Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Exposing Those Guilty of Persecution in Henan Province
2006-05-16Since 2005, agents from the Xiangcheng National Security Bureau in Henan Province have frequently watched and harassed Dafa practitioners at their homes. Ma Zefeng extorted money and gifts from practitioners and their families, ranging from 500 yuan to 2,000 yuan. He also demanded an additional 3,000 yuan parole payment from the practitioners' families. Niu Hanqing told Dafa practitioners' families that unless they greased his palms and treated him to meals, they would not be seeing their loved ones.
Mr. Wang Jingguo Tortured to Death, Jilin City National Security Bureau and 610 Office Threaten Family Members
2006-05-15Mr. Wang Jiangguo and his wife, Ms. Zhao Qiumei, from Jilin City were arrested on March 2nd 2006, by Nanjing Police Substation officers in the Chuanying District led by Tan Xinqiang. Ms. Zhao Qiumei was later sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Wang Jiangguo was tortured to death on April 10th at the Jilin City Detention Centre after he was savagely force-fed and tortured in an attempt to extort a confession from him. He was 30 years old when he was tortured to death. On April 13th, a memorial service was planned in his home, where people could come to express their condolences.
The Justice Department of Qingdao City Tries to Prevent a Lawyer from Defending Practitioner Mr. Cui Luning
2006-05-15After using threats to prevent lawyers from defending Falun Gong practitioners Min Huirong and Sun Hong, the Justice Department of Qingdao City became even more malicious in undermining the law. It threatened the lawyer for practitioner Mr. Cui Luning and attempted to coerce him into cancelling his agreement to defend Mr. Cui at his second trial. On the basis of professional ethics, provisions in the law, and personal morality, the lawyer refused to comply with this demand. An official from the justice department then called the lawyer's law office and tried to intimidate him into withdrawing from the case.
Four Practitioners from Heilongjiang and Gansu Provinces Passed Away Due to Persecution
2006-05-15Mr Jin Chunqing was 58 years old. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was heavily fined and was detained for eight months in Shuangcheng City Detention Centre. After he had been detained in solitary confinement, he was sent to the Wanjia Health Centre. The jail hospital doctor claimed that his heart was lacking blood and gave him unknown injections. Mr. Jin became weaker. The police often harassed him at home, and he was under tremendous mental pressure. His body showed abnormal symptoms and he seemed not to be very clear minded. He passed away on April 8th, 2006.
Guards Said Mr. Wang Hai Only Has Half of His Life Left
2006-05-15Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Hai, 39, was sentenced to five years in prison. Guards tortured Mr. Wang Hai in all sorts of ways, such as locking him to ground rings with handcuffs and shackles, freezing him by stripping him, electric baton shocks, etc. They would torture him 4-5 times per day. Guard Song Junlin beat Mr. Wang Hai every day and dragged him on the floor by the shackles. They had to send him to the hospital to treat the injuries inflicted during torture.
More Accounts Pointing to Illegal Organ Transplants in China
2006-05-15After the harvesting of organs from living practitioners was exposed, the Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui/Clearwisdom Web site jointly established a Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) on April 4th 2006. This organisation calls for the public to provide further information about the persecution. We hope that more people will come forward and provide information.
A Little Room in the Homeless Transfer Station in Guangzhou City
2006-05-14"My name is Fuyun. I was in my aunt's house looking for a job in October 2000. My aunt was a practitioner. One day a dozen policemen suddenly appeared in her house and ransacked it. They suspected that I had helped my aunt mail Falun Gong materials, so they arrested and jailed me claiming that I did not have an identification card or a temporary lodging card. In the jail, I accidentally discovered a very small room at the far end of the second story of the transfer station building. Its iron door was tightly locked and had a little square hole in the middle. The room was barely big enough for a small bed. The toilet was right next to it. Inside the room were six or seven people ranging from a nine-year-old boy to a woman in her late 50s. I learned that they were all Falun Gong practitioners."
Practitioner's Life in Peril in Detention Centre, Her Elderly Mother's Request to Visit is Denied Eight Times
2006-05-14On April 27th, 2006, an elderly lady came to the Gongnong District Police Department in Hegang City for the eighth time. She requested to see her daughter Yin Haizhu, who is detained and whose life is in peril. The two officials who are in charge of the case, gave the lady the run-around, telling her to go to see their supervisor. When the lady found police chief he told her that deputy chief Dong was in charge of the case. But when she found Dong, Dong was very rude and refused to let her see her daughter.
Retired CCP Huainan City Committee Secretary Mr. Liu Degao Died under Persecution
2006-05-14In the spring of 2000, 84-year-old Mr. Liu Degao was deceived into going to a brainwashing centre, where he was cursed during the day and forced to sleep on the icy-cold cement floor for one week at night. He was released after they had extorted 6,000 yuan from him. The town officials kept threatening him at his home upon his return. Under long-term threats and suppression, his wife, a non-practitioner, burnt all his Falun Dafa books, causing him to become painfully sick. He died on August 16th, 2004.
To the Citizens of Luannan County, China: Atrocities Are Right in front of You, Don't Disregard Them
2006-05-14Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Sujun is thirty-nine years old. Because her persistence in cultivating Dafa, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not stopped persecuting her for the past six years. She has suffered through different types of torture, including being "cuffed and hung up," "Tying the Ropes," "Dead Person's Bed," force-fed, shocked with electric batons and many other inhuman means of torture. In May 2001, the forced labour camp and "610 Office" forced Ms. Liu who was seven months pregnant into hospital to have an abortion. On November 25th, 2005, the "610 Office" abducted her from her office. She has been detained and tortured in the Luannan County Detention Centre since then.
Appeal to Investigate the Death of Practitioner Mr. Liu Dejun from Liaoning Province
2006-05-13On May 25th, 2003, Mr. Liu Dejun was arrested by police for practising Falun Gong. He was taken away from the Panjin Detention Centre in a car from the national security team. It was confirmed that Mr. Liu Dejun was still alive on July 11th. Mr. Liu was able to walk that day, but his family was informed of his death the following morning. The police officers' contradictory statements on where Mr. Liu had died made his death even more suspicious. The deputy director of the Liaohe Oil Field Police Station and a national security officer from the Panjin Police Station proposed an autopsy and pressured his family to cremate the body.
Despicable Means Used by the Fourth Brigade in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp to "Transform" Practitioners
2006-05-13Ms. Qi Hongjin was a Dafa practitioner who was highly educated. She went on a hunger strike in protest after she was sent to the camp. Staff members handcuffed Ms. Qi to a bed and told her they could "heal hunger strikes." They would not allow her to go to the toilet so she was forced to relieve herself in the bed. They scolded and humiliated her and wouldn't allow her to sleep. A guard later slapped Ms. Qi until her mouth bled and her face swelled. Ms. Qi was forced to squat for six hours and could not avoid relieving herself in her trousers and on the ground.
Recent Crimes against Practitioners at Masanjia Concentration Camp and the Hulan County Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2006-05-13In February, one guard ordered an inmate to drag a Dafa practitioner out in the snow and stuff snow into her clothes, while the guard was watching. On March 23rd, 2006, on the way out to work, several inmates dragged Dafa practitioner Jiang Chunxia; her hands were handcuffed behind her back; her mouth was covered with layers of plastic tape. The No. 2 Battalion leader Wang Yanping just watched everything. A fellow practitioner witnessed the evil behaviour and pointed it out. Wang Yanping threatened her: "We are evil--so what? I will move you to our battalion tomorrow." In the No. 2 Battalion, the inmates beat Dafa practitioner Xin Shuhua frequently until her face was covered with blood.
Five Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death in Hebei, Heilongjiang and Liaoning Provinces
2006-05-13Mr. Wang Jingzhi was 78 years old. He suffered from many kinds of illnesses, which all disappeared after he learned Falun Gong. After the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Wang's home was ransacked many times by the authorities, and his Falun Dafa books were stolen. In 2004, Mr. Wang was sent to a brainwashing centre, where he suffered from mental tortures and was fined. The unrelenting harassment and threats were a great shock to his system, and he died on July 10th, 2005.
Kindhearted Ms. Li Jinan, Where Are You?
2006-05-12Honggang was born to a poor farming family. His father could not afford to pay for his schooling. Honggang registered with the Hope Foundation and received financial help from Ms. Li. ring those years, Ms. Li cared for him in every possible way. She not only aided him financially with tuition fees for ten years., but also mailed books and stationery to him. Honggang lost contact with Ms Li after entering college. What he did not realise was in 2002, Ms. Li Jinan, a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested while meeting with another fellow practitioner, and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. She was also fired from her job.