Physics Contests. He published articles in Hong Kong journals. His professor was very proud of him. Many other professors respected him as well. However, because he practises Falun Gong, they persecuted him. He lost his job and had to leave his home. He has yet to return.
Older Ms. Hou Junfang Dies under Persecution
2006-05-17In December 2000, Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Hou Junfang, 59, went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and taken to the police station and forced to tell her name and address. She was brutally beaten because she refused identify herself. Policemen feared she might die, so they dropped her off on the roadside. During the past several years, due to close monitoring and harassment by policemen and 610 Office agents, her health continually worsened. She died on January 4th, 2006.
Mental Torture and Murder in the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-05-17Practitioner Luo Qingshu, in her 80s, was handcuffed and hung up for a long time at the Gongjiawan Legal Training School in Lanzhou City. She was coerced to write "guarantee statements." Her legs swelled and appeared translucent; she could not even remove her trousers and could not bend her legs. Deep and long cracks appeared on her thighs and calves; her hands looked like balls from the swelling and she could not bend her fingers. Once, she was hung up for 12 days nonstop. She was not allowed to sleep. Guard Qi slapped her face and screamed, "If you don't listen to the Communist Party and don't reform, I'll hang you up hundreds of times, skin you and pull out your tendons."
The Custodial Station and the Public Security Hospital in Beijing Repeatedly Drew My Blood for Testing and Analysis
2006-05-17Recently, the knowledge that organs have been harvested from live Falun Gong practitioners in the concentration camps in Mainland China was exposed. I recalled that, even as they brutally tortured me, they were still very concerned about my health. It was only because the officers in the Custodial Station wanted to harvest my organs that they made such painstaking efforts to treat me "well." I totally refused to cooperate with them. I resisted the force-feeding, the drug infusions, and the blood and urine testing. In this way I narrowly escaped being killed in the concentration camp.
Wang Xiaodong Suffers Brutal Beating Aimed at Extracting a Confession at the Huadian City Detention Centre
2006-05-16Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Xiadong was arrested on March 11th, 2006. The police also went to his home and ransacked it. The police found nothing, so they took his mother with them. At the police station the persecutors tortured Wang Xiaodong in hopes of extracting a confession. They tied up him upside down onto a metal chair for 24 hours. His arms were handcuffed behind his back. He was forced to wear a rubber-lined metal helmet that was buckled onto his head. The torturers hit the helmet with a stick. According to the police, "This kind of excruciating treatment can shake the eyeballs out."
Police Confiscate the Funeral Canopy from the Home of the Deceased Mr. Wang Jianguo (Photos)
2006-05-16On April 30th, 2006, the head of the Changyi Sub-bureau of the Jilin City Police Department, along with 40 to 50 officers arrived in 13 vehicles at Mr. Wang Jianguo's home. The large contingent of police completely blocked the road in front of Mr. Wang's house and rushed into his courtyard. In just a few minutes they had ripped out a funeral canopy and plundered everything around it, leaving only Mr. Wang's portrait. They said that the funeral awning was "a bad influence." Mr. Wang's grandmother held his portrait and stood in front of the Jilin City Police Department and cried. She said, "My grandson died unjustly. Just because he practised Falun Gong and did good deeds, he was killed in the jail in only 40 days."
Two Elderly People Died as a Result of Persecution in Jiangxi Province
2006-05-16Ms. Zhong Weizhen was 63-years-old. Since July 20th, 1999, she had been harassed and persecuted continuously by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In January 2001, she was taken to the Jiujiang Forced Labour Camp, brutally persecuted and subjected to forced brainwashing. In March 2001 she was released, but her family kept a tight watch over her and did not allow her to contact other practitioners. She died on August 17th, 2002.
Girl from Jinan City is Forced to Join the Communist Youth League
2006-05-16The daughter of my fellow practitioner is a student in junior high school. Her mother was sent to a forced labour camp for three years. The CCP has not left the girl alone during the past few years. A teacher in the high school forced her to join the Communist Youth League. She refused, and the teacher forbade her from going home. She told her parents, "I cannot take it any longer. I do not want to go to school anymore." The whole class voted for her joining the Youth League.